The annual Mid Year Party of Aden chamber of commerce is one of the most important festivals of Aden chamber of Commerce. All members of Aden chamber of Commerce, as well as celebrities from all walks of life in the city of chaos will be present.

And such a grand gathering, naturally, has become a show for women to highlight their taste and dignity.

Among a group of women with noble status and rich wealth, if they can stand out, it is worth boasting for more than half a year.

Therefore, at this time, the wives and daughters of those aristocrats and rich businessmen will take out the most gorgeous service and dress up.

"Luna, show me which of these 100 dresses I should wear to the party today?"

In the city Lord's mansion, Vivian pulls Luna's hand and pushes open a door. A hundred dresses of all kinds, glittering with gems and gold, appear in front of her eyes.

Luna stood at the door, slightly open mouth, looking at a few rows of skirts hanging all over the room, can't help but smile: "you are crazy! Didn't you like wearing skirts before? Why do so many skirts come out all of a sudden? "

"That was before." Vivian picked her eyebrows and said, "actually, I still don't like wearing skirts now, but I always have to try some things. Besides, I used to watch those women wear colorful and dazzling clothes one by one. Today I must redefine what kind of skirts women should wear!"

"You'd better choose one yourself." Luna pointed to the room full of skirts.

"I don't know. I usually wear those plain skirts, but those ladies who wear gold and silver are beautiful. Who can look like those skirts? A group of women whose heads are filled with gold." Vivian said angrily.

"That's no wonder. I think Miss Hill has always been wearing a red dress. It's just as beautiful, but there's no gold on it." Luna said with a smile.

"Don't mention that guy. It's a pervert. When we were still thinking about where to play, she had already started planning to build it up for us to play. This woman is invincible." Vivian rolled her eyes and was convinced.

"So, skirts and clothes don't look better with more things hanging on them. Otherwise, making a skirt made of gold will be the focus of the whole audience." Luna nodded slightly.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of your idea! " As soon as Vivian's eyes brightened, she turned around and went out.

"What are you doing?" Luna quickly reached for her hand.

"I'll ask the master in the house to see if he can make a set of pure gold skirt for me before tonight." Vivian a face naturally said.

"At this time, they may be able to wrap a cylindrical skirt in gold." Luna rolled her eyes, and the girl was absolutely amazing. "When the time comes, the focus of the whole audience is inevitable, but what she received is not envy, but ridicule. What a upstart's way of dressing is."

"So?" Vivian stops and smiles.

"I'll choose one for you. This skirt is very good. It's water blue as the bottom, light cyan as the pattern, and the skirt has a fork. It's just enough to show off your long legs. Let those women envy you." Luna goes into the cloakroom, selects a skirt and hands it to Vivian.

"Well, I'll take this one. Luna, you can choose one yourself. Let's form a long legged girls' team and blind those women's eyes." Vivian satisfied with the skirt, and then looked at Luna said.

"I don't have to. It's nice for me to wear it like this." Luna shook her head.

"No, you're a distinguished guest from LoDo. You have to dress up to your temperament." Vivian shook her head and said with a smile: "what's more, today we are all the richest people in the city of chaos, but don't trust those guys who are full of glib and wrong talk, but it's not difficult to deduct some money from them and buy some food and food for those children."

As soon as Luna's eyes brightened, she nodded almost without hesitation and said, "OK."


"Miss, according to the admission time, if you want to get in early, you should start now."

In the Dai LAN cloth shop, which has changed its name to Dai LAN, Mars looks at Gloria, who is already dressed in a dress and facing the mirror.

I didn't expect that the timid little girl had such a beautiful appearance, which set off the gorgeous and noble dress perfectly.

Gloria didn't look back. She shook her head slightly and said, "Mars, what's the latest time for admission?"

"According to the rules, the latest entrants should be the Lord and the Lord of the city. Then they will enter at about seven o'clock." Mars said, then added, "but the rest have to get in before that."

"How sure are you that the watchman will let us in when we're late?" Asked Gloria, looking back at Mars.

"In your capacity, the watchman can't shut you out, and Charlotte, who is in charge of admission, is very familiar with me this time." Mars looked at Gloria, his eyes brightening. He seemed to know what she wanted to do.

"Then we'll be there at seven." Said Gloria with a smile.

"OK, I'll arrange it now." Mars nodded, turned and walked out with a happy smile on his face. "It seems that Mr. McGonagall has taught miss a lot, and she is more suitable to be a businessman than Lance."


"Father, are we going to a party instead of a party today?"

In the dining room, Amy, dressed in a pink and white Duffel suit, looks down at MEG, who helps him with his belt, and asks for the third time.

"Yes, we were invited by the little sister in red. We can have a good night tonight." MEG straightened up and looked at Amy and nodded with satisfaction.

Amy's long silver hair was tied up in a bun, with a lovely jade hairpin inserted obliquely, and a belt, but with a little wild waist. The cut was just right, showing the elegance and flexibility of the Hanfu.

"Is there going to be a lot of people coming?" Amy asked curiously again.

"I think so. Maybe a lot of people we know will go." McGonagall nodded with a smile and loosened his pink shirt collar. He was very experienced at this kind of dinner. He was dressed in a stiff suit, with perfect figure, just the right appearance, and the beard that added a little sense of vicissitudes. He could definitely kill the whole audience.

Of course, he has no plan to take off the single now, but he can start to make a high profile.

"If there are a lot of people, there must be a lot of delicious food, right?" Amy's eyes brightened, and her attention was obviously a little off center.

"Probably." McGonagall stressed a little haughtily, "but the food they make is absolutely not as delicious as what I make!"

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