McGonagall looked at Barbara's bright smile. For the first time, he found that the girl was very cute when she was smiling, at least much more lovely than the man who had just seriously expressed that she was going to burn a woman's hand.

However, if you think about it carefully, it's just a little princess who was raised in a palace and used to being respectable. It's obviously not easy for her to understand the habit of the world. After all, not everyone in the world is waiting to cross at any time.

Seeking common ground while reserving differences is the proper attitude towards problems.

On the other hand, he can't stand the attitude of the world towards semi race and wants to correct this mistake, but the attitude of the world is not so.

"However, there is no crystal bed for you to live in, no super large wardrobe for you to store clothes, and even... Not even a wooden bed." MEG looked at Barbara and shook her head.

"As long as you let me live here, even if there is no bed, it doesn't matter. I really like it here!" Barbara shook her head, her face still full of excitement.

"No, I have a relationship." McGonagall still shook his head.

"Your Highness has never begged anyone else in this life." Barbara's serious face suddenly turned and her mouth shriveled. She looked at McGonagall with a smile. "But this time, can I beg you to let me live here, even if I sleep on the ground?"

McGonagall raised his eyebrows and looked at Barbara with a sincere face. Suddenly, he couldn't find the princess who had just been domineering. On the contrary, he had a kind of pathetic feeling. He didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

"Boss, it seems that Barbara really doesn't like the place where I live, and she's really afraid of mice. Before she finds a suitable place to live, let her live with you first." She looked at Barbara with pity. The girl just screamed and hid in her arms, which made her feel a little distressed. If she didn't go, she would have no home and no family like her.

"Yes, father, let sister Barbara stay, so that I can teach her the rules of our chaotic city, and then I won't fight with others on the street." Amy also asked, shaking Meg's hand.

"You didn't even learn it yourself. You have to teach others." McGonagall scratched Amy's nose with his fingers, looked into Barbara's eyes for a while, nodded slightly and said, "I can promise you to stay."

Before Barbara cheered, McGonagall continued: "however, I won't provide you with any accommodation. You can use the bathroom from 10:00 to 10:30 p.m., but after using it, you must clean the bathroom and not leave a hair. You can only go upstairs when you go to bed at night, and the scope of activity is limited to this room. "

Both abemia and Sally gave Barbara a worried look.

"No problem!" Barbara nodded her head directly and without blinking.

"Also, you should remember that this is not your country of the moon. No one will treat you as a princess, so you must abide by the rules of the world. If you are still unruly and willful and cause trouble, I will not bear the consequences for you." McGonagall looked into Barbara's eyes and said seriously, "people are responsible for their actions, and you are not a three-year-old."

Barbara looked at MEG, silent for a moment, solemnly nodded and said: "I know, I will be responsible for their own behavior."

"Then you can stay, but it's just for you to stay. When you find a suitable place, you'll move out. After all, it's not a palace, it's just Meg's playground." MEG nodded and turned downstairs.

"Father, am I still three years old?" Amy raised her hand and asked.

"Of course not. You are a four-year-old, so you have to take responsibility for your own actions." Meg said, smiling and touching Amy's hair.

"Well, I know," Amy nodded thoughtfully, then looked at Barbara with a happy face and said, "great, sister Barbara, you can stay in my house. Today I'll give you a lesson about hand holding. You can't do it to my father. He will hold my hand, but he is a good man..."


Devil islands, a desert island, several people in black robes, covering their faces squatting on the hillside of a canyon eating.

"Sir Hughes, I still can't get in touch with the city of chaos. After the Black Hawk returned, the secret letter hasn't been collected. I'm afraid something happened there." At this time, a black robed magician rushed down from the hillside with a black eagle in his arms and said anxiously.

The people in black sitting on the hillside all looked towards this side, and their eyes were concerned.

Hughes raised his eyes and looked at the secret letter with red paint on the Black Hawk's feet. His brow wrinkled deeply. The scar on the corner of his brow became very obvious. The dead fish's eyes became more gloomy. His voice was a little low and he said, "when did you lose contact with them?"

"I received a report from them three days ago, so if something happens, it should be within these two days." The black wizard express.

Hughes fell into silence again, but his brow was deeper.

"According to the rules, the Black Hawk team reports to Lord Hughes every other day. Nelson, they don't really have an accident, do they?"

"Although Nelson and his team are not strong, they are not weak. Even if they meet some enemies, they can run out at least one or two people. How can they disappear without even spreading the news?"

"Do you mean... They met that man!"

"It's impossible, isn't that man already abandoned? But we've gone over several islands and still haven't found them

Sitting on the hillside, the man in black discussed in a low voice, with a dignified look.

"You take a team to the city of chaos to see what's going on, report to flying eagle." Said Hughes, looking at the black wizard.

"Yes." The black robed magician nodded, took a team of seven and soon disappeared into the canyon.

"Keep going. After searching this island today, there are still three islands left. That guy is most likely among the three remaining islands." Hughes looked at the man in black sitting on the hillside and said in a deep voice, walking towards the dense forest full of fog first.

"Yes." The people in black, with a look of awe inspiring, got up one after another and quickly followed.


"My Lord, after our careful investigation in the past two days, there was a big battle in the rainy night two days ago, and the strength of both sides was at least above level 4, including knights and magicians. But the rain washed away most of the traces, so it's not sure whether anyone died in the battle." Deep in Aden square, a originally lush forest will become a mess. A man dressed in grey Temple clothes reports to brandley.

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