"This dress is from Miss Gloria's own clothing store. It's called Dai LAN, isn't it?"

"Write down this important information quickly, and go to the store to book one early tomorrow morning!"

"It seems that the competition for the successors of the Molton family and the balance of victory and defeat have changed from the complete crushing of Cyril."

"Yes, if Miss Gloria showed great business skills and brains, who knows if the president would choose her like Lord Ian."

Some women who had not heard the news before showed great interest, while businessmen began to think about the news revealed in the dialogue just now. If they need to choose to stand in line in the future, these news are obviously very important.

Hetty and Henie's face became extremely ugly, and Gloria's indifference was more difficult for them to accept than her vicious words, as if to tell them that she was not on the same level with them.

"Jeffrey, are you going to give the Molton family to this little girl, just like Ian? I think her brain and EQ are just like those of the buffet girls. " Michael looked sideways at Jeffrey and asked with a smile. His words were light, but his eyes were sharp.

"I gave her a chance, but it depends on her own ability. If women want to be in power, they have to work harder. " Jeffrey looked at Gloria and shook his head slightly. "Compared with the girl of the buffet family, she's not enough."

"You are proud of it, but not everyone's girls are the same as the buffet family, growing up in the bank." Michael said with a smile.

Geoffrey didn't answer, but looking at Gloria's eyes, he felt a little relieved and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Today's elder sister is so powerful that she feels like a new person." Mickey looked at Gloria standing in the crowd and opened her mouth slightly. All her worries turned into surprise and pride.

"Gloria, I've grown up, better than I was then." Lance's expression was a little complicated, a little relieved, and a little distressed.

"Yes, when I grow up, as we said when I was just born, I grow up to be a beautiful girl." Debra took Lance's hand and said with a smile, her eyes wet with tears.

Cyril took a deep breath to calm himself down, released the hand holding the knight, looked at Gloria and sneered, "even if you and he are willing to give it, only you idiots will do such things. Do you think there are any idiots like you among the people present? I'll see what you use to fill this bottomless hole! "

"The buffet bank will provide a sum of money for the teaching of those homeless children." Hill stepped out of the separated crowd, looked at Luna and said, "Miss Luna, I hope you can give me a plan and budget. Whether it's running a school alone or joining the chaotic school system, buffet bank will be fully responsible for this part of the funds."

"OK... OK." Luna's eyes brightened, and she looked at Hill's head in disbelief.

"President Jeffrey, I think our Aden chamber of Commerce rose in the city of chaos. It's only a few decades since we became aristocrats. It seems that all of you have forgotten that your parents and grandparents were just ordinary people. Now why can't we give back part of the money we got to those children?" Hill's eyes turned to Geoffrey in the VIP table and asked with a smile, "would the president like to be a fool, too?"

Cyril's face turned pale. He never thought that hill would come out suddenly. In addition to making huge promises, he also pointed the finger at Geoffrey. Whether Geoffrey agreed or not, he was obviously defeated today. He failed to save any face in the end, and his status in Geoffrey's heart would decline again.

The faces of the guests suddenly become wonderful. The businessmen of the buffet department have begun to think about how much they should donate, while the businessmen of the Morton Department look at Geoffrey.

The battle between Jeffrey and hill in the presidential election has been raging. Now hill obviously wants to slap Cyril in the face. It's obviously impossible for Jeffrey to agree at this time if he protects his shorts. In this case, they can't rush to make a donation.

Michael looks at Jeffrey and doesn't speak.

McGonagall looked at hill in some astonishment.

Sure enough, she is a woman who can be in power in a big family at the age of 18. This general is a soul throb.

If Jeffrey does not agree, he will defend Cyril, but he will leave a label in Michael's mind that he does not have enough political awareness, and he will mix business circles in the chaotic city, which is obviously a result that is not easy to bear.

If he agrees, political consciousness will be enough, but it will fully expose Cyril's intelligence. The internal contradiction of the successors of the Morton family will become a fatal point, which will have a great impact on the judgment of those businessmen who swing in the middle.

Geoffrey took a look at Cyril, turned to Gloria, nodded slightly and said, "I agree with Gloria's proposal that in addition to one tenth of the income she donated from the Dai LAN clothing store, the Molton family will take care of the children's accommodation and let them have a home."

"I think those kids will thank President Jeffrey." Hill said with a smile, a little joy in his eyes.

"Thank you, President Jeffrey." Luna made a deep bow to the VIP seat, tears swirling in her eyes.

If at first she just wanted to raise some food for the children to survive the winter, now the promise she has received has far exceeded her expectation, and even enough to give them a good childhood.

Cyril staggered back two steps, was behind the knight to help barely did not fall down, pale, forehead is full of cold sweat.

Just now, Jeffrey's indifferent look made him fall into an ice cave. What he said was more like a choice between him and Gloria.

"The president also chose to donate money, and... He chose Miss Gloria!"

"Is Miss Gloria going to be the next Miss Hill?"

"It's hard to say, but we have to donate the money. We have to be a fool with our eyes closed."

The familiar guests spoke softly, with their hearts in their hearts, and judged what would happen to Aden chamber of Commerce because of the dinner.

"I'm moved by Miss Luna's proposal and what she has done, and I'm glad that you, as the best and top businessmen in my chaotic city, have been able to give generously to our children." Michael came out of the VIP banquet, and his voice spread throughout the banquet hall. "I hope you can clearly understand one thing. In a chaotic city, class is not fixed. We will promote education for all, so that all able residents can realize their own value for the development of the chaotic city."

Cyril was lying in the arms of the knight, suddenly cold.

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