"Maybe you have some misunderstanding about the word" waiter ". The so-called" waiter "refers to the person who provides necessary services for the guests. I am the owner of this restaurant, and I don't have the idea of retiring for the time being, so I don't need to find someone to replace me as the shopkeeper. Although the restaurant needs to recruit new waiters, every waiters need to be assessed. If you want to be a waiters in the Maimi restaurant, you must pass my assessment first. " McGonagall couldn't help laughing at Barbara. This girl really has no common sense.

"Do you mean that you want me to serve the guests who come to dinner like a maid in waiting on me?" Barbara looked at MEG in disbelief.

"You can understand that, but when you are a waiter in a restaurant, you don't need to wipe your face with a towel as carefully as your maid in waiting. You just need to do your duty well and keep friendly and distance from the guests." MEG nodded.

"Really?" Barbara stares at McGonagall's face seriously and serves others. This kind of thing can't appear in her life before today, but today's situation is beyond her control. McGonagall's roast beef kebab has a very special effect on her body. If she can insist on eating, it may completely improve her symptoms of lack of Qi and blood, It's a disease that has plagued her for more than ten years.

"I don't think it's necessary for me to answer your question now. You need to make clear a very realistic question. Now I'm not asking you to be a waiter in a restaurant. They have more choices than you in the free market. They are proficient in the service skills of the catering industry. They are nimble and can directly put into work without long-term training and practice." McGonagall looked at Barbara and said calmly, "now, I can give you a chance to show your ability. If you can prove that you are qualified for the job of waiter and can be more efficient than ordinary people, then this job is yours."

"Is it so strict to be a waiter?" Barbara's eyes widened a little, and she had a fierce fight between heaven and man in her mind. Finally, her desire for Roast Beef Kebabs and obsession to go home overcame her face. She looked at MEG and nodded: "well, although it's totally useless to use Princess Ben as a waiter, I'm reluctant to accept the job now. Isn't the job of a waiter just to serve short dishes? It's a piece of cake. "

Barbara reached out a finger and hooked it to the plate with the kebab on the table. The plate floated up and appeared in her hand. The kebab on the plate didn't move.

"I can quickly put the plate on every table, this ability, not everyone has?" Barbara looked at McGonagall and said smugly, picking up a bunch of Beef Kebabs from her plate and biting them, with a confident smile on her face.

"How powerful!" Abelmia looked at Barbara with some wonder.

"The plates are flying! What a magic Amy, too, whispered.

McGonagall's eyes are also bright. Space magicians are quite rare. This girl, who is at least level 7 space magician, really has an incomparable advantage if she uses space magic to serve food. Although... It's a bit wasteful, think that level 7 water spirit magicians are all used by her to clean the restaurant, It doesn't seem like a big deal that space magicians use to serve food.

"It's true that not everyone can do it. If you can clearly remember the order and quantity of each guest, you can become an employee of McMillan." McGonagall's admiration didn't show on her face. She looked at Barbara and nodded.

"I have a good memory." Barbara nodded confidently.

"Don't talk too much." MEG turned and went into the kitchen. After a while, he came out with a pile of plates and plates of different sizes. Then he pointed to the table in the dining room and said, "come in from the door, and the number of the vertical rows of tables is 1-4, increasing in turn. Later, I will tell you what plates are needed for tables with different numbers. After you remember, put all the plates out in turn. If the wrong number is less than three, You pass. "

"I don't mean it. It can't be difficult for me at all." Barbara nodded.

"Table 3, two plates, four bowls, two small plates; Table 6... "A string of serial numbers from McGonagall's mouth, Barbara's relaxed expression also became more serious.

"Now, please start your performance." McGonagall also said the eight table dishes and bowls requirements, which has a lot of requirements for memory.

"This assessment is similar to my original one. Can she succeed?" Abelmia looked at Barbara nervously.

"Come on, sister Barbara." Amy took a bite of the beef, a little inarticulate encouragement.

Sally is also serious looking at Barbara, for this girl she did not have much aversion, although a little bit coquettish, but not to the extent of savage hopeless.

Barbara closed her eyes and thought for a while. When she opened her eyes again, hundreds of dishes on the table were suspended at the same time. She circled around her. Then she flew out one by one and landed on one table after another without making any sound.

In a twinkling of an eye, more than 100 dishes were all dropped, and there was no one left.

"Is that right?" Barbara took a breath and turned to McGonagall. Although her expression was relaxed, the tension in her eyes could not be hidden.

"Two wrong, but the first time there is such a success rate, very good." McGonagall went over, took out a plate and a small plate from table 3 and table 7, looked at Barbara, and said with a smile, "Congratulations, if you like, you will become the third waiter of McMillan restaurant. The salary of the first month of internship will be deducted from the just baked beef kebabs, and the daily meal will be made up for 600 copper coins."

Barbara's face was full of surprise, but she soon restrained herself and looked at McGonagall. "I can only make nine kebabs a month? How can I survive here! What's more, the daily meal supplement is only enough to eat two kebabs of roast beef. If you eat in this way, you will be starved to death! "

"For 600 copper coins a day, you can go out and ask if there is a second restaurant in Aden square that will offer such conditions for an intern. Consumption is linked to salary. If your salary can only afford nine kebabs of roast beef, you should not complain about the low salary. Instead, you should choose to eat the food that your salary can afford. " MEG looks at Barbara calmly.

"Work! Your highness! " Amy cried with a small fist and a smile.

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