Hill had expected the wonderful taste of steak, but he also had great confidence in the wine made by his own winery. Not to mention the chaotic city, even in Nolan, there is no winery that dares to say that his wine can be better than that of buffet winery.

Yesterday, McGonagall used the best special brew of her winery. The beefsteak made by McGonagall is fragrant and delicious.

I thought McGonagall would use some poor quality red wine to make the steak taste worse because there was no purchasing channel today.

But what she never thought was that when she opened the beef, the sweet and mellow red wine overflowed with the gravy, and the rich taste and aroma of the wine made her intoxicated.

She is not good at wine, but she has a special preference for the wine made by her own winery. She will drink half a cup before going to bed every night.

So she's very aware of the characteristics of the best wines.

Admittedly, the red wine MEG now adds to the steak is better than the best specialty she drinks every night.

The taste is delicate and mellow, without any astringency. Although most of the taste and taste are covered in the steak, you can still feel the beauty of the red wine, making the steak extremely fresh and delicious.

"Where did you get this red wine, Mr. McGonagall?" After a mouthful of steak, Hill couldn't help looking at McGonagall and asked, "if a batch of red wine of this quality comes into the market, it will undoubtedly have a big impact on Buffet winery.".

"If I say it's homemade, I don't know if Miss Hill believes it or not." MEG looked at hill and said with a smile.

"If it's someone else, I may not believe it, but Mr. McGonagall said so, I believe it. After all, it's not hard to accept the genius who can make dishes so delicious and steam engines. It's not hard to brew some first-class red wine." Hill looked at MEG and said with a smile, "but I don't know if I have a chance to drink this wonderful red wine."

"Red wine with steak is good, but it's in the morning. It's not suitable for drinking." McGonagall shook his head with a smile. "Moreover, this red wine is brewed for steak. It's not for sale. In terms of quality, it can't match Miss Hill's buffet winery."

"I can tell the quality. But Mr. McGonagall really has a clear distinction between the public and the private, and there is no hesitation in rejecting people. " Hill looked at McGonagall's eyes with a bit of resentment. No man would refuse her so many times, even if she had to pay for a meal.

"There are principles to survive, right?" McGonagall's face is smiling, and his heart is MMP. He wants to sell it, but the system won't let him. Otherwise, he can make a lot of money just by selling wine.

Therefore, the existence of the system is sometimes to increase the difficulty of upgrading the host, otherwise life will not be so difficult.

"It's a pity, but if Mr. McGonagall ever wants to, I'll buy you a bottle of red wine at the top price of buffet manor." Hill said with some regrets, but he was also relieved that the buffet winery is the largest business of the buffet family besides the bank. There are wineries all over the mainland, and there are basically no rivals at the level of high-end red wine.

"If there is enough wine to brew in the future, a bottle will be reserved for Miss Hill." McGonagall nodded with a smile. The price of the top special brews of the buffet bank is not cheap. 100000 copper coins started.

Hill picked up the knife and fork again and continued to eat the steak.

In addition to the difference in red wine, although beef is made of iron, there are still some differences in the taste. Today's beef tastes better, more elastic and fresh, just like the beef cut from the freshly slaughtered cattle.

The delicious food leaping on the tip of the tongue completely awakens the lazy body. It seems that every cell is telling us that they are satisfied with their expectations. If they can eat such delicious food in the morning, they will feel very satisfied all day.

"It's so delicious that people want another one." Hill looked at the empty plate in front of him, looked up at MEG and said with a smile.

"If Miss Hill still wants to eat..." MEG looks at hill.

"It's better to save it for the next time. This delicious steak can be eaten one at a time." Hill shook his head, picked up the silk handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth. He looked up at MEG with a smile on his face. Next, Mr. McGonagall can talk to me about the steam engine

"Come with me, Miss Hill. I'll show you something." McGonagall took off his apron and set it aside, walking towards the door.

Hill was a little surprised, but he got up and followed MEG out of the restaurant and into the next room.

"What's this?" As soon as he entered the room, hill made some surprised noises.

In a large room of more than 100 square meters, there is a circular path paved with two long metal strips along the periphery. In the corner, a long metal machine with small wheels is very eye-catching.

The thick lines, the black metal shell and the smoke pipe standing up above the first section of the machine are like a silent and dormant fierce beast, while the second section of the machine has two front and back seats, which are small enough to sit two adults.

"This is the train, my first complete work on the practical application of steam engine. If it can be promoted on a large scale, it can change the way of the world." Meg said with a smile.

The train and track are made by Mobai in the past two days. Although they are assembled like children's toys, they should not be used for product display.

Historically, the advent and application of steam engine has changed the world, and the application of train is a very important one, which has completely changed the way of human travel, and has continued for hundreds of years.

For a man as ambitious and insightful as hill, what McGonagall wants to show is something she can't resist, compared to being applied to some kind of industrial machine.

"Train? Such an iron knot, no livestock and Warcraft pull, really can drive? I wonder if Mr. McGonagall can show it? " Hill's eyes were full of surprise, but he didn't comment quickly.

"Of course, Miss Hill can try it herself, but it will take a while for the steam engine to start up." McGonagall nodded with a smile. He went to the steam locomotive first, opened the boiler cover, and began to fill the coal in. The steam poured into the cylinder to push the piston. The steam locomotive also vibrated slightly.

"Miss Hill, please get in the car. You and I are the first to take the steam train." MEG climbed into the driver's seat and looked at Miss Hill, smiling.

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