A dull thunder rang out, the rain dripping, soon became a line, under the crash up.

Pedestrians on the road gradually speed up their pace, and more often find a nearby shop to shelter from the rain for a while, which brings valuable traffic to the shop that has not had many customers all night.

At this time, outside the restaurant, on a big tree in the square, Bill Terry, dressed in black, still remained motionless. Despite the rain, his eyes were still fixed on the restaurant.

The rain wet the crystal, and his location is just a dead corner of the line of sight, so we can't see the situation in the restaurant.

After a moment's hesitation, he slid down against the big tree, bent over and moved slowly in the bushes. The sound of rain beating on the leaves covered up his slight sound.

The approach to McMillan's restaurant made his heart a little nervous. After he received the task of monitoring Louis, "heaven is always so unfair. Some people are the descendants of a big family, but they still have extraordinary talent. They can be loved by beautiful women and loved by all. Such a guy is really damned..." bill Terley touched the knife on his waist, Grinning to himself, a flash of lightning reflected his cold and twisted face.


Black Hawk and his party hide under the canopy outside the blacksmith shop. They look like a group of ordinary people hiding from the rain.

"Captain, we have inquired separately. The owner of this restaurant is MEG. The guests call him MEG. His single name may be MEG. The half elf girl is his daughter. Her name is Amy. No one knows his origin, only that the restaurant was opened about a month and a half ago. After the opening, the business became extremely hot and became a genius chef in the mouth of customers The thin man leaned forward and whispered in Nelson's ear.

"MEG? McGonagall... "Nelson's brow was deeply wrinkled. The name gave him a familiar feeling. Suddenly, an aura flashed through his mind, which made his heart beat faster.

Alex's name is widely spread in Nolan, but few people know it. In fact, it's just his surname. This family, which once had a glorious history in Nolan, once defended the imperial frontier for hundreds of years.

Then more than ten years ago, Alex was born. He made great achievements on the southwest border of the Los Empire, and became famous on the continent of Nolan. Later, he killed demons and killed dragons. Alex's name became famous on the continent of Nolan, and he also recognized that people called him that way.

However, few people know that his real name is actually MEG Alex.

Nelson knew that, because before he left lodu, he had carefully read all the information about Alex and kept most of them in mind.

It's a habit of him and a basic quality of a qualified Black Hawk player.

Three and a half year old half elf girl, unknown father and daughter, and the same name, such a coincidence is difficult to appear in the same person.

Even though the owner of the restaurant has many contradictions that are difficult to explain, the information he has got now is enough to let him go. If the owner who makes the moon cakes so delicious is Alex, he will become the guest of honor of the second prince.

If this guy isn't Alex, they just killed a restaurant owner by mistake. They have many ways to get out of the city of chaos, and they will never leave any evidence pointing to the Black Hawk.

"Prepare to fight, kill the restaurant owner, and then capture the half elf girl alive. Once you get it, leave the chaotic city immediately." Nelson said in a deep voice.

"Captain, is he really Alex?" The thin man looked at Nelson in disbelief and said, "but how could Alex become a cook? There's a restaurant in the city of chaos? "

The expressions of other team members are similar, especially after tasting the delicious moon cake, it is difficult to connect the man who made the delicious food with Alex who once slaughtered the dragon.

"It's an order. You just need to carry it out. Now in the city of chaos, I'm the top commander of the Black Hawk." Nelson's expression became serious, and he gently raised his hand and said, "disperse, surround the restaurant, and start to act after the people inside leave."

"Yes." The others looked solemn and nodded at the same time.


"I'm sorry, but I seem to have caused you some trouble." In the dining room, Louis looked at McGonagall coming downstairs again and said something sorry.

"It's OK. Anyway, you're not good at hiding, and you have no sense of tracking." McGonagall shook his head with a smile, put the barrel on the table, patted it, looked at Louis and said with a smile, "one first?"

"A drink before killing. Is that a question to ask?" Louis also had a smile on his face and limped towards MEG.

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