"Sure enough, snacks can always persuade people with strange reasons." MEG shook his head with a smile, looked at the time, and said with a smile, "OK, Anna, today's study is over. Let's play with Amy. I'll tell you to have dinner later."

"Xiaomi, from today on, Anna will stay in our house for a few days. Take her upstairs to get familiar with the environment." MEG turned to Amy again and said.

"Really? Great Amy's eyes suddenly lit up, took Anna's hand who had just put down the knife, walked out happily, and said, "little sister Anna, I'll take you to the playground, and then I'll take you to my little bed to sleep."

McGonagall looked at the two little guys disappearing at the door, with a gentle smile. The two little guys can get along well, which is undoubtedly good news for him.

After dinner, Amy takes Anna to play in the square, and the restaurant begins to enter the busiest evening business hours.

"Boss Mai, you asked for leave at noon without warning, but I was hungry all afternoon. In the evening, I could only order a bowl of Yangzhou fried rice to comfort myself."

"Yes, I had a hard time asking for leave at noon today. As a result, I closed the door. Boss Mai, it's a great loss for us to ask for leave."

"I'm very glad that I didn't come at noon today. I'll have two steaks, one medium rare, one medium rare, first medium rare."

As soon as the guests entered the restaurant, they began to denounce McGonagall's asking for leave at noon.

McGonagall, on the other hand, laughed it off. He just asked for a noon leave. After a few days, he went to Luodu. He didn't know how many days he would be absent from work. He still had to have this psychological quality.

The restaurant's customers come and go, the long line gradually becomes shorter, the restaurant's business has been booming.

A carriage with simple decoration stopped at the door of the restaurant, the curtain lifted a corner, and Ian looked at the restaurant with a smile on his face“ I like this kind of restaurant with a lot of people. If there are no customers, it's not worth trying. "

"Master, we may have to wait in line now. Do you want me to talk to the restaurant and let him clear the place?" A middle-aged man like a housekeeper stood by the carriage and whispered.

"I'm not a king. What's the point, Broca? You have to change that?" Ian said with a smile. He lifted the car curtain, got out of the carriage and walked towards the door of the restaurant. There were still some guests waiting in line.

"Yes." Broca nodded, took a quick step to the front and opened the dining room door.

As soon as the door opened, the delicious smell came, making Ian's eyes bright.

Compared with the restaurant which seems to be full of people outside, it is surprisingly quiet to enter the restaurant.

Sitting guests are completely immersed in the delicious food in front of them, occasionally give out one or two can't help but praise and sigh.

The guests in the queue are also standing quietly, waiting for the empty seats to appear. Even if they speak, they try to restrain their voice, which will not affect the dining of other guests.

Elegant decoration, proper table spacing, comfortable dining environment.

Ian's eyes turned around the restaurant and nodded slightly. No matter how the dishes taste, the restaurant has achieved the appearance of a restaurant that makes the guests feel comfortable in other aspects, which is the basis of a restaurant's popularity.

Of course, the fact that the elves and orcs can eat at the same table is enough to show how magical the food in this restaurant is, so that they can temporarily put down their racial hatred.

"Guest, there are seats here. Please sit here." Ian waited for a while, and several tables of guests almost finished their meal at the same time. Abelmia guided them to the next table with a smile.

"Sit down, Broca." Ian pressed his hand at Broca, who was standing at the table with his negative hand.

"I'll stand by and serve the master." Broca bowed her head slightly.

"I'm not ready to be served yet." Ian said with a smile.

Broca hesitated for a while, then sat down opposite Ian, half buttocks stained with the chair, keeping on standby.

"Guest, here is the menu. You can see what you want to eat." Abemia handed the menu with a smile. The old man with white beard looked very interesting, and his identity should be quite noble.

"Well, let me see." Ian opened the menu, looking at the menu with beautiful pictures, he could not help but brighten his eyes.

This menu is totally different from other people's menu which only has the name of dishes and text introduction. The pictures are just like real ones. The exquisite dishes make people feel very delicious and can't help trying.

The name, picture and price of a dish can be seen at a glance, which is much more intuitive than those described in a large paragraph of text.

"If a restaurant of this scale dares to set such a price, and the guests still line up to eat, it shows that the boss really has a good strength." Ian glanced at the price of the dish and nodded slightly.

"I'll have a black pepper steak and a salted bean curd." Ian closed the menu and handed it to Broca, who was sitting opposite. "Broca, choose for yourself."

Broca opened the menu, looked at the price on it, hesitated for a while, and said, "I'd like a Yangzhou fried rice and a sweet bean curd."

"Well, this guest, I don't know how well you want your steak?" Abelmia looked at Ian and asked with a smile.

"I don't know how well do you think this old man is suitable for me?" Ian looked at abelmia and asked with a smile.

"The guests look energetic, and their teeth must be very good. The medium rare steak will be tender, the medium rare steak will taste a little harder, and the medium rare steak will taste a little heavier. The guests can choose according to their own taste." Abelmia said with a smile.

"I'll have it medium rare. The old man prefers something chewy." Ian nodded.

"Yes, just a moment, please." Abelmia nodded and walked quickly to the kitchen.

"There are some messy rules set by Geoffrey. The service attitude and quality of half dragon waiters are much higher than that of ordinary waiters. The discriminatory rules should have been changed long ago." Ian looked at abelmia's back and thought.

"But there's no better wine bar in the world than my winery?" Ian frowned and said to himself in a sort of thoughtful way.

"Your black pepper steak, medium rare."

Before long, a steak was placed in front of him.

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