"Yes, my father said it was a kimono. It would look good when it comes to summer. You see, I still have shoes made of wood. If I clamp them with my thumb and the middle thumb, they will" daddada "when I walk, just like ponies." Amy nodded happily. She was wearing a red and black kimono today, with maple leaves and various patterns printed on her cheongsam, a pair of brown clogs on her feet, and a small pillow behind her waist. She looked very cute.

"What's more, sister Elsa and sister MIA are both dressed. We are going to perform a new dance for you today. I also have a nice little fan." Amy raised her hand and shook the small fan tied to her hand. Her face was full of happy smile.

"Amy's father is so powerful!" Daphne and Jessica look at MEG with admiration and admiration.

"Yes, what a beautiful little dress. Did Mr. McGonagall make it himself?" Galen's wife also looked at Amy's clothes with some amazement and asked MEG with some curiosity.

"It's just for kids to play with." McGonagall said with a smile, slightly embarrassed. He doesn't know how to make clothes, but there is a system. It's OK to blow a cow within the system's ability.

"The party will start soon. There will be a performance later. You can go to the stage to watch it. I also need to prepare for it." MEG glanced at his watch. It was eight o'clock in fifteen minutes. The party was about to begin.

"Oh! Our little Amy is like a little princess today. She looks beautiful at once Clarissa's voice came from behind, and he didn't come forward with his wand. He looked at Amy and praised.

"Oh, little Amy is a princess. Do you need to say that, but if you add this little crown, it's the little queen." Julian's hoarse voice also sounded, and he walked forward slowly. An ice crystal crown appeared in his hand. Countless sections were very bright in the light, and the hollowed out style was elegant, as if carved with diamonds.

"Wow, what a beautiful crown!" Amy's eyes lit up as she looked at the crown in Julian's hand.

Other children's expression is similar, a look of surprise suddenly appeared in the hands of Julian crown.

"Master Krasu, master Julian, you are here." McGonagall looked at them and said with a smile that although the two Great Magicians had some strange tempers, they were really good to Amy. It's good for them to come on this day of implied reunion.

"And us." Xi Xi's voice rang out and came out with Lu Lu from behind. He looked at the children with a smile and said, "Wow, our fairies all have ice cream to eat! My sister wants to eat, too. Can you give me a taste? "

"I can give sister Xixi a bite of mine." Amy was the first to hand out her ice cream.

"Mine is OK, too." Jessica nodded, too.

"Sister Xixi, eat me!" Daphne also handed out her own ice cream.

Xi Xi's eyes are smiling into crescent moon, children's love for her can be seen.

"Sister Xixi, although I can give you a bite of ice cream, but... Can you take me out of the little fairy..." Ignaz looked at Xixi with a tangled face and said, which caused a burst of laughter.

"It's really busy today. How can we live without us?" Just then, the voice of bloom came from behind.

MEG looked up. Anna in her dark blue dress was standing next to bloom. She said with a smile, "Hello, Anna."

"Little sister Anna!" Amy, with her eyes shining, trotted to take Anna's hand and said, "I'll introduce my friends to you."

"Hello, uncle McGonagall." Anna said hello to MEG first, and then let Amy lead her to meet new friends.

"Tut, boss Mai, you are really popular with children." Bloom said, looking at MEG with a sour tone.

"This noble quality is not to be envied." Meg said with a smug smile.

"There are so many people today, and our children are all here." Luna and Vivian hand in hand, today's Vivian for a beautiful green dress, and Luna stand together, just like a pair of beautiful sisters.

"Miss Luna!" Children are happy to go around, around Luna chattering.

"Who is this beautiful little sister?" Amy looks at Vivian and asks curiously.

"She's a friend of the teacher. You can call her sister Vivian." Luna said with a smile.

Bloom a little surprised to see Vivian, but did not show in his face. Looking at Anna's smile, he was relieved. These two days, he thought that Anna had forgotten how to smile. As expected, it was the happiest to stay with the children.

McGonagall greets the crowd, turns to the dining room, continues to put the cooled moon cakes in the basket, and then carries them to the back of the stage. All day long, except business hours and food preparation time, he is almost making moon cakes.

Each of the eight kinds of moon cakes made 500. The body of the third level Knight provided him with extremely high efficiency. Even he couldn't believe that he could make so many moon cakes in one day. Two moon cakes for one person should be enough.

"Well, isn't that... Ice dragon girl?" Abelmia went out with two cages of moon cakes. She saw a white figure standing alone in the corner from a distance. It was Elizabeth. Her eyes were just looking at this side. She quickly showed a smile and walked to the back of the stage with moon cakes. At the same time, she thought strangely: "is she alone? What about her family? The boss said that the Mid Autumn Festival is a festival of reunion. If you are alone, it's so pitiful... "

"Is she her or not? I've searched all the half dragon people in the city of chaos, but I can't find the one whose age can be matched. But it seems impossible to find such a simple one. How can I see that she doesn't have the blood of a Golden Dragon... "Elizabeth is also looking at abelmia, thinking in a mixed mood.

Fox has been very busy with the dragon family recently. Now she is not in the city of chaos, and the tail behind her has been completely disposed of by her. Therefore, she has been looking for her half sister in the city of chaos all this time.

Because of the disappearance of frankster for many years, the frost dragon clan has begun to discuss the re selection of the clan leader. As frankster's only daughter in name, she has become one of the candidates, and fox's real reason for returning to Dragon Island is also for this.

He has been coveting the position of patriarch for some years.

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