McGonagall is not good at dealing with corpses, but Alex is good at it, so how to turn the result of losing both sides into one person's death and one person's serious injury and escape is very spiritual.

Back in the dining room, McGonagall calmly burned his bloody clothes and wiped out all possible traces. Then he went upstairs to take a bath. Then he went back to the room, turned on the small light on the desk and loosened the rolled up parchment.

The blood stained parchment records a personal information. According to the portrait, McGonagall can judge that the vigorous young man in the portrait is the mustache he just dug and buried.

"Noah Goodall..." McGonagall whispered the name, and then read the information carefully.

He had just scanned the parchment roughly, which was the reason why he hid the bearded body.

Noah Goodall, the eldest son of Goodall's generation, is handsome and talented. When he was young, he was also a little famous childe in lodu.

The ancestors of the Goodall family used to be cooks around the king, and they used their lives to defend the king from assassination. As a result, the Goodall family became one of the nobles of lodu. However, after several generations of inheritance, it has not become a third rate nobleman

Noah Goodall is considered to be the inheritor who can revive the Goodall family, but because he fell in love with the same elf woman with young master Timothy of Buckley family, the Goodall family suffered a disaster.

Four years ago, Goodall fled lodu with his wife and half elf daughter, who was still in her infancy. She was also the remaining survivor of Goodall's family, and then lost her trace.

Timothy sent people all the way to chase and kill, and Besson was one of the teams. That's what happened tonight.

McGonagall scanned the information carefully, combined with some memories of lodu in his mind. After more than ten minutes, he slowly put down the parchment in his hand, frowned and said: "when this guy didn't have a beard, his eyebrows and eyes looked similar to mine, and his height was similar. What's more, the time he left lodu, and the age of the half elf daughter, all match like that. "

"The Buckley family, loyal to Sean, has a big background in the military. Eric should be Timothy's father, an extreme militant."

"Compared with the opposition with Joe and Shawn at the same time, reducing the opponent to such a second generation is obviously more in line with the current situation and state."

MEG got up and went out, burned the parchment into a pile of ashes, looked at the busy members of the grey Temple who had appeared outside the Maimi restaurant, frowned and said, "Noah Goodall, I borrowed your name first, and I will avenge you in the future."


"Captain, after our search, starting from the door of the ice cream shop, we went all the way to the Maimi restaurant, where four people and an elf wizard died. This should be the last place to fight." The monkey whispered to basil.

"There's another one running away, monkey. You'll take people to follow the trail!"

"Bob, you report the grey temple, level Four! Search the city for the murderer

Bazer's expression was dignified. Five people died in Aden square, which was not a small matter.

A few days ago, there was a fierce battle in Aden square, but in the end, nothing was left except a mess.

I didn't expect that in the past few days, there was such a tragic murder.

Basil crouched down to look at Besson's body. After a moment's silence, he got up again and looked in the direction of McMillan's.

"Captain, I don't know if I should say something..." a little player said softly.

"He said Basil took a look at him.

"It's just a coincidence that an ice cream shop is owned by boss Mai's family, and the first death object we found is at the door of the ice cream shop, while the last death object is at the door of Maimi's restaurant?" The little player whispered.

"You'll continue to investigate here, and I'll ask about the situation." Bazer nodded and took them to the Maimi restaurant. He didn't think that Meg was related to the incident, but the starting point and the ending point really made people doubt. Moreover, this is the last scene of the crime, and there should be fierce fighting. At such a close distance, some voices should be heard.

McGonagall stood by the window and watched Basil knock on the door downstairs for a long time. Then he grabbed a handful of hair and approved a pajama. Sleepy eyed, he went downstairs and opened the door. He looked at Basil standing at the door with a puzzled face and said, "Captain basil, what are you doing here? The restaurant is closed. "

"Boss Mai, I'm not here to eat." Basil shook his head with a smile, but his eyes became sharp when he looked at MEG. He looked at him carefully and said, "there's a homicide case just happened in front of him. The murderer should not have gone far. It's closest to your restaurant, so I want to ask if you've heard anything or seen anyone suspicious?"

"Someone died in front of my restaurant again?" MEG picked his eyebrows and seemed to wake up. He looked at the direction of the lawn, shook his head and said, "I coaxed Amy to sleep, and then she went to sleep. I didn't hear anything in the middle. Because it is sensitive to noise, the restaurant was designed with good sound insulation, not to mention their fighting. If you clap the door and it didn't trigger the doorbell system, I couldn't hear it at all. "

"Is the sound insulation effect of boss Mai's restaurant so good?" Bazer was a little surprised and asked with a smile, "I wonder if I can go in and experience it?"

"Of course." MEG nodded and sidled out of the way.

"You two are fighting outside the restaurant." Basil told the two men, and the clanking of the swords went on and on.

When Basil enters the dining room, MEG closes the door. The originally harsh sound of swords and swords is as small as the buzzing sound of mosquitoes. If you don't distinguish them carefully, you can hardly hear them, which makes Basil a little incredible.

"The sound insulation effect of the bedroom is better than this. It can isolate almost all sounds." McGonagall shrugged and said with a smile, "there's a waiter living in a restaurant upstairs. If captain Basil has any doubts, you can come and ask her tomorrow morning. She should be still sleeping."

"No, boss Mai's pursuit of sleep quality is really amazing. It seems that you really can't provide any useful information, so don't disturb your rest. Come and have dinner tomorrow when you are free." With a smile and a shake of his head, basil and MEG nodded, turned out of the dining room and left with two members of the grey temple.

"Life is like a play. It's all about acting." MEG shrugged, turned off the lights and went upstairs.

When the problem of identity is solved, he can do something.

Then he ordered the black pepper steak experience pack in his mind.

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