"What... What a big bear!"

Barbara's head was up, her mouth was open, and her expression was a little hazy.

The giant bear, nearly three meters tall, with its hard fur and broad and sharp paws, stands in great contrast to the petite Barbara.

"Big stupid bear, it's really a bear! But how can a man become a bear! How terrible the world is! I want to go back to the moon Barbara's brain trembles. This scene completely subverts her world outlook. Moreover, Lulu easily breaks her air hood, and her strength exceeds her expectation.

Now he is standing there with a fierce wind. He may rush up and tear her to pieces at any time. He is afraid to move for a moment, but he still has to pretend to be brave and not afraid to die. He can't lose to the other side in momentum.

"Now, are you going to keep putting people on the grill? Now it's not hard for people to tie them to the grill. " Meg said with a smile.

"It's a very serious and important thing to safeguard women's dignity, which can't be stopped by strength!" Barbara stressed seriously.

"A man of his own only loves himself, which is the dignity of a woman." Xixi put away the magic wand, walked forward with a smile, looked at Barbara up and down, and said with a smile: "what a beautiful little girl, where are you from? Why don't we just be friends? What's the fun of playing around? "

Looking at the smile on Xi Xi's face, Barbara suddenly felt that she wanted to be close. Her face was a little more serious, and she looked at Lu Lu again. She hesitated for a moment, put away her magic wand, and coughed softly: "I'm not afraid of you. I just don't want to fight on the first day when I came here, and let others think that people in our country of the moon can only fight."

"She is Barbara, the third waiter in the restaurant. She came from a far away place, so we should be more tolerant of her strange behaviors and remarks in the future." MEG took a look at Barbara, who didn't mean to continue, said with a smile, and then turned to the restaurant.

"Barbara, what a lovely name, just like your people." Xi Xi smiles sweetly, reaches for Barbara's hand and says in a soft voice, "if you come from a distant place, you will not be used to it. It doesn't matter. We will be neighbors in the future. You can come to see Xi Xi Xi whenever you have anything."

"I..." Barbara looked at Xixi, her smile was so gentle, and her soft tone made her think of her mother. When she came here, her mother and father must be very worried, and her tone was a little stubborn.

"Although sister Xixi is a good person, those smelly men who openly abuse women in public must be burned to death! But... Forget it. " Looking at Xi Xi and Lu Lu walking towards the park hand in hand, Barbara thought to herself.

"Barbara, let's go. If you don't mind, you can live next to me. Although the house is small, it's clean and quiet." Said abelmia and Barbara, taking her slowly away.


"I don't want to live in those strange places. Do you have a palace here? I want to live in a palace. " In the evening, abemia took Barbara back to the restaurant. As soon as she came in, Barbara asked seriously.

"There is no king in the city of chaos, so there is no such thing as a palace." MEG shook his head. The girl thought very well.

"Ah... What should I do? There is no crystal bed, no big bathtub, no big wardrobe, and even the toilet stinks. How can I live in such a place! And... And... I just saw a hairy thing. If it ran out at night, what would I do... "Barbara was more and more aggrieved, and her mouth was shriveled, as if she would cry soon.

"It's a little mouse. I think it's cute." She added in a low voice.

"Gray, hairy, with a pointed mouth and a long tail, how can such a thing be worthy of the word" cute " Barbara's voice can't help but improve a bit.

"Now even if you have a wardrobe, you don't have clothes to hang in it." McGonagall rolled his eyes, but it was understandable that a princess, who had lived a life of respectability all the year round, suddenly lived in poverty.

"If it's a palace, we'll have one upstairs! Sister Barbara, why don't you live upstairs? Our toilet is fragrant. " Amy, who just came back from school, said with a smile.

"Really?" Barbara's eyes lit up.

"Did the boss build a palace upstairs?" Abelmia also looked at MEG curiously and expectantly, but she had not seen what the palace looked like.

"The restaurant doesn't provide accommodation, so you..." MEG shook his head.

But before McGonagall had finished, Barbara trotted upstairs.

"Hee hee." Amy also ran upstairs with the ugly duckling.

"Can I have a look, boss? I haven't seen the palace yet. " Abelmia also looked at MEG expectantly and asked.

"Go ahead, go ahead." MEG raised his hand helplessly. There was no palace upstairs, but it was just a small playground.

"Aisha, let's go together!" Abelmia happily takes Sally upstairs.

"I have to find a way to send this girl out and live with strangers. It's hard just to think about it." McGonagall thought to himself. He took a look at the time. There was still some time before the opening of the evening. After thinking about it, he went upstairs.

Anyway, there is no spare room at home. Barbara should be disappointed when she sees the playground. Let MIA find a better place for her.

"Wow! This is fun

"This horse can move by itself

"Can this row of wheels be worn?" Hey, give me a hand, I'm going to pour... Pour... Ouch

McGonagall had not been upstairs, the girls' happy voice had come out from upstairs, and it was Barbara's voice that called the loudest.

MEG went to the door. Barbara, wearing a pair of skates, was climbing up from the ground against the wall, rubbing her legs and laughing happily. Sally and abelmia sat on both sides of the seesaw. As soon as they went up and down, even Sally's face had a bright smile.

"Do you... Really have such fun?" MEG stood at the door, his mouth slightly open, looking at the crowd in the room.

"Although the palace is a little small, it's really fun! I'm going to live here! " Barbara looked back at MEG and said excitedly.

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