The gale came with rain, splashing down from the sky.

A big black umbrella snapped open, blocking all the rain outside. MEG, with an umbrella in one hand and a sword in the other, looked at the figure limping towards the trees at the door in the rainstorm, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

At the corner of his eye, Yu Guang glanced at the two figures hiding outside the blacksmith's shop. MEG stepped out of the dining room door with his legs raised. The wind and rain suddenly wet his trousers and shoes. However, the expression on his face didn't change at all. He walked behind Louis, holding the umbrella hand as steady as the sword hand.

"Captain, he came out by himself. Besides, he has a sword in his hand!" The thin man's eyes brightened, but his face soon showed fear. How could an ordinary cook go out on such a rainy night with a sword? If Nelson's judgment is correct, he is Alex, the invincible man. Can they really kill him?

"It seems that he is indeed Alex, and the lame man and he should have a secret connection. It is very likely that the person who sent him here in those years will kill both of them when they do it later." Nelson is a lot of calm performance, in addition to excited eyes, there is a trace of fear.

Although in all the information, Alex is confirmed to have suffered from irreparable injuries, hands and feet are useless, and he can never pick up the sword.

But the shadow of the tree of people's name, Alex alone, is enough to make people afraid. Now this man doesn't look like his hands and feet are all useless. Naturally, they have some fear.

Louis went to the Bush, holding the handle of the right hand up a bit, a touch of cold light has flashed from the scabbard.

At this time, a big umbrella appeared above his head, blocking the pouring rain.

Louis's hand faltered, and he looked at MEG with his umbrella, puzzled.

"It's raining hard. I'll give you a ride." Meg said with a smile.

"Not bad." Louis looked into McGonagall's eyes and hesitated. The knife slipped back into the scabbard and followed McGonagall slowly towards the square.

An umbrella, two people, walking slowly, not like people trapped in the siege.

Hiding in the trees, Bill Terry slowly put down his knife. He didn't know whether it was rain or sweat that got wet on his back. His eyes were fixed on the young man with the umbrella. He could clearly see the sword in his hand.

The sword is slender, which is different from the legendary sword.

But on a rainy night like this, walking side by side with Louis and holding a sword in his hand, it is enough to explain many problems.

But Bill Terry didn't get up in a hurry to come out, because he had just found several colleagues whose goals should be the same as him. They were not from cheetah, so there was only one possibility - Black Hawk.

The cheetah under the great prince and the Black Hawk under the second prince were originally set up to do things that are not suitable for the public. They are naturally antagonistic. There have been countless battles between them, and many people die every year.

Now for the same goal, we meet here. He is the only one on the cheetah side, and there is a whole team of eight on the Black Hawk side. He is not stupid enough to jump out and be a leading bird.

"Keep up!" With a wave of Nelson's hand, he rushed into the rainy night first. The seven members of the Black Hawk also followed in silence and scattered behind the two men with umbrellas.

"The mantis catches the cicada and the Yellow sparrow. I hope Louis and the guy who doesn't know if Alex can kill more Black Hawks, so that I can kill them all." Bill Terry lurked in the dark for a while, following the crowd to the depths of Aden square.

"You shouldn't have come. Even if your injury returns to normal action, it's hard to kill again, and then you'll be completely exposed." Louis whispered. His voice was cut off from the rain outside his umbrella. There was a trace of worry between his eyes and his eyebrows.

"Although I think cooking is more interesting now, it's undeniable that killing people is something I'm better at. As long as I can hold the sword, I can kill people." McGonagall raised the corner of his mouth and looked at the people behind him from the corner of his eyes. He shook his head slightly and said, "besides, some people come because of you, while others come to their door by themselves. If they can't kill them before they spread the news, my identity will be exposed. Therefore, they must die."

"You changed your sword." Louis glanced at Meg's slender sword in his hand.

"Now this one is easy to use. Besides, my one has already been used as a souvenir in the palace." McGonagall said with a sarcastic smile.

"How many people?" Louis asked softly again.

"8 + 1, I'll take the eight. You'll kill the one who comes with you. It's faster. If you run away, we'll lose." McGonagall's eyes are looking for a suitable place in the dark. He has no choice but to kill in the city of chaos. Once he makes a mistake, he is likely to take Amy away again.

"Did you meet the goddess? Helped you recover from your injury and taught you how to cook? " Louis looked at MEG suspiciously.

"It's only a part of the recovery, about Level 3, but there should be no problem in killing people." MEG shook his head.

"Well, I'll kill that one and help you again." Louis nodded, having no objection to McGonagall's decision.

MEG stood under a big tree with an umbrella. It was already a small forest deep in Aden square, far away from the restaurant. No one would come here on such a rainy night. The sound of rain and thunder was enough to cover up everything.

The umbrella moved down a little, and when it was lifted again, MEG was left alone under the tree, and Louis had disappeared.

In the dark woods, the rain falls on the surface of the umbrella, making a dull sound, as if a drum had been put in the rain.

Nelson stopped, a thin and inaudible whistle sounded, just like the cry of an unknown insect. The Black Hawk team suddenly stopped, and looked at MEG standing under the tree, waiting for the attack signal, more than ten meters away.

Although this man doesn't seem to have much in common with the man who once dominated the continent of Nolan in the data, it makes them feel great pressure to see him standing alone under the tree.

The four words "Alex" are difficult for all knights on the continent of Nolan to cross. They are also considered as the limit of human individual combat power. It can be seen from the fact that nearly ten great magicians, demons and knights were touched when he was surrounded and killed at the beginning.

"Whether you're Alex or not, you have to die tonight." Nelson held the sword tightly at his waist and looked at MEG standing under the tree. A small black whistle in his mouth made two hasty whistles. The sword came out of its sheath and rushed to the tree like a ghost in the dark.

At the same time, five people rushed out from different directions, their weapons came out of their scabbard, and the target was MEG standing under the tree, while the remaining two people took out their magic wands and began to sing incantations in the dark.

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