Ian's love for wine began when he was young. His father was a shoemaker. After the war, he ran a small leather shoes workshop in the city of chaos, specializing in customized leather shoes. At the end of each month, he would buy a bottle of wine, put it on the high windowsill, and drink a small cup every night before going to bed.

When he was young, Ian had a strong curiosity about the purplish red liquid in the glass. Finally, when his father went out one day, he climbed up the windowsill and poured half a glass of wine carefully.

The wine with dozens of copper coins in a bottle tastes sour and astringent. It can also eat grape residue. It's just made by immature small winery.

But at that time, Ian felt that it was the best drink he had ever drunk in his life, like a door slowly opened in front of him.

Young Ian was too strong to drink, so he poured half a cup. Naturally, he was beaten by his father after he came back.

But once the door opens, it will never close again.

From then on, a wine game between him and his father lasted for many years, until he brought the first bottle of wine home, filled two glasses with wine for the first time, and then sat opposite his father.

So, many years later, many people asked him why he thought of creating the Warren Buffet bank, and his answer was: in order to drink wine honestly.

What a simple original intention and desire that supported him all the way.

Since he was not short of money, he took part of the proceeds from the bank for the construction of the winery.

He has always believed that wine should not be nothing more than that, so there is buffet winery.

An investment that was ridiculed by countless people began to make profits after 20 years, and became one of the most famous wines in Nolan after 30 years.

The wine produced by Buffett's winery, known as liquid gold, is still highly sought after because of its high price. Even the royal family of Los Empire spends a lot of money to obtain a batch of special wine from Buffett's winery every year.

Drink wine. Ian's serious.

The V-Class wine produced by buffet winery only produces three barrels a year. Hill keeps one barrel and sends the remaining two barrels to Ian.

It's one of the top wines in the world, not one of them.

Even the king of the Los Empire, the queen of the elves can not taste the best wine.

But now Ian looks at the steak in front of him, sniffs the smell of beef and red wine from the shop, and his eyes squint.

"The aroma of wine is so mellow and layered! And it's the same flavor as the beef after cooking. The aroma of the wine has been distributed a lot, and it can reach this level. It's incredible! "

Ian's face is a bit unbelievable. In the process of winery construction, he almost goes to the cellar every day to guide Buffett winery to the peak step by step. No one in the world knows wine better than him.

"No, if that's all, it's not enough." Ian shakes his head slightly. He still has strong confidence in the wine of his winery. It's the wine made by countless top winemakers. How can it be inferior to the wine made by a restaurant owner.

"Guest, you can cut the steak with a knife before eating it." Abelmia intimately suggested.

"All right." Ian nodded, picked up the knife and fork, gently opened the beef with the knife.

The fresh and tender beef is easily cut by the knife, and the red wine and gravy suddenly overflow. The flavor of beef and red wine suddenly breaks out and rises.

"The smell! How could it be

Ian has been completely stunned, if the wine flavor before is still a little weak, then now he is wrapped in beef, after the outbreak of wine flavor, he can no longer deceive his heart.

"What kind of wine is this? Which winery is it from? "

Ian raised his head and looked at abelmia, who was going to the next table, excitedly. The voice was not small.

"Well? Guest, what did you say Abelmia looked at Ian in a puzzled way. She didn't know that the friendly guest seemed to be suddenly angry.

Around the guests are also looking to this side.

"Isn't that Mr. Ian? I didn't expect him to come to the McMillan's too. "

"Yes, since Miss Hill became the head of the Buffett family, the old man has rarely appeared in public."

"But what's the situation now? Is it because the dishes don't suit the taste of the old man? "

Some of the guests recognized Ian and caused a little commotion.

McGonagall, who is cooking in the kitchen, looks out of the restaurant when he hears the news. Listening to the conversation of the guests, he can't help looking at Ian unexpectedly. He didn't expect the old man to come too.

But on second thought, after all, the steam engine problem is not small. Maybe hill can't make up his mind, so it's not hard to understand that he's replaced by the old Buffett. It's just that he seems not very satisfied with the food now?

"I mean, what's the wine in this steak? Which winery made it? " Ian is also aware that he seems to be a little too excited, slightly lowered his voice.

"Well... I don't know what kind of wine the boss uses." Abelmia whispered back, looking in the direction of the kitchen for help.

"It's a home-made wine, not from any winery. Do you have any opinions? Or is the steak not to the taste? " MEG came out of the kitchen, looked at Ian and said with a smile.

"Homemade?" Ian looked at MEG, looked at the restaurant again, shook his head and said, "this kind of wine can't be brewed in this place."

"I only use homemade wine for steak." McGonagall still smiles. This old man is really an expert. The brewing of top-level wine requires strict control of every step, and all kinds of equipment required occupy a lot of places. Her place, as a wine cellar, is obviously inadequate.

"Well, I don't care who made it." Ian waved his hand and pointed to MEG. He said angrily, "but don't your conscience hurt when you use such top-grade wine for cooking?"

"I think only the top ingredients can match the most delicious food. This wine with black pepper steak is just right." MEG shook his head with a smile.

"Just right? This is a blasphemy to this wine

"Do you know how rare such a top-grade wine is? Even the best winemaker can't guarantee that it can be brewed next time, and you even use it to cook! "

Ian stares at McGonagall with an expression of hatred, even his beard trembles with anger.

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