The rain seems to be heavier. It seldom rains in autumn in the city of chaos, let alone such heavy rain.

This makes the customers who sit in the shop waiting for the rain to stop more worried. They are embarrassed to sit empty like this. They can only let the second child fill the tea bowl again, or cut some beef and have a can of wine. If they don't want to go home in the rain, they have to pay some money. After all, in such a heavy rain, even if they are holding an umbrella, they have to get wet.

This can make those bosses smile. Usually, there is no business at this time. Thanks to the blessing of Maimi restaurant, it attracts so many guests to attend the Mid Autumn Festival party. A heavy rain makes all the money of the day one night.

"If only the Maimi restaurant often had this kind of Party..." a fat boss stood at the door, looking at the heavy rain outside, haha, laughing.


McGonagall, who would be standing under the tree, didn't think about having a party. He looked at the six figures rushing towards him from all directions with a dignified look.

The light not far away is that the magician is preparing to release the magic, but fortunately, it's only primary magic, which indicates that the two magicians are not intermediate magicians. This is just good news for McGonagall. If there is a powerful magician who may strike a fatal blow at any time, it's too bad.

This happened on the rainy night three years ago.

The great magician came together. The level 10 cavalry charged him, and the level 10 demon attacked him. The memory of that fierce battle is still engraved in Meg's mind.

Although the one present today is not the great magician, the level 10 knight, the level 10 demon, he is not MEG Alex who was able to kill the dragon.

There are six fighters and two long-range magicians. This is not a common combat team of the Imperial Army, so they should come from the second prince. From the speed point of view, there are at least two level 4 knights, and the rest are level 3 or above.

He just recovered his level 3 physical fitness. Last night, he just practiced his sword skill in the kitchen god test field. He was holding the sword which had just been exchanged from the system and was most suitable for his current strength.

McGonagall once again stood on the edge of life and death, and if he failed this time, no one would save his life.

So, he had to work hard.

This time, however, he was surrounded by his most trusted old friend.

The hand holding the handle of the umbrella suddenly released. The big black umbrella was like a rootless duckweed falling slowly in the heavy rain. The figure standing under the tree for a long time suddenly moved. MEG, who stepped on the tree trunk, rushed straight ahead like an arrow to meet Nelson.

McGonagall's mind is filled with Alex's countless combat experiences and solutions to different dilemmas.

Strong strength alone is not enough to become the first knight in Nolan. What's more important is his brain. Otherwise, when he was besieged in Dragon Island, he would have died. However, when he killed the strongest dragon regardless of his serious injury, the encirclement would be dissolved automatically. No dragon dared to stop him from leaving, because no one knew whether he would die next.

The strength of this eight man team is very strong. At least it will be difficult to deal with it with his current strength, especially the two level 3 magicians who are still accumulating strength. It's not easy for McGonagall to block level 3 magic now.

Therefore, if he wants to break the game, he must first kill their leader. This is the jungle law that applies everywhere.

Nelson looked at McGonagall rushing towards him. His face was also tense. His heart was beating. The fear in his eyes gradually turned into madness. His hand holding the sword was trembling slightly, not because of tension, but because of excitement.

Alex is not the same as he used to be, otherwise he just needs to stand in the same place and wave his sword at him, and he will be in two, but now he attacks him on his own initiative.

The first knight, what a proud man. He didn't even accept the challenge of human beings in the duel. Now he launched an attack on him, and the speed seems to be the level of the second knight.

Although I don't know how he can recover his completely disabled limbs to the level of a second level knight, it's not enough even if he is Alex, because he has been in level 4 for nearly ten years, and he has crushed McGonagall in speed, strength and spiritual power, so why can he beat him?

Nelson's face showed a crazy smile. The sword came out of its sheath and stabbed McGonagall's heart. He seemed to have seen the scene that the sword penetrated Alex's heart and then died under his sword. After that, the whole continent of Nolan would be crazy about the news, and he would become the commander of the Black Hawk, To be the real big man in the Roth empire.

The other members of the Black Hawk are still rushing in this direction. The magic in the hands of the two magicians has finished singing and can be inspired at any time.

At this time, the hedge of McGonagall and Nelson has come close.

Nelson's sword is black, with a deep blood groove in the middle. The blade is smeared with poison, which guarantees that as long as it penetrates into the heart, even if there is a healing wizard, it is impossible to save the opponent.

McGonagall's sword was still in the scabbard. When he entered the distance between the two swords, his speed suddenly increased. A flash of cold light flashed, and the sword came out of the scabbard in silence.

Nelson's eyes suddenly widened. The magic power instilled in the long sword made the black long sword shine golden. This is his strongest sword. He once killed many opponents who were also level 4.

But when he looked at the silent sword, it seemed that it was just a random sword, but his heart was cold.

The sword came out of its sheath very quickly. It seemed light, but it was faster after it came out. It was so fast that his eyes could hardly keep up with it, and the sword in his hand was too late to make any response.

This can't be a sword that the second level knight can use. The speed is so fast that even the fourth level knight can't achieve it. The speed that he broke out in the last step is also not what the second level knight can have.

In other words, he hid his strength!

Nelson's heart is cool, but his face is full of crazy color, his whole body strength and spiritual power are poured on a sword, even if Alex hides his strength, he should not reach level 4, otherwise he doesn't need to use such a means to him.

Alex is invincible. It's a well-known fact.

There was a silver light on Meg's sword. It was very light. If you didn't pay attention to it, it was hard to find it.


The stabbing sword collided with the throwing sword and made a clear sound.

The golden sword was cut off from the middle, and one end of the sword tip fell powerlessly

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