MEG looked at Gloria with a smile on his lips. He didn't expect that Gloria would be the first to come out to help him. The girl was braver than he thought.

In addition to the fact that Cyril's dual business is a little low, the solidified class ideology is the foundation of his standing up.

However, McGonagall couldn't figure out why Geoffrey insisted on training him to be the successor of the Morton family. Didn't he push the whole family into the pit of fire?

There's nothing wrong with the son inheriting his father's career, but first of all, the son can't be a Dou who can't support him.

At that time, his father was much smarter. He knew that he had no mind and no ability to inherit the family business. He found a professional manager to run the company. It was easy and efficient, which was much better than forcing him to be a loser.

In contrast, Gloria, who has just begun to adapt to the role, shows her higher potential and value.

The girl looks soft and weak, but her execution and judgment of the situation are obviously a few blocks away from Cyril.

At least the guy with a little brain will not say that in front of the city Lord.

The banquet hall was quiet, and the guests looked at the embarrassed Cyril with strange expressions on their faces.

The second young master of the Molton family, the director of Aden chamber of Commerce, was so embarrassed by a four-year-old girl with magic.

And McGonagall's light words put the responsibility back on Cyril, and even made people laugh.

Of course, what's more shocking is that after Meg said that she would donate to Luna's foundation, Gloria also said on the spot that she would donate one tenth of her income to the foundation.

Gloria, the eldest lady of the Molton family, is still Cyril's niece in terms of identity. Now she has made it clear that she is donating money, which is undoubtedly a resounding slap in response to Cyril's previous words.

As the successor candidates of the Morton family, the fierce competition for the status of patriarch can be seen.

Gloria, who was not expected by the public, after her amazing appearance, directly stood on the opposite side of Cyril, which also made many people have some changes in her.

This beautiful young lady reminds people of the same young lady of the buffet family, who now firmly controls the power of the family.

Whether Geoffrey, who has always preferred sons over daughters, will give the position of patriarch to Gloria like old buffet, has aroused people's thinking.

"I didn't expect to be preempted." Hill stood at the door of the VIP table, looking at Gloria with a little chagrin.

"This little girl, she has some ideas." Michael looks at Gloria and smiles again. When he looks at Amy, the smile on his face becomes more and more intense. The ice hockey ball he just recorded really won his heart.

Geoffrey's hand slowly released and looked at Gloria, nodding slightly, but still speechless.

"This guy seems to be a stumbling block." Camilla squints at MEG.

"Why do you suddenly have a sour taste." The black cat sniffed around, looking puzzled.

"Mr. McGonagall!" Luna looks at MEG who is standing in front of Amy and her. Her helpless heart suddenly settles down. She feels that there will be no wind and rain coming in only when she stands behind him.

Cyril felt that her buttocks were burning. Besides, she didn't get hurt. She just lost her face in front of so many people. This would make her face as red as a monkey's buttocks.

Of course, what made him even more angry was Meg's indifferent attitude, and Gloria, who was directly on the opposite side of him. She had already taken too much publicity this evening.

"You are just taking over the cloth shop of Dailan for the time being. What qualifications do you have to decide to donate one tenth of Dailan's income?" Cyril looked at Gloria with a sneer, and said sarcastically, "what's more, the Dylan cloth shop has been losing money for three years in a row. You haven't sold a piece of cloth for so many days, and it's going to be completely closed in half a month. What's your donation?"

"Do you really think you have a high position in the family? How dare you make such a decision in private. " Henny said, this ugly eight strange opened the curtain, did not expect to become so beautiful.

"Yes, it's so revealing that we've lost the face of the Molton family." Hetty also said with a sneer, looking at Gloria's eyes full of jealousy and resentment, today all the limelight is monopolized by her, because of the beautiful skirt.

"It seems that my hero's chance to save the beauty has come. This time, I must puff these guys' faces and capture the beauty's heart." Camilla's eyes lit up, and dangerous light flashed through her beautiful eyes.

"The president has promised me that as long as I can turn a loss into a profit within one month, the Dai LAN cloth shop belongs to me. So why am I not qualified to donate one tenth of my income?" Gloria ignored Hetty and Henie, looked at Cyril with a relaxed expression and said, "I am confident that I can turn her loss into profit. By the way, it is not a cloth shop, but a clothing shop now. This skirt on my body is one of the new products to be launched soon."

"The timid Cinderella turned into a confident princess. This angel investment will probably be one of the most successful." MEG looked at Gloria and thought with some relief.

It is his business principle not to put eggs in the same basket. Cooperating with hill may change the Aden chamber of Commerce, while investing in Gloria may subvert the Molton family and change the Aden chamber of Commerce.

"How could that be?" Cyril looked at Gloria's blue dress, his eyes full of disbelief.

This dress that Gloria wore this evening undoubtedly attracted the attention of the audience. If it's from his clothing store, you can imagine how many crazy orders she can get next.

Moreover, from her appearance to the present, she has successfully sold the Dai LAN clothing store and her skirt to all the guests.

Cyril can't imagine what kind of profit these ladies with the most purchasing power in the chaotic city will bring to her clothing store.

But what he can be sure of is that as long as Gloria can provide enough skirts, Dai LAN will not only turn a loss into a profit, but also enter a state of high profit soon.

Cyril reached out to hold the knight's shoulder on one side, and suddenly felt a sense of loss. He was obviously defeated in the challenge of Deborah. Gloria's threat to him was no longer just a joke.

"This guy... Didn't give me a chance at all." Just step out of the Camilla is to take back the foot, a little annoyed in the mind.

"I think it might be men she likes." The black cat whispered.

"Shut up! How can there be true love between the opposite sex! It's just animal reproduction! " Camilla hit the black cat on the head again.

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