In his life, David has been to many places and tasted many delicious food.

Lodu is known as the place with the most delicious food on the continent of Nolan. He once stayed there for three years and almost tasted all the famous restaurants.

However, the delicious food hidden in his memory was eclipsed at this moment.

The mellow red wine and the fresh and juicy beef are wonderfully blended together, which is an incredible delicacy, and the sauce is more like magic potion, which completely ignites the taste buds in the mouth.

David good wine, every year will buy a batch of buffet winery wine, although not as special as hill drink, but is still the best wine in Nolan.

But the wine he usually wanted to save was much better than the wine contained in the beef.

The mellow and non irritating aroma was far beyond his family's wine, which suddenly aroused his wine bug.

When the steak was just served, he even felt a pity that this kind of red wine was used by MEG for cooking.

But now, this idea has long been forgotten by him.

"Only such delicious beef can match such good wine, and if there is no such good wine, probably there will not be such delicious beef!

Even Yaduo restaurant will not use such top-level wine to cook, even their chef probably can't make such delicious beef!

I didn't expect to be able to eat such delicious food in the city of chaos! I've come to the right place today! "

David praised in his heart that the more delicious the beef was, the more tender and juicy it was. After swallowing it, the taste buds on the tip of the tongue seemed to immediately start cheering. People could not help but cut another piece and feed it to their mouth to fill their dissatisfaction.

"The next time you want to eat delicious food, you don't have to spend more than half a month to go to Luodu, just at home." David finished the steak with a satisfied face, then turned to the other dishes on the menu.

"This steak is delicious. Please give me another one."

"Yes, the price of 1000 copper coins is totally beyond value. The fresh tin beef and black pepper are more expensive than gold. What's more powerful is the red wine. You can feel the super high quality of the seasoning used for steak, which is better than a small bottle of red wine with 10000 copper coins in buffet winery!"

"Boss Mai will never let me down!"

The guests who have eaten the steak are full of praise.

McGonagall in the kitchen has a smile on his face, which can make the guests willingly pay for the meal, and also feel that they have taken advantage of it. This kind of happiness is undoubtedly very strong.

Of course, McGonagall also felt that they took advantage.

With such ingredients and such delicacies, it would be conscientious for a new boss not to charge 5000 copper coins.

At the end of business hours in the morning, Sally, abelmia and Barbara tidy up the restaurant. MEG tells them to meet an important guest in the restaurant and ask abelmia and Sally to take Barbara out. He is the only one left in the restaurant.

A luxurious carriage stopped at the door of the dining room. Hill got out of the carriage and looked at the Maimi restaurant with a dignified expression. However, his face soon showed a confident and elegant smile. He went to the door of the dining room with a rest sign and knocked on the door.

After a while, the doorbell rang and slowly opened to the outside. MEG held the door with one hand, looked at hill, who was still in a red dress, and said with a smile, "Miss Hill is very punctual."

"Punctuality is my habit, but isn't Mr. McGonagall going to let me in? I haven't had breakfast yet Hill also looked at MEG with a smile.

"Miss Hill, please come in, but the restaurant is closed." MEG sidled and let the door out.

"If Mr. McGonagall is willing to make me a steak in the way of receiving friends, I think it will be a very good start for our cooperation." Hill looked into Meg's eyes and said with a smile.

"Since Miss Hill didn't have breakfast because she went to my appointment, I will make an exception to make a steak for Miss Hill. You are the last guest." McGonagall nodded slightly, his eyes did not dodge.

"Mr. McGonagall is indeed a qualified businessman." Hill took a deep look at MEG and walked slowly into the restaurant.

"It's a long way from Miss Hill." McGonagall let go of the door. "Miss Hill, sit down. I'll get you a glass of water and make your steak." Go to the kitchen.

"Good." Hill nodded slightly and looked at the restaurant.

This is her first time to come to the Maimi restaurant. Last time, as a judge, she didn't enter the restaurant.

The decoration style of the restaurant looks very comfortable, not extremely luxurious, but the exquisite crystal lamps raise the overall style of the restaurant to a higher level.

"This mural..." Hill's eyes fell on the mural on the wall. His good-looking eyebrows wrinkled slightly. He looked around the mural in the whole restaurant along the wall. He looked at McGonagall with a glass of water. His eyebrows loosened and he said with a smile: "Mr. McGonagall's ambition is not just this small restaurant, right?"

"Well, I also run an ice cream shop." MEG nodded.

"Mr. McGonagall is an interesting man," Hill said with a smile

"Help yourself, Miss Hill." MEG put the water glass on the table, turned into the restaurant and began to make Hill's steak.

Steam engine is a big business. Although hill is only 18 years old, he is an experienced businessman. Fortunately, MEG doesn't know anything.

"It looks like an interesting negotiation." Hill sat down at the table where the water cup was placed and looked at the direction of the kitchen. It seemed that there had been no such thing that made her nervous for a long time. She gently wiped it with a white silk handkerchief on the table. The silk handkerchief was not stained with any dust and grease, and her expression became more interesting.

"Black pepper steak, medium rare, please try it." Before long, MEG came out with a steak and laid it lightly in front of hill.

"Well? The smell of this red wine is so special

Hill's eyes lit up.

McGonagall stood by with his negative hand, looking at him quietly and saying nothing.

"Mr. McGonagall really took it very seriously that the dish was more delicate than last night, and it had all the color and fragrance." Hill looked at the steak in front of him, said with a smile, picked up the knife and fork, and gently cut a corner of the steak.

Red wine and gravy overflow from the silver knife, and the aroma of red wine becomes more obvious. It's like pulling the cork off the barrel, and the aroma of wine is released madly.

Hill's eyes brightened and he forked the beef into his mouth.

"This red wine! How is it done? Even more delicious than the best red wine in my winery

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