The sound of fierce argument reverberates in the empty hall. Fox, standing in the middle of the hall, slightly lowers his head and has no words. Yu Guang is secretly looking at the old man sitting on the high platform, who is wearing a white robe and has a magic wand standing beside him.

Douglas, the elder of the ice dragon clan, is the strongest of the ice dragon clan. He is also the person with the highest seniority and status. He is now the decision maker of the ice dragon clan.

After frankster disappeared, he took charge of the ice dragon clan again. The words of other elders may have some effect, but he is still the only one who can make the final decision.

It's just that Douglas, sitting on the high platform, closed his eyes and seemed to be asleep.

This old man, who has lived for more than 2200 years, only rankster, who forced him to hand over the position of patriarch, knows how powerful his strength is.

"All right." Douglas, who had never opened his mouth, slowly opened his eyes. A slightly hoarse voice rang through the hall. The debate in the hall stopped, and the elders looked at Douglas one after another.

"Look for frankster again. I'm not dead yet. This boy, it's not so easy to die." Douglas said slowly, holding the wand standing on one side and disappearing on the seat.

The elders looked at each other, and the hall was quiet for a while, then they all got up and left.

"Frankster... If you're dead, why don't you die more thoroughly? You robbed my position in those years. Even if you were dead, you wouldn't give me this position..." Fox looked at the empty hall and said to himself with red eyes and teeth.

"Old man, you can't live long. After I break through level 10, I can do what frankster was able to do." Fox clenched his fist, said in his heart, turned and walked out of the hall.


"I didn't get her blood last time. If I want to verify whether she is the person I want to find, I have to use her blood to verify Longyuan." Elizabeth stood in the distance, looking at the direction of the restaurant and whispered to herself, "my 20-year-old bar mitzvah is coming soon. I have to be baptized with ice dragon source to fully activate my blood and become the top ice dragon. If fox knows that she still exists, she will not be let go."

"I don't have much time left, maybe... I should go to her and talk to her alone. The elf is too alert, and, by the way, too smart. " Elizabeth shook her head and disappeared.


"Welcome next time."

McGonagall sent the last guest out with a smile, flipped the sign on the door, turned to the door, looked at Sally and them who were cleaning up the restaurant, and said with a smile: "after cleaning up the restaurant, don't rush back, have some supper and then go back."

"Supper? Boss, is this a special day? " She said curiously.

"Is supper a kind of food? Is it something that's late for a holiday? " Barbara also asked curiously.

"It's a celebration of Barbara's entry." MEG looked at Barbara with a smile and said, "congratulations on your first job."

"Yes, Congratulations, Barbara, and you've found a place to live." Abelmia said with a smile.

"Thank you, sister Barbara. It's you who let us have delicious food again." Amy also has a happy face.

"Congratulations." Sally said with a smile.

"Me? I'm... I'm... you're welcome... No, I mean... Thank you... "Barbara opened her eyes and looked at the smiling people. She was a bit incoherent and caused a burst of laughter.

"Well, today we are working hard. You can order what you want to eat." McGonagall also said that although Barbara was a little bit coquettish, her work attitude was very commendable. She did a good job for abelmia this evening. At least she had a good service attitude towards the guests, which was recognized by the guests.

"I want to eat grilled fish. I haven't eaten grilled fish today." Amy was the first to raise her hand.

"Meow, meow," the ugly duckling's eyes brightened and called.

"Ugly duckling, you can't eat supper. Eating supper will make you fat. If you get fat..." Amy looked down at the ugly duckling, and her eyes became dangerous.

"Meow!" The ugly duckling felt a chill, and suddenly retracted his head, afraid to move.

"I want to eat a rougamo!" Abelmia raised her hand.

"I want to have Yangzhou fried rice." Said Sally.

"I... I want to eat roast beef kebabs." Barbara swallowed her saliva. She didn't know how many times this evening.

"Sister Barbara, do you only eat beef kebabs? You don't seem to eat anything else? " Amy looks at Barbara in a puzzled way.

McGonagall also looked at Barbara with some doubts. Although the roast beef kebab is really delicious, it's really strange that he always insists on choosing roast beef kebab when other delicacies are available.

"I think the roast beef kebab is delicious." Barbara said with an uncomfortable expression.

"Well, you sit and wait. I'll make you some delicious food, grilled fish and large portions. Everyone will have some." MEG turned and walked into the kitchen.

Before long, abemia and Sally came into the kitchen to help bring out a delicious meal. MEG came out with a large portion of grilled fish and put it in the middle of the table carefully. As they broke out of the skirt, they said, "let's go. The amount of supper tonight is huge."

"Are these... All mine?" Barbara looked at a hill of roast beef bunches in front of her. There were as many as twenty bunches. She looked at MEG in disbelief.

"Yes, enjoy it." MEG nodded with a smile, picked up his chopsticks and put the tenderest fish under his head into Amy's bowl.

The ugly duckling stretched out her neck and looked at the roast fish. She looked up at Amy again. Some wrongly, she drew back her head and put out two small claws to cover her eyes. It was clear that she couldn't see.

"Then... I'm not welcome." Barbara said happily that twenty Beef Kebabs had been made up for her meal for more than half a month. In this case, the boss didn't seem as bad as she thought. She reached for a string of Beef Kebabs and ate them happily.

"Barbara, rougamo is delicious." Abelmia stood by, biting the rougamo in her hand, with a happy expression on her face. A golden dragon tail darted out from the skirt behind her and swept around the ground.

Barbara was stunned. She looked at the Golden Dragon's tail on the ground, and then at abelmia. For a moment, she seemed a little confused.

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