In the family area of the miners in the north of the city, the low gray and black dilapidated houses have become brand-new two-story buildings, and the exterior walls have been painted bright green, blue, pink... Bright colors, making people feel like they are in spring in this autumn.

Dwarven craftsmen were busy in small buildings. The strong orcs built square stones on the walls. The old and women painted bright colors on the walls with paints. They all had happy smiles on their faces, just like those brilliant colors.

The children are running and laughing on the road paved with bluestone slabs. A simple football made of rattan has become their favorite toy. A large group of children are running with the rattan balls, and the laughter spreads all over the miners' family area.

The rattan ball was kicked out by the child who took the lead, and rolled several times. When the bicycle didn't have time to brake, it ran over directly from the top.


When the bicycle stopped, MEG looked back at the rattan ball that had just been crushed by the rear wheel and turned into a ball of flat rattan. Then he looked at the children who suddenly stopped to look at Meg's bicycle and the flattened rattan ball on the ground. They were also a little stunned.

"Woo woo - he squashed our ball. We don't have any ball to play with." A four or five-year-old child started to cry, and then the cry seemed infectious. All of a sudden, more than 20 children started to cry. The cry was so loud that it attracted a lot of eyes. Many adults wanted to come here.

"Don't cry, don't cry, rattan ball. I'll accompany you to a better looking one." McGonagall waved his hand and said, these little guys are really hard to provoke. Amy never cried like this.

"My Lord, Amy's father!" A surprise voice suddenly rang out among the children. A little girl squeezed out and ran to McGonagall happily. She looked up at McGonagall and said, "are you coming to see me? Where's Amy? Is Amy here? "

"Yes, I came to see Jessica. Amy has class today, so she didn't come, but you can see her tonight." McGonagall looks at Jessica with her head up, smiles, reaches out and touches her hair. The little guy still looks so cute.

"It's you! That man that day As the crowd gathered around him, an old man looked at MEG pushing his bicycle. His eyes lit up and he exclaimed.

The eyes of people who were worried about what happened to their children brightened up one after another, and they obviously recognized the young man who killed the bully.

"Thank you. Thank you for saving us all." The old man fell down on his knees with a puff and gave MEG three bangs.

The rest also pulled their children to their knees and kowtowed to MEG.

"Please get up, everyone. I just did what I should do." McGonagall quickly stopped his bike and reached for the old man. The rest of them got up, but their eyes were still full of gratitude.

The crying children took a look at the flattened cane ball, and then at MEG, with tears in their eyes, but no one would continue to cry.

McGonagall looked at those bright eyes with a mixed mood. They put on new clothes and their faces became bloody. But now what they had was what they should have. They were so grateful for the life they had bought with the lives of their close relatives.

The crowd was silent, and MEG didn't know what to say. He hesitated for a moment, pointed to the houses and said with a smile, "it's beautiful."

The crowd also began to laugh, and the once stone like face burst into a beautiful smile.

"Here you are, Mr. McGonagall!" Rebecca pushed the door out of the pink building next to her, with a piece of cloth embroidered with flowers in her hand. She looked at MEG and said with surprise.

"Yes, I came to see Jessica." MEG smiles and nods.

"Come in and have some water." Rebecca said quickly.

McGonagall was not used to being stared at with strange eyes by a group of people. After nodding to the crowd, he followed Jessica and Rebecca into the pink painted building.

The floor of the house is paved with bluestone, flat and clean. Although there is only a half old wooden table and two chairs in the house, it is almost empty, but it is better than the old house with air leakage.

"Please sit down and I'll pour you water." Rebecca said and turned into the back room. MEG opened his chair and sat down. Looking at Jessica, who was sitting opposite with her chin in her hands, she said with a smile, "what's Jessica thinking?"

"I wonder if Amy will come in the evening? Because you just said I'll see her in the evening. " Said Jessica, full of anticipation.

"No, I'm here to invite Jessica to the Mid Autumn Festival party. We're going to have a big party tonight. Do you want to join Jessica?" McGonagall said, smiling at Jessica.

"Party! Can I really go? " Jessica's eyes lit up and she looked at MEG strangely.

"Of course, both Jessica's children and your mother's can come." MEG nodded seriously.

"I'll trouble you again." Rebecca came out with a bowl of water and gently put it in front of MEG, shaking her head in embarrassment.

"How can it be troublesome? Everyone is invited to the party today. There will be more people and it will be more lively. You can take your children to have fun." MEG took a sip of water, fresh and sweet, much better than last time.

Rebecca looked at McGonagall's sincere eyes and Jessica's expectant eyes, hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "please."

"Great! I love parties! " There was a happy smile on Jessica's face.

MEG looked at a piece of cloth and a sewing basket on the table. There was a blooming flower embroidered on the cloth. It looked like embroidery. He was curious and said, "are you doing embroidery now?"

"Embroidery?" Rebecca looked at McGonagall puzzled, followed his eyes to the cloth on the table, some embarrassed and said: "it's just embroidery for a cloth shop. The city Lord's office has given us all the pension, and said that Jessica also has the opportunity to go to school, so I want to continue to do some work to make money for Jessica to go to school."

"Going to school is a good thing." MEG nodded, picked up the cloth on the table and looked at it carefully. The sewing was delicate.

"Mr. Mai, this is a dragon coin. The pension has been paid, and a new house has been rebuilt in the Lord's mansion. Thank you very much for the money." Rebecca took a dragon coin out of her arms and handed it to MEG gratefully.

"I believe the future will be better and better." MEG took the Dragon coin, drank all the water in his hand, got up and said with a smile, "well, I'm looking forward to your coming in the evening, and Amy misses Jessica very much, too."

"OK, I'll bring the kids." Rebecca nodded and took Jessica to take MEG out.

"System, give me a football." McGonagall said in his heart, looking at the football that soon appeared in the car basket, pushing the bicycle toward the children who were surrounded by the crushed cane ball with a sad face, trying to make it into a ball again.

"Kids, I'm sorry for crushing your ball, so I'll give you a new football." McGonagall stopped beside them, looked at the angry eyes from the bet, and reached out to take the football out of the basket.

The children's eyes brightened up one after another. The ball with black and white squares on the surface was more advanced than the rattan ball made of rattan.

"Go play, but don't kick in sharp places or other people's windows." McGonagall threw the football out, played it on the bluestone and rolled forward.

The children burst into a burst of cheers, and then rushed to the football.

MEG smiles, shakes his head, pushes his bike and turns away.

At the end of the business at noon, Maimi restaurant will hold a grand Mid Autumn Festival party, and the news of inviting everyone spread like wildfire, causing a lot of attention.

Of course, this kind of attention is more limited to the familiar customers of Maimi restaurant, while those who are not familiar with Maimi restaurant think that this is a restaurant's marketing strategy, which is not uncommon in Aden square. Moreover, some big restaurants offer more discounts and gifts. After all, what this restaurant offers is only "moon cakes" that they have never heard of.

"The construction of the temporary stage has been completed. Mia and Sally, you can move some moon cakes to the stage first, and then I will make some moon cakes. There may be more people coming tonight." At the door of the restaurant, Meg, whose apron was stained with flour, looked at the temporary stage built by Mobai.

"Boss Mai, can we help you?" Xixi and Lulu come over with a smile.

"If you can, maybe you two can help carry the moon cakes." Meg said with a smile as his eyes brightened.

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