"Yes, money, also known as money, is the product of commodity exchange. On the continent of Nolan, the current currency is copper, silver, gold and dragon. You ordered nine kebabs. The unit price of one kebab is 300 copper, so the total consumption is 2700 copper. " McGonagall explained with a serious expression, then looked at Barbara and said, "don't tell me that you are in a hurry when you go out. Don't you have any money with you? This kind of vulgar plot of running away from home is too old-fashioned. "

"I..." Barbara touched her skirt and suddenly realized that when she stepped on the teleportation array, she had nothing with her except the magic wand.

Because in her opinion, in the land of the moon, there is no better pass than the identity of her Princess. Everyone will respect and love her, offer her the best food, and don't worry about life at all.

As for money, she had never been in touch with such things, and she did not know what the use of money was.

But now she was asked to pay for the roast beef kebab she had just eaten. There was nothing in her pocket. The identity of the princess of the kingdom of the moon was not recognized. She didn't know what to do for a moment.

And one side of Sally slowly lowered her head, holding a roast beef kebab slowly eating, a faint blush rose on her cheek.

"Sister Barbara, you have to pay for the meal, otherwise, you will be killed if you eat the overlord meal." Amy looked at Barbara and warned seriously.

"I... I don't have money." Barbara's face turned red, and she struggled for a while. She said a little dejectedly.

She suddenly regretted why she had to go into the array, put her finger on the stone pillar, and be a favorite little official in the palace?

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine to buy now. In this unfamiliar place, her first problem is how to solve the problem of having no money to pay after eating.

What's more, the boss doesn't look like a kind-hearted guy. Although he doesn't know much about copper coins, 2700 is not a small amount. Now she has no money, and she has nothing valuable except magic wand.

And the lovely little girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She just has no money to eat. How can she be killed? Is such a restaurant a black shop?

Of course, if she is in the land of the moon, Barbara doesn't mind giving MEG a big reward. The roast beef is indeed the most delicious roast she has ever eaten.

"No money?"

McGonagall frowned as she looked at Barbara. Although he had expected it, the two words became different when they came out of her mouth.

Up to now, has there ever been a situation in which guests eat overlord's food? Under Amy's deterrence, the guests who don't have enough money will consciously leave after seeing the menu, while the guests who have eaten the food in the restaurant are willing to pay for it, and most of them look like they have earned it.

Restaurant rules, cash transactions, no credit.

But now Barbara has eaten Beef Kebabs, but she has no money on her body, and even if she is detained here, no one will redeem her, because she has just crossed over, and there is no family at all.

This problem becomes very troublesome all of a sudden.

"Father, what should we do now? Barbara's sister is pretty cute. Is it a pity to kill her? But if you don't kill him, the rules of the restaurant will be broken! " Amy looked at MEG and asked in distress.

MEG looks up at Barbara. Amy's question is exactly what he is thinking about.

"You must not be fooled. I am the princess of the kingdom of the moon. If you dare to mess around, wait for my father to come to your house, that's your disaster day." Barbara looked at McGonagall nervously and said, holding the magic wand tightly.

There was a strange silence in the restaurant, and the atmosphere was a little tense.

"Boss, didn't you say you wanted two more waiters? I think Princess Barbara may consider that if she becomes an employee of the restaurant, she can deduct the cost of the roast beef kebab she eats today from her salary. This will not only solve the problem of checking out, but also allow Princess Barbara to continue to finish the rest of the roast beef kebab. " Abemia broke the silence and said with a smile.

"This seems to be a very good way. In this way, sister Barbara will become the third maid in our restaurant. Then we will be a family." Amy brightened her eyes and said happily.

Sally looked Barbara up and down with reservation.

MEG looked at Barbara and frowned. He did not hurry to make a stand. He had a very strict standard for the selection of restaurant attendants. Two of the girls' character game was his royal highness, and she was spoiled from childhood, whether she could take care of herself, and two said she wanted to be an excellent waiter. It's just as much bullshit as expecting a cow to go up a tree.

"Well, I will never be a waiter! My royal highness, if I know that I am a servant in the country of the moon, who will support me to become their queen? I won't do such a thing even if I die! " McGonagall did not speak, Barbara is determined to say.

"Can't you go back? And we haven't even heard of the country of the moon, so the people of the country of the moon certainly won't hear about you being a waiter here. " "Moreover, if you become a restaurant waiter, you can get a fixed salary and a certain meal allowance every month. You can eat delicious food in the restaurant every day. This kind of life is much more comfortable than wandering outside. Where can you go when you are out of the restaurant? "

Barbara looked at abelmia, opened her mouth, speechless, if there is no money in the world, she really does not know where to go.

He secretly glanced at the table. Half of the Roast Beef Kebabs were eaten, and five of them were left untouched. There were other foods on the table, which also looked very attractive.

The most important thing is that the array sent back to the kingdom of the moon is in this restaurant. If her father has repaired the array on the other side of the kingdom of the moon, she may be able to send it back through this array and stay in this restaurant to observe the situation all the time.

Barbara coughed softly and said, "since you invited me kindly, I don't want to, but for the sake of your helping me, I'll just stay here and be a shopkeeper for you."

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