The rain is falling more and more, falling on the floor glass window, making a sound, splashing beautiful water under the light.

The two men sat opposite each other with a large glass of beer in front of each other, and then looked at each other in silence.

"I'm afraid no one in Nolan will believe that Alex has become a cook and made the best moon cakes in the world." Louis couldn't help laughing first.

"Just as no one would have believed that Louis XIII, the lone wolf who cut the orcs into terror, would become a businessman?" McGonagall asked with a smile.

"I can't help it. If I'm lame, I can't stay on the battlefield and drag my brothers down, but I don't die. At least I have to find something interesting to do to deserve the life you picked me up from the orc encirclement." Louis nodded with a smile.

"Yes, I should find something interesting to do when I'm alive. I think cooking is very interesting now, so being a cook is barely worthy of your life when you risked being killed and brought me here from lodura." McGonagall nodded.

"But after so many years of doing business, I still think killing people is more interesting and better." Louis felt the handle of the long knife hanging on his waist. The cloth wrapped around the handle was a little old. We could see that the places where he held his fingers were much more worn than those beside him.

"Now I think cooking is more interesting than killing people." MEG shook his head.

Louis looked at McGonagall's eyes, which made him feel a little different than he used to, a little less sharp and a little more soft.

"The little girl is lovely, not like you at all." Louis said with a smile, the topic changed quickly.

"What's not like me? You haven't seen me when I was cute. Amy and I were carved in the same mold!" McGonagall was a little impatient. He crossed his hands to his chest. He was annoyed. He looked at Louis with a smile.

Louis, alias 13, was born into a gentry family. His father was also a dissolute son when he was young. Before Louis was born, he gave birth to 12 brothers, so Louis ranked 13, which gave him the alias of Louis 13.

Although he was a businessman, before he was 26 years old, Louis had no interest in business. On the contrary, he was more interested in knife training. At the age of 15, he fled to the southwest border and became a border soldier. He met MEG Alex, who had just joined the army.

This is the memory of McGonagall Alex. McGonagall thought he could use these memories as information like an outsider to analyze and deal with the situation in front of him. But when Louis sat opposite him and looked at him, he also looked at Louis in silence, but his heart was filled with the feeling of looking at his old friend.

What is an old friend?

It's the kind that you can not contact for three years, but when you sit on the same table again and look at each other, you can confidently tell yourself that the person opposite is the one you can trust most.

Now, McGonagall looked at Louis and felt that way.

This kind of feeling makes him slightly uneasy, but more is the desire.

He understood the real meaning of the so-called memory fusion. The memories that McGonagall Alex left in his mind after his fusion were not only information, but also the emotions contained in those memories affected McGonagall to a certain extent.

For example, when I first met Amy, I felt a strong desire to take care of her, not because of his sudden flooding of paternal love, not just because Amy was cute, but more importantly, after MEG Alex's strong and deep paternal love fused with him, the strong emotion made him become Amy's father without any sense of disobedience, And want to protect her forever.

McGonagall does not resist this integration, because it will make it easier for him to integrate into the world. What McGonagall Alex left behind is only some emotional tendencies, which will not affect his sense of independence. He can even refuse this tendency, and the initiative is entirely in his hands.

But now MEG chooses to accept this emotional tendency, because the man in front of him once risked his life to take MEG Alex and Amy out of lodu, find someone to treat him and have plastic surgery, and then take them to the city of chaos to settle down.

McGonagall had only three or two old friends in his previous life. Now, he is willing to have another one. There is no more reassuring friendship between men.

Louis looked at MEG and burst out laughing.

"The way you smile is more and more terrible." MEG picked his eyebrows.

"I remember that when we first joined the army, you were punished by the team leader for being cool and not talking, and the whole three battalions came to watch. Now in retrospect, it's really cute." Louis laughed to tears.

McGonagall's face was black. Although he didn't do it himself, it still sounded shameful.

When old friends are together, what they are most afraid of is suddenly exposing the truth. Fortunately, Amy has fallen asleep.

When Louis finished laughing, he took up the big glass on the table and drank all the beer in it. The glass was heavily placed on the table, making a soft sound, hiccupping and giving MEG a thumbs up: "good wine."

"Another drink?" MEG asked with a smile.

"No, it's hard to kill when you're drunk." Louis shook his head, stood up with a knife, looked at MEG and said with a smile, "keep the wine for me. If you can't come back, you'll drink it for me."

"You said that children like to eat moon cakes. I've left two boxes for him to take back." Said Meg, looking at Louis.

"It's OK. The child has his mother and twelve uncles. He won't be hungry, and no one can bully him." Louis shook his head, relaxed tone, looking at McGonagall said: "the child is still sleeping upstairs, may ring thunder, you go upstairs with her, behind her only you."

"Although I'm lame, I'm a lone wolf, just a few mice." Louis laughed, turned and walked out.

McGonagall was silent for a moment. His hand on the table clenched slowly. He looked at the figure limping towards the door of the dining room. His steps were light, but his shoulders were heavy. When he pushed the door open, the wind and rain fell on his face, and he stepped into the wind and rain.

The door closed slowly, the sound of rain falling to the ground suddenly faded, and the outside world seemed to be cut off.

McGonagall looked at the empty glass on the opposite side and suddenly laughed with self mockery. He took the full glass and drank it. He got up, took an umbrella and a sword from behind the counter and pushed out the door.

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