McGonagall spent the whole day making moon cakes and cancelled the evening business in order to concentrate on making more moon cakes and prepare for the Mid Autumn Festival evening party.

The restaurant was decorated simply. The small colored lights circled the tree at the entrance of the restaurant. There was a sign on the lawn. There was a large space behind the lawn. It was obvious that it was the main venue of this evening, because the stage was built there.

McGonagall's idea is very simple. He just wants to spend a mid autumn festival in a foreign world and let some familiar and strange people have fun together.

Before the expansion of the restaurant, there is no need for publicity. The current customers alone are enough to make the restaurant saturated every day.

"The boss is really not simple. The restaurant has only been open for more than a month. First, it was on the food list, and then it won a big restaurant. Now it has such a mid autumn festival party."

"No, the Ritchie barbecue is located at the entrance of Aden square. It covers a lot of land. If he moves the restaurant, his business will definitely turn up several times."

"However, we should thank others. In the past, there were few guests here. Recently, the business has almost doubled. Many of them came out to have another meal after eating in the Maimi restaurant."

"The orientation of Maimi restaurant is different from ours. The minimum price of food is 200 copper coins. It's for high-end restaurants, but people who have money like to eat it. Even if they just go in for a small dessert, the customers who have no food and money will naturally choose our restaurant."

"I have already felt that the position of the Ducas restaurant is under threat. If one day these two restaurants will face each other, it must be a very interesting thing."

In the distance, several restaurant owners got together again and discussed in a soft voice, but this time the environment was quite harmonious, talking and laughing.

As a carriage passed by, Gloria lifted the curtain and looked in the direction of the Maimi restaurant, with a nervous look on her face.

"Will Mr. McGonagall agree?" Gloria said to herself in a low voice, but her eyes became firm gradually. She said with her fist in her hand, "this is the only chance to turn the tables against the wind. You have to get permission from Mr. McGonagall."

The carriage stopped at the door of the dining room. Gloria got out of the car slowly. Looking at MEG who was about to turn and walk towards the dining room, she quickly said, "Mr. McGonagall, please wait a moment."

"Miss Gloria, can I help you?" MEG turned back and looked at Gloria in surprise. She hasn't come to the restaurant these days.

"Yes, there is one thing I'd like to discuss with you. I don't know if you have time now." Gloria nodded, her hands clenched in her skirt seemed nervous, but her eyes were still fixed on MEG's.

"I don't know what you want to discuss with me, but if you don't need much time, please come in. The restaurant will hold a mid autumn festival party later, so I don't have much time." Meg said with a smile, looking at Gloria's beautiful lavender eyes.

"It won't take much of your time." Gloria, with a happy face, nodded and followed MEG into the dining room.

"Please sit down. I don't know what Miss Gloria wants to discuss with me." MEG came out with a glass of boiled water, put it gently on the table, looked at Gloria and said gently.

Gloria looked at MEG, and her nervous mood became more stable. She sat down in the chair and looked at MEG sitting opposite. She hesitated for a moment and said, "Mr. MEG, I'm here today to get your authorization for Amy's skirt."

"Design authorization for skirts?" MEG Leng for a moment, looking at Gloria's sincere eyes, a little confused for a moment.

"To introduce myself again, I am Gloria Molton, the eldest granddaughter of the Molton family. Now I am one of the candidates for the succession of the Molton family. I will compete with my second uncle Cyril Molton for the only successor." Gloria looked at MEG and said sincerely.

"Well!" McGonagall raised his eyebrows and looked at the beautiful girl in front of him with a look of surprise in his eyes.

The Morton family has controlled the Aden chamber of Commerce for decades, and it is also the first family he plans to subvert. The Aden chamber of Commerce and the Morton family behind it, because the old man named Jeffrey Morton, has become the largest group discriminating against semi race in the chaotic city.

What McGonagall didn't expect was that this beautiful girl, who had covered her face with a veil before and then uncovered the veil under the special effect of bean curd, turned out to be one of the candidates for succession of the Molton family, which was not in the Molton family information he had received before. So the first reaction in his mind was that the girl was afraid to be a liar, right?

"My father is lance Morton, the former successor of the Morton family, but later he became a teacher of chaos school. After taking off the veil, I gambled with my grandfather and got a candidate for the successor. You said that you should choose to do what you want to do, didn't you?" Said Gloria, looking at MEG.

"Well, congratulations to miss Gloria, but what does it have to do with the dress authorization?" McGonagall raised his eyebrows, which made sense. In his previous information, Geoffrey Morton's eldest son did have an 18-year-old daughter, but there was little information, even no name. Unexpectedly, as soon as the veil was removed, she became the successor candidate of the Morton family.

"Although I became a candidate for succession, my grandfather obviously did not really want to hand over the Molton family to me. More likely, he would make me a wolf behind Cyril and force him to grow up. So what I got was a cloth shop that had been losing a lot for several years in a row, and my grandfather gave me a month's time limit. If I could not turn losses into profits, I would close this cloth shop, and my investigation was over. " Looking at MEG, Gloria leaned forward and said sincerely, "so, I thought of making clothes of different sizes from all the fabrics that had been overstocked for many years in the fabric shop. In the selection of clothing styles, I thought of the clothes that Mr. MEG designed for Amy and the waiter in the restaurant. The styles of these clothes are very beautiful and unique, if they are launched, It's sure to be liked by the guests. "

"It's really a good idea to develop a more profitable business system while de stocking. It's very innovative." McGonagall looked at Gloria with admiration. In this period when tailoring and tailoring were the main factors, Gloria's idea of mass production of clothes according to size was highly forward-looking. At this moment, her family background of being a big businessman was fully displayed, But looking at the smile on Gloria's face, she shook her head and said, "but I don't want Amy and Mia to bump their shirts when they walk in the street."

"But..." Gloria's face was a little worried.

"But if Miss Gloria is sincere, I can design some clothes for you for a fee." MEG interrupted Gloria's words with a smile, and then said in his heart, "system, come out to wash the land... Sell pictures."

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