"Sister MIA will become a dragon in the future. Then we can let her take us to the sky." Amy seemed to see Barbara's doubts and explained.

"It's amazing. I haven't seen a dragon yet." Barbara's eyes lit up and looked at abelmia expectantly. "Can it change now?"

"No, I don't think I can become a dragon in my life. I'm just a half dragon." Abelmia shook her head again and again, looking a little gloomy.

"How can it be that sister MIA is so powerful that she can remember all the guests' orders at one time without any mistakes. Even the real dragon can't do such a thing at all. You are much more powerful than the dragon." Barbara shook her head and said seriously.

"Yes, sooner or later, you will become a real dragon." McGonagall said with a smile.

Abemia showed a happy smile on her face, shook her head and said, "in fact, I'm not sad at all. Even if I really become a dragon, I still want to be a waiter in the restaurant and serve the guests."

"A bunch of Beef Kebabs for you." McGonagall took a bunch of beef from the plate at hand and put it on abelmia's plate. This is a real excellent employee.

"Thank you, boss." The smile on abelmia's face was even brighter.

At the end of the night in a happy environment, Sally cleans the table and tableware, and abelmia is ready to leave.

"This is your work clothes. Let's see if my aesthetics is better than yours." MEG took a black box from the counter and handed it directly to Barbara.

"Work clothes?" Abelmia came forward curiously.

Sally is also curious to see over, do not know this time MEG will take out what kind of work clothes to Barbara.

"I don't think I have any aesthetic problems at all, so I don't look forward to it at all." Barbara stressed seriously, but quickly put the box aside on the clean table and slowly lifted the lid with both hands.

"Wow, white and blue skirt, and beautiful lace, it looks good!" Abelmia looked at the clothes in the box and couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's a skirt! And there's a beautiful pair of little black shoes. " Amy is also on tiptoe, looking at the things in the box, said happily.

"The boss is really powerful. He can design so many clothes. Does he have a special tailor's room?" Sally looks at McGonagall with curiosity and admiration. In addition to making all kinds of delicious food, he seems to have all kinds of interesting and powerful things in his mind.

Barbara's eyes were also bright. Looking at the skirt in the box, her eyes couldn't move. She reached out and gently lifted the skirt up. Beige was the main color of the whole skirt, the lace in front of her collar and the small area of lace at the fold of the lotus leaf was pink blue, and the ribbon at the cuff and waist was light blue. It was silky and very soft, The skirt also has the feeling of a puffy skirt. It looks very cute.

"How beautiful! So cute! I really like it Barbara's eyes are some straight, some incredible looking at the hands of the skirt, the whole skirt without her favorite pink, but deeply moved her heart, it is impossible to use words to express her love for this skirt.

"Do you like it?" McGonagall asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Barbara nodded her head without thinking. She looked at McGonagall's smile. Her face turned red and her voice dropped a few minutes. "I mean... Not bad..."

Abelmia and Sally's face also showed a smile, the little girl is better than imagined to get along with some.

"Well, we are all working hard today. We have to continue business tomorrow. Let's go back first." McGonagall looked at the crowd and said, finally, he looked at abelmia again and said, "mia, please pay attention to whether there is a better place to rent in the neighborhood."

"All right." Abemia nods, says goodbye to Sally and MEG, and goes home from work.

"Do you still want to drive me away?" Barbara looked at MEG and said a little wrongly.

"It's not to drive you away, but to find more suitable accommodation for you. I don't like to live with other people except Amy. There will be many inconveniences, so after the accommodation is implemented, you can move away." McGonagall shook his head slightly, in a tone that didn't mean to discuss.

"All right." Barbara looked at McGonagall's face for a while, and finally nodded. But she soon stressed, "but there must be no hairy things there. If there are any, I will never live in it!"

"This condition can be met." McGonagall nodded with a smile. He squatted down and picked up Amy, who was yawning. Then he picked up the duckling, who had fallen asleep. He looked at Barbara and said, "I'll teach you how to take a bath after I wash Amy."

"Ah?" Barbara was stunned for a moment. She didn't know what she thought. Her face turned red. She looked at MEG angrily and said, "I don't want to stay in the bathroom with you! You don't have to teach me how to take a bath! "

"What's on your mind? I'm just going to teach you how to use the tap." MEG rolled his eyes. The girl wanted to understand something wrong. She took Amy upstairs.

"Shame, sister Barbara, my father will only give Amy a bath, but he won't give you a bath." Amy, who is lying on Meg's shoulder, looks at Barbara with a smile and says.

"I... I didn't think of anything strange!" Barbara's face was redder, and she held her little fist, hoping to find a way to get in.

MEG gave Amy a bath, and then took a shower himself. Then she explained how to use the bathtub and faucet to Barbara, whose face was still red. By the way, she brought her a new set of pajamas.

"I see. It's just a pipe to let out water." Barbara glanced at the tap and said carelessly.

"Then go to bed early after you wash." MEG nodded, turned out of the bathroom and closed the door.

"Wow! What a bright mirror! And this night pearl looks bright! This wonderful water pipe turns and hot water comes out! The most powerful thing is the big white bathtub. It's white and slippery. As long as you turn the switch, hot water will fill the whole bathtub. It's much more convenient than burning hot water! " As soon as the door closed, Barbara's eyes lit up. She looked in the mirror, touched the tap, took off her shoes, jumped into the bathtub and made a circle inside,.

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