"It's so busy. It seems that there's a new restaurant. Is Alex enlightened and rented out the house, or has the house changed its owner?" A young man with a slightly lame left leg stopped in the distance and frowned in the direction of the Maimi restaurant, thinking suspiciously.

His appearance is very common. He has a square face. If it's not because of the scar on the corner of his eyebrow, it belongs to the kind of face that can't be found in the crowd.

But his clothes are quite unusual. He has a dark green silk sweater, a belt around his waist with gold inlaid jade buttons, and top-grade rhinoceros leather boots on his feet. This dress can't be worn without rich family background.

What's more striking is that the scabbard he is carrying around his waist is some old long sword. The black handle and the black scabbard have lost some paint. The handle is wrapped with black cloth. It looks like his face. It's just hanging around his waist, which makes it a little eye-catching.

After thinking for a while, he continued to walk forward. Unfortunately, his left foot was a bit lame. When he stood, he could not see it, such as a straight poplar. But if he walked up, he would step forward with his right foot, drag his left foot on the ground, and then slowly close to him. Although his speed was not slower than that of ordinary people, it looked awkward after all.

But he didn't care about other people's eyes. He walked step by step towards the restaurant, just like an ordinary person who was attracted by the bustle in front of the restaurant.

Night has fallen. The shops in Aden square are still bright. There are also street lamps on the side of the road. They are made from the oil extracted by Warcraft. The lamps are bright and durable. Every day the magician lights them up, and the next morning a special magician lights them out, The operation cost is collected from all shops in Aden square by Aden square management office.

In the dark, a dark shadow flashed through the dark trees in the square, stayed on a tree, looked at the lame young man walking towards the restaurant in the corner, frowned and said to himself, "wherever he went, Louis would bring some fun and delicious things to his children. It's not strange that he would come to Aden square, but he didn't like the lively environment, Now why go to the most lively place? "

After thinking for a while, Bill Terry shakes his head, continues to hide in the dark, and sweeps toward the direction of McMillan's restaurant. His eyes continue to follow Louis's figure. So many people are most likely to lose their target.

Although the surveillance for several months has made him feel that this lame businessman is not the one who can plan to take Alex away from lodu. Even though he used to be an excellent knight on the border of the Empire, he is still just a businessman and an ordinary civilian with his wife and children.

However, as a member of the cheetah under the crown prince, he needs to ensure that he focuses on completing the task during the mission period. This is the code of cheetah and the basic conduct of an imperial soldier, even if they only obey the crown prince.


"Captain, we checked half of the shops in Aden square today, but we still got nothing. Should we continue to check in the evening, or choose another location?" A skinny young man looked at Nelson in a gorgeous suit and asked in a low voice. There was a man standing at a distance of one or two meters. He was dressed by a dusty businessman, and he was also dressed in casual clothes. The skinny young man was dressed as a boy, which seemed to have nothing to do with it.

"It's too conspicuous at night." Nelson shook his head and looked at the northwest corner of the square. The crowd gathered. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He raised his hand and said, "let's go there. A child of three or four years old is just a playful age, and he should have a hard time now. Pay attention to the people watching, especially the half elf girl of three or four years old, Spread out. "

People nodded, there was no language exchange, in the twinkling of an eye each disappeared in the crowd, toward the direction of the restaurant.

"A lot of people! Mother, is this the party? It's my first time to go to a party Jessica took Rebecca by the hand, opened her mouth slightly, looked at the crowd at the door of the McMillan restaurant, and exclaimed.

"Yes, a lot of people. It's my first time at the party, too." Rebecca's eyes were equally surprised. She was wearing a bright red skirt today.

The first thing for the women in the miner's family area after they live in the new house is to buy a new skirt. The bright colors rarely seen before are now worn on them. Whether they are suitable for her skin color and figure or not, bright color is the only and most important standard.

Some people say that changing a bright skirt seems to sever the relationship with the once gloomy life.

Rebecca doesn't know if this is right, but when she puts on the red dress, she will feel that life is full of hope, just like the bright red color.

The women in the miners' family area should think the same way.

"Jessica! You're here, too! How are you, Auntie A crisp voice rang out, Daphne ran over happily, and then turned back and said, "this is my grandfather, father and mother."

"Hello Daphne, and how are your grandfather, uncle and aunt." Jessica said politely, with a happy smile on her face.

"There are so many people today, but it seems that I'm the only one here." Ignaz's voice rang out from one side, a bit unhappy, even the green bean sprouts on his head.

"Ignaz, don't be upset." Amy didn't know when to show up at the door of the restaurant. Looking at Ignaz, who was moved by the comfort, he continued: "your father won't come back anyway. His seeds are more important than you."

Ignaz's expression suddenly collapsed, sighed: "yes, in his heart, those seeds are more important than me, and in my mother's heart, playing cards is more important than me."

"But, Ignaz, you are also very important here." MEG came out of the door, touched Ignaz's head with a smile, and handed him the chocolate ice cream.

"The children should have had dinner, one ice cream for each, and then they will have moon cakes together." McGonagall shared the ice cream with the children and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Amy's father!" Children's faces are showing a happy smile, delicious ice cream last time after eating once can't forget.

Ignazi's face also showed a smile again, licked the ice cream, the sweet taste of chocolate melted in his mouth, the smile on his face was more brilliant.

MEG greets Rebecca and guy and son again. It's the first time he's met Daphne's father, Galen. He looks very similar to guy. He's also tall and burly. The scars and strong muscles on his hands show that he's also an experienced hunter.

Galen's wife, on the other hand, looks like a housewife, a little petite, with neat hair and a gentle smile.

"Amy, are you going to perform again today? What a beautiful dress! There's a small pillow in the back. It looks so cute! " Jessica reached for Amy's little pillow behind her waist and asked expectantly.

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