McGonagall's eyes only stayed on the Epee for a moment, as if he didn't hear the sound of footsteps and words outside the door. Naturally, he went to a small round table, picked up a light yellow cake, bit a small piece, and frowned slightly.

"Father, is it delicious?" Amy's attention is also the first time attracted by the cake on the table, full of expectation and curiosity.

MEG swallowed the cake in his mouth, shook his head and said: "the fragrance of Osmanthus fragrans is too strong, and the taste is a little too sweet and greasy. It's OK to eat one or two pieces, but it's easy to get greasy if you eat too much."

Amy pointed to the cookie on another plate and asked, "what about this one? Cookies like the moon. "

McGonagall picked up a thin biscuit and bit it gently. It had the sweet smell of pumpkin, but the taste was not strong. On the contrary, it had a refreshing feeling. His eyes couldn't help brightening. "This pumpkin biscuit is very good, crisp and refreshing, and the sweet taste is just right. More is greasy, less is light."

This is really the best snack McGonagall has ever eaten since he came to the world. It just suits his taste, but it makes McGonagall have some expectations for the catering industry of LoDo.

"I want delicious pumpkin biscuits, too!" Cried Amy, raising her little hand.

"Well, here you are." McGonagall laughs and hands Amy a piece of cake.

"Is he... Alex or not?" Joe was standing at the door, squinting at MEG, a man with the same name as Alex and a daughter who was three or four years old. Naturally, such a coincidence could not be ignored completely by him.

However, how could a man like Alex be totally indifferent when he saw Tiandu sword in front of him? On the contrary, he was more interested in the cake beside him, and he didn't have any reaction to Alex's surname.

If anyone in the world knows Alex best, it's not Elena or Sean, but he who once became his friend but also his enemy.

If even Alex could know how to hide his own preferences, understand the tact and acting, then he would not be killed in the streets of LoDo.

Some people all over the world like him, but those who control the world must hate him, so he must die.

Besides, Alex likes sweets.

"It seems that it's just a person of the same name." Joe stopped his eyes on Amy, went into the hall, looked at McGonagall and said, "are you the McGonagall that Carol recommended?"

McGonagall turned to look at Joe, nodded his head and said: "next McGonagall, invited by Ambassador Carroll, came to Luodu to offer food for the king's birthday. I've met his Royal Highness the second prince."

Amy is eating happily with a plate of pumpkin biscuits. She has no time to pay attention to other things.

"How do you know that I am the second prince?" Joe looked into McGonagall's eyes and asked with a smile. The aura he revealed had a lot of pressure.

McGonagall's eyes did not dodge. He said with a smile, "ambassador Carroll asked us to come to see the second prince. The previous manager took us here to wait here. No one needs such a fight except the second prince."

"It's interesting." Joe drew back his eyes and walked past MEG. He sat down on the throne, flicking his left finger on the sword. He said with a chilly smile: "although Kairol gave you a guarantee, I have to taste it before I make a decision. If you can't even move me, there's no need to go to the palace to shame."

"Second prince, but it's OK to try." MEG nodded, broad and confident.

"Very good. The kitchen is just behind here. Someone will take you there. The ingredients you asked Carol to prepare are now available in that kitchen. You can cook all the dishes you plan to cook the day after tomorrow. I'll try them first." Joe nodded.

"OK, Xiaomi, let's go." MEG took Amy's hand.

"In a minute!" Amy quickly reached out and picked up all the biscuits left on the plate and put them in her pocket. MEG took them and continued to eat them.

"He's similar in body shape, but he looks totally different. No matter how he changes his appearance, his eyes can't change, but he can't see any of Alex's appearance in his eyes. However, Alex can't cook, so he can judge by tasting his cooking." Joe looked at MEG and they disappeared at the door, feeling his chin and thinking.

McGonagall went out of the hall, and his nervous heart relaxed a lot. The second prince's Royal Highness was really a thoughtful man. In order to test him, he not only put out the Tiandu sword, but also made a lot of cliches and big pits between his words, waiting for him to jump inside.

Tiandu sword is MEG Alex's saber. I don't know how many dragons he killed under that epee. It can be regarded as one of the most famous swords in Nolan, which witnessed Alex's brilliant achievements.

If Alex stood here today, it would be a revelation.

Fortunately, McGonagall had been psychologically prepared for several times. Although he was not very clever, at least he would not expose himself.

The boy in front leads MEG to a big kitchen. The area of the kitchen is very large. The chefs in white uniform are busy in the kitchen, and the sound of chopping is endless.

Although it's not time for the second prince's residence to cook dinner, it takes a lot of time to prepare the food for everyone in a big manor.

At this meeting, many chefs looked curiously at the corner of the door. There was a square box on the stove, two strange looking pots and two big packages.

Many chefs have heard of one thing. His Majesty the second prince found a cook from the city of chaos and asked him to offer food to the king.

As soon as the news spread in the house, all the cooks in the house were fried.

Who can enter the second prince's residence is not the first-class chef in Luodu City, where Luodu is, the gourmet capital of Nolan, and who can be here doesn't think he is the best.

It's such a glorious thing to offer food to your majesty. Unexpectedly, they didn't take their turn, but let the chefs of a chaotic city seize the opportunity. Many chefs hold their breath and refuse to accept what good chefs can be produced in a place that has only been built for a hundred years and has no food information!

It's said that the chef will arrive today, and the servant who just helped move things said that these things belong to the chef from the chaotic city, which aroused people's interest. We all want to see if the chef who has come all the way here really has two brushes.

As soon as McGonagall entered the door, he had already felt some unusual breath and said with a smile, "there are quite a lot of colleagues."

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