In the fog, a huge six meter long iron bull rushed out and hit a boomerang head-on.


With a dull sound, the boomerang flies back at a faster speed, while the ferocious iron bull's speed is only slightly slowed down, but the speed is still very fast. The target is shiver who rushes forward against it.

Five huge ice cones joined in a line, and fell into the sky, stabbing the iron bull's head.

The iron bull raised his head and screamed. With a shake of his head, the huge horn easily smashed the ice cone. However, the speed was also reduced. The target also turned from shiver to Evan. In this guy's body, he felt some more disgusting smell and then hit him.

"Be careful!" Shiver yelled softly. The whip was thrown out and hung on the horn of the bull. Then he made a circle on a big tree beside him. For a moment, the tight whip only supported for a while, and then it broke into two pieces. The speed of the iron bull was slightly slowed down, but it was even more irritated, and his eyes also became red.

The other iron bull is seduced by Dennis and Scott, running towards the direction of Sam's trap.

"Let's run in the opposite direction and let them solve the problem first!" Shiver made a quick decision. He threw the boomerang in his hand and ran in the opposite direction. Evan nodded and threw out several ice cones. Although it was difficult to cause substantial damage to the iron bull, it still caused some interference. He also ran in the opposite direction with shiver.

However, after breaking Evan's magic, the iron bull stopped, looked at Evan and Xavier, looked at another iron bull that was about to disappear in the fog, hesitated for a while, and accelerated to chase the iron bull.

"No, this guy is not fooled. I'm afraid he's a couple with that tin bull. In this case, Sam, they're in danger!" Shiver's face changed dramatically, and he turned to chase the tin bull.

Evan also turned and ran into the fog, took a short cut and rushed to the position where the trap was set. Previously, McGonagall had made him suspect in the team, but now he had to make up for the crack, otherwise he would not be able to stay in the rose mercenary regiment.

"Father, do you hear me? There seems to be a lot of movement over there In the fog, Amy pointed to the front right and said that the ugly duckling also raised his ears.


MEG took the pesticide in his hand and pressed it down on the ground. He looked at a scorpion foaming and turned over. He nodded with satisfaction. He also looked in that direction and listened carefully.

There was a lot of noise coming from there. It seemed that some large animals were running. There was still a faint tremor on the ground, and some shouts could be heard. Maybe some mercenary regiment was hunting.

"I seem to hear uncle Tauren's voice." Amy's eyes brightened.

"Let's go over and listen. They may be in trouble." MEG picked up Amy with the bottle of insecticide in his hand and walked quickly in that direction.

The insecticide is bought from the system. It's an enhanced version of the insecticide. It can kill all poisonous insects and poisons in seconds. It's one of the best things to move in the wilderness. The key is that it's harmless to human body. Only the system can do this kind of operation.

McGonagall also got a compass. The magnetic field of Nolan is totally different from that of the earth. McGonagall didn't ask in detail how the compass system was made. After all, he refused to buy a satellite. He was very angry.


Two bronze bison appeared at the same time, which completely broke the plan of the rose mercenary regiment, and far exceeded the limit they could deal with. In the fog Valley, where it was difficult to find refuge, it was almost a disaster.

Dennis and they were also very quick to feel another iron bison coming after them. The one behind them hasn't reached the limit yet. If there is another one, Sam's trap can't be stopped at all. The most likely situation is that they can't catch both ends.

Of course, the key now is not how to catch the two bronzes, but how to make the members of the rose mercenary group retreat with the least cost.

"Here they are Sam listened to the voice and motioned Scrooge to climb up quickly. A big pit more than three meters deep and five meters long had already appeared in front of them, but it was earlier than they expected. Otherwise, he wanted to dig a pit more than six meters, so that today's task would be stable.

However, time is not enough now, so we can only lay the branches and grass that have been prepared nearby on the top of the trap, and simply hide them into the shape of grass. With the thick fog as the cover, we should be able to cheat the copper buffalo.

"Sam, take EVA and get out of there! Two ends are coming! We can't do it! " Dennis yelled, sidestepping to avoid the iron bull behind him. The huge mace in his hand hit the bull's head, deflecting it a bit, and rushing straight to the trap.

"Both ends! Bad Sam's face changed when he heard the words. He grabbed EVA's hand and rushed to the hillside. One end was enough for them to toss, and the other end was not what they could provoke.

EVA's face also became a little pale. After all, she has been following the mercenary regiment in the wilderness for more than a year. She still has a deep understanding of the power of Warcraft. She knows very well what level Four Warcraft means to them.

However, it was too late to retreat at this time. The first iron bull came straight forward and fell into a three meter deep trap, but the depth of three meters was only a little higher than its body. The mud on the four walls rustled down under its struggle, as if it could jump out at any time

And what's worse is that another iron bull, who is chasing after him, completely ignores their attack and rushes towards Sam on the hillside.

"Run up the mountain!" Sam pushes EVA to the direction of the mountain heavily, leans back like a bow, throws the steel fork at the iron bull, and at the same time pulls out the firewood knife at the waist to rush to the iron bull. Meanwhile, Scrooge does not hesitate to rush down the slope with the iron bar.

The steel fork accurately fell on the iron bull's head, pierced a layer of iron, but only left a small wound on its head. Then Sam and Scrooge were both hit on the ground by the horns of the ox, and vomited blood at the same time. They were seriously injured.

But EVA was pushed by Sam, only ran up a few steps, legs a soft, directly fell to the ground, looking back at Sam and Scrooge, and the fierce toward their own copper bison, screamed, directly closed his eyes.

"No!" Shiver exclaimed, and the mercenaries also showed their unbearable color one after another.

"EVA, don't be afraid, I'm coming!" At this time, a voice sounded, Evan flew out from behind the hillside, fell in front of EVA, hands forward, a thick ice wall appeared in front of him, brilliant ice flowers bloomed on the ice wall.


With a dull sound, the iron bull dashed against the ice wall, as if it had hit the heavy stone wall. It stopped abruptly. The horn left a pair of horn marks on the ice wall, but failed to break the ice wall.

"Master Evan! It's you who saved me. You're amazing EVA opened her eyes and looked at Evan's back in disbelief. She was surprised and excited. Her eyes were full of worship.

"It's blocked!" While they were pleasantly surprised, they were also a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Evan's magic broke out at the critical moment.

"If you're OK, that's what I should do." Evan supported the ice wall and said with a smile, but his eyes were not calm at all. He also felt the massiness and hardness of the ice wall. Can we say that his strength has broken through to level 4 at this time of crisis?

"Hey, brother spirit, I reinforced the ice wall for you. Can you not take it for granted?" At this time, a soft voice from the side of the hillside sounded.

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