Nelson saw a lot of things. When he was 18 years old, he took the military uniform from his father and became a knight of honor in the Empire. Later, his father was killed because a dandy robbed people in the street and made himself strong. As a knight of the Empire, he had no way to deal with the nobles. He was suffocated by the despair of that class, Even want to die with them..

Later, a noble man helped him to throw those nobles into the prison, and the nobleman died in the prison.

Then he became a member of the Black Hawk.

There are many people like him in the Black Hawk. They are not necessarily for the sake of money and power, but they are absolutely loyal to the second prince. Even if they die, they will not hesitate, because their second life was originally given by the second prince.

They are black hawks and loyal martyrs, so even though they know that the most important goal of Black Hawks is to find the Empire hero Alex and then kill him, what they want to do is how to do it after calming down.

Alex, the brightest star ever raised by the Imperial Army, shines on the whole Los Empire, and also has an unshakable light on the continent of Nolan.

Ten knight, Dragon Slayer, the youngest general of the Empire... Countless titles tell of his greatness and brilliance, as well as the strength that is so powerful that it is praised as the limit of human beings.

And this man, after being surrounded and killed by countless people, all his limbs were destroyed and disappeared in the sight of all people with death, but they found him again.

However, Nelson still couldn't catch his sword.

It's not fast for Mingming to see that sword. Mingming can feel that his strength is only about Level 3, but... It just can't catch it.

Nelson's eyes were wide open, watching the long sword cut off his own sword. The sharp edge of the sword was full of cold light, which made his eyes tingle. He didn't know whether it was the sword or something else.

As soon as his neck was cold, all his feelings went away like a tide, and blood gushed out from his neck. He could not even feel it. He only saw a headless corpse standing there spraying blood.

"So... He's really MEG Alex... Your uncle is still your uncle..." a thought flashed through Nelson's mind, and he lost consciousness completely.

The sharp sword glides through Nelson's neck, McGonagall passes by by by mistake and rushes to the next man in black without looking back.

The blood column soared to the sky, and a head rolled aside. All that happened was in a flash.

The Black Hawks all looked at this scene, their pupils were dilated, and they were frightened, but no one stepped back, no one even made a sound, grasped the weapons in their hands, and continued to rush towards MEG.

Everyone can die, but the task must be completed. Otherwise, even if we go back alive, the end will be more miserable than death.

Although Nelson was second killed, but from McGonagall's hand, his strength should not have recovered to the fourth level, but at the beginning of the hidden strength, let Nelson relax, suddenly accelerate, can hit.

But there are still seven of them. There is no reason for them to escape in terms of number and strength.

Moreover, if they succeed in killing Alex, no matter who survives in the end, they will be able to get something that they could not touch in their lifetime, which undoubtedly has a very high attraction for them.

"Fury blade!"

A magician pointed his magic wand at MEG. A violent tornado rose out of thin air. The green and yellow blades were flying like blades. They rolled up the earth, leaves and gravel all over the sky and rushed towards MEG.

"Flame cut!"

Another magician also called out softly almost at the same time. A flame three or four meters long, like a crescent moon, soared into the air. It was like a giant wielding a flame knife out of the air, and roaring toward MEG. The speed was faster than the tornado. He was in the way of MEG's forward rush.

The roaring wind and the fierce fire blade rush, the people in black are still charging silently, and the encirclement trend has been formed.

The trees were uprooted in the strong wind, the leaves soaked by rain were scorched yellow by the fire, the heat wave was pressing the rainstorm, the surrounded people could see the cold light and the crazy eyes.

McGonagall's face was still calm. He glanced at the blade of the wind and fire coming from the front and the side, and suddenly stepped on the big tree. His forward body turned its direction in an instant. He passed two big trees surrounded by several people and stabbed the thin man's heart.

A short knife pierced Meg's sleeve and made a big cut down, smeared with black poison. The tip of the knife almost cut his arm.

After Meg's death, the blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing blazing bla.

McGonagall's wrist turned for a while. The sword in his heart broke his heart. He turned again and rushed to the two magicians not far away.

"No! Stop him The remaining four vice captain's face changed and exclaimed, already seeing McGonagall's idea.

Two colleagues died one after another. The Black Hawk people were very sad. MEG first killed the strongest Nelson among them, and then killed the weakest skinny man. This kind of irregular killing sequence makes people feel more pressure. I don't know who will die next.

But now McGonagall's purpose is obviously very obvious, that is, once the two magicians, the magicians who are powerless, are close to each other, the consequences can be imagined, and the two level-3 magicians play a vital role in their combat team. Now they must not be allowed to die.

Two magicians also found out McGonagall's purpose. When they were panicked, they took a few disposable magic shields on their bodies. The magic wand lit up and began to store more powerful magic.

Since McGonagall's goal has been made clear to them, this is a huge crisis and the best opportunity. As long as they can hold on for a little time, the rest of the team-mates can tear him to pieces. The protective shield is specially made for them by the magicians in the mage tower, which is enough to withstand the impact of level 5 strength. Therefore, they are confident to block McGonagall's impact, even if it is just a sword.

The Black Hawk's team members are also very clear about this, the body's spiritual power has been transferred to the peak at this moment, and strive to seize the short opportunity.

McGonagall looked at the pale gold magic hoods on the two magicians, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. Maybe people in the world have forgotten that McGonagall Alex is good at one thing besides killing dragons

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