"Today is the Mid Autumn Festival in my hometown. As usual, I want to eat moon cakes, which means that the whole family is happy. Miss Gloria should be busy in the evening, so I won't leave you for the party. Take this box of moon cakes and eat it on the way." MEG turned and went into the kitchen, then came out with a box of moon cakes tied with a rope and handed it to Gloria.

"Thank you. I'll have a good meal." Gloria took the moon cake and nodded seriously.

"Well, you can do it." MEG nodded with a smile.

"Good bye, Mr. McGonagall." Gloria nodded to Meg, turned and walked out of the dining room.

"Moon cakes... Round and round." In the carriage, Gloria looked at the moon cake box on her leg. Her face was a little thoughtful. She soon gave a smile and said to herself in a low voice, "then take it back to eat with them. Mickey should like dessert."


"Did you hear that the Mid Autumn Festival party is going to be held in the Maimi restaurant today? It seems that there are too many people going to play."

"What is the Mid Autumn Festival party?"

"Listen to boss Mai say it's a good festival to enjoy the flowers, the moon and the fragrance of autumn. Maybe the fragrance of autumn is a beauty."

"I'm not interested in Huayue, but I like to enjoy beauty most. Let's go and have a look."

As night falls, the crowd rushes to the McMillan restaurant to attend the Mid Autumn Festival party which starts at eight o'clock on time. The crowd gathers in the open space outside the restaurant.

Although the stage is temporarily built, the available steel frame structure looks very stable, but Mo Bai and Lu Lu spent an afternoon to build it. There are movable wheels under it, which can be split from the middle, and can be completely put away when not in use.

Several large baskets of moon cakes have been placed on the side of the stage. The moon cakes wrapped in oil paper are stacked into a pyramid. We can't see the inside yet, but the fragrance of the moon cakes has been distributed around the stage, which makes people salivate.

"It smells good. Is this the moon cake that boss Mai said? It smells like a dessert. "

"It seems that it's the right time to come tonight. The food made by boss Mai will never disappoint people."

"But there are so many people here today, it's estimated that everyone can get a moon cake."

When the guests looked at the baskets of moon cakes, their eyes lit up one after another. Their curiosity about moon cakes was the main driving force for them to come here. However, there were a lot of moon cakes in the baskets. Today, there are many people coming here, many of them brought their families with them. The children were laughing and fighting around the stage, and the atmosphere was quite warm.

"Father, can I have a moon cake first?" In the dining room, Amy looks at MEG who is busy in the kitchen and asks expectantly. Small round moon cakes are like small moons.

On one side of the table, there are baskets full of moon cakes, more than on the side of the stage.

"Of course, there are eight kinds of moon cakes today, but the moon cakes will be more lively and delicious if we eat them together, so Amy can only eat one first and eat it later at the party." MEG looked back at Amy and said with a smile.

Crispy five kernel, meat floss, black sesame and ham moon cakes, iced bean paste, sweet scented osmanthus moon cakes, mixed sugar egg yolk and rock sugar moon cakes are arranged in line on plates.

The freshly baked pastry moon cake is still steaming with crisp fragrance, while the crystal clear ice moon cake on the side is cool, looking like a pure ice fairy. The moon cake mixed with sugar skin is pale yellow, and you can almost see the full filling inside, which makes people want to take a bite.

"Can only eat one..." Amy's small face showed a tangled expression. Her eyes swept over the plates of moon cakes. She felt that every moon cake looked delicious and wanted to take a bite, but now she could only choose one of them. It was really a troublesome thing.

Sally and abemia are busy putting the moon cakes on the table to dissipate heat. When they hear the conversation, they can't help smiling. Each lovely moon cake is made from Meg's hands. Each one looks so lovely and delicious. The charming fragrance floating in the restaurant makes their stomachs cry.

"Eat one now, and you can eat every one after a while, so don't worry too much." McGonagall reminded with a smile that there was no way to do the multiple-choice questions about food, which was more painful than not letting her eat.

"Well, I can only choose one of these super looking rabbit ice moon cakes." Amy pointed to a sweet scented osmanthus ice skin moon cake and said that the translucent ice skin was wrapped with light gold sweet scented osmanthus stuffing. It was like a moon inlaid in the round ice skin, and a jade rabbit was printed on the top. Although it was directly overprinted with a grinding tool, even the details were perfectly printed on the top, which looked lifelike.

"Wash your hands and take one for yourself." McGonagall said with a smile, ice skin moon cakes are all made at noon, because its unique feature is an ice word, so it needs to be refrigerated for a few hours after it is ready, so it will taste better when it is taken out to eat.

"Good!" Amy happily answered, carrying a small stool into the kitchen to wash her hands, carefully stretched out two small hands and picked up a sweet scented osmanthus ice skin moon cake. The cold touch came from the fingertips, and it felt like playing in the palm of her hand.

"Bunny, it's so cute. My ears stand up, but now I'm going to eat you." Amy looked at the moon cake in the palm of her hand and said happily. Then she opened her mouth and took a bite of the moon cake.

Ice cold moon cake, bite open, sweet scented osmanthus fragrance suddenly gushed out, sweet stuffing all pervasive, all of a sudden filled with hungry taste buds, soft waxy ice skin delicate taste, very cool and refreshing.

Amy's eyes lit up completely, her cheeks bulging, her mouth munching like a rabbit, nodded and said, "well, eat well, ice cream is like ice cream, but it doesn't melt directly in her mouth, and the flowers inside are delicious. It tastes like eating flowers, sweet and delicious! Father, how wonderful

"Eat slowly. Don't choke." McGonagall reminded that the smile on his face could not be hidden. Nothing was more happy than being praised by Amy. Looking at Sally and abelmia, he also said with a smile: "Aisha, Mia, you should eat a moon cake first. Later you will perform and give us moon cakes. You will be hungry."

"Father, can we really perform today? Is summer coming? But we don't have small fans Amy asked, looking up at MEG with mooncakes in her mouth.

Sally and abelmia also looked at MEG with concern.

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