Since McGonagall opened the restaurant, he has been deeply aware that his peers are enemies.

Therefore, for those complex eyes with some hatred, his heart was like a mirror. He didn't have to think much to know how much anger and resentment these chefs had in mind.

Of course, it has nothing to do with him. The pattern determines that he will not have the same opinion with them.

"Mr. McGonagall, your things are here, and the ingredients are ready for you. If you need anything else, you can tell me at any time." Said the steward who brought MEG with a smile.

McGonagall carefully swept the things on the stove, confirmed that all the ingredients he needed and the things he brought with him were ready, nodded and said, "enough, thank you."

Although there is no such thing as gas stove in this world, bayat has shown him the wisdom of foreign people before. The magic stove that provides heat with magic array can still provide stable and efficient temperature, and can easily control the size of firepower.

The second prince's family naturally used this kind of magic stove. Before he came, MEG bought one on the street and spent half a day getting familiar with the temperature and fire.

And before he came, MEG first found a system to change the oven into a magic oven instead of an electric one. Only in this way can he use it. Otherwise, where to pull the wires is a big problem.

MEG asked Amy to sit on a small stool to eat biscuits. He took out an apron and cook's hat from the package and put them on, ready to start cooking.

"Is this the cook the second prince got from the city of chaos? So young, can you make good dishes? "

"Yes, the chef in chaos city is no match for Luo. If I say, any chef in our kitchen is much better than him."

"I'm not very old, but I have a lot of things. Do you think the kitchen utensils in our prince's mansion are not easy to use?"

The cooks didn't say anything, and the little cooks and apprentices began to talk about McGonagall.

McGonagall just laughed at those words full of superiority. This kind of poisonous tongue is the lowest level. There is no way to cause any harm to him. He even wants to laugh.

Most of the chefs in the kitchen are middle-aged, not as young as young people. However, when you look at McGonagall, many of them still look down on him. The chef of the most famous Ducas restaurant in the city of chaos still learns his cooking skills in LoDo.

Of course, whether they are experts or not, they will know immediately. How can they say that they are people with face in the kitchen? They have to carry on airs and can't evaluate casually. Otherwise, they are different from those apprentices.

However, after a while, when the dishes are ready, it's their turn to comment. It's very refreshing to step on such things.

MEG took out the seasonings one by one, put them in his usual position, and picked up the unicorn grass carp from the water tank beside him.

Knock the grass carp with the back of the knife. The slender sharp knife easily scrapes off the fine and hard scales. Then it makes a cut on the fish and pulls out the scattered fishbones. In the twinkling of an eye, a pile of small fishbones appear beside the stove.

"Oh, see, this is the most unsuccessful way to deal with the grass carp. The scale is the most delicious part of the grass carp, and it is also the reason why the grass carp is so beautiful. He not only removed the scales, but also cut a good fish in a mess. When cooking for a while, it will turn into a pile of broken meat, which has no aesthetic feeling and value." A chubby Cook said to his apprentice.

As the chef who was the best at cooking fish, Matthew's words were naturally recognized. It was unheard of to deal with grass carp in this way, which attracted many apprentices to flatter.

"Fishy is delicious. No wonder you can't make good fish with this taste." MEG cleaned the fish, marinated it with seasoning, put it aside, and said, "the most fishy part of the grass carp is the scales. The fine and closed scales will hinder the taste of the fish. At the same time, the fishy smell of the fish will be locked in the fish, making the fish taste dull and full of fishy smell. As for bonesetting, it's technical work that most people can't learn. "

McGonagall's voice was not big, but it made the noise stop. The chefs looked thoughtful, while the apprentices were careful.

Matthew's face turned red when he heard that. Unexpectedly, McGonagall dared to refute him in public. He pointed a finger at McGonagall and said angrily, "you... You're bullshit! I've been cooking fish for more than 30 years. I've cooked more fish than you have eaten. Is my experience not as good as yours

"Hard work and dedication are respectable qualities. Thirty years of unswervingly going in the wrong direction, the accumulated experience is also worthy of respect." MEG nodded with a smile.

"You... You..." Matthew was trembling with anger, but he couldn't say anything to refute for a long time. He shook his hand and said, "I think you can make some fish, you're smart

McGonagall was not the one who suffered losses, and he couldn't even talk about it. Seeing the fat cook who wanted to kill him but had nothing to do with him, he felt much better.

This made him make complaints about the chefs who were Tucao, who were awakening.

During the marinating of grilled fish, MEG prepared the ingredients of steak and stewed chicken at the same time. When the bottle of wine was opened, MEG obviously felt that the eyes of the whole kitchen lit up.

"No, in addition to the appearance fee of five million yuan, the money for spices and equipment must also come. This bottle of red wine alone can't do without 200000 yuan." McGonagall put the cork on and thought to himself that he almost lost money.

The fish is baked in the oven, the chicken is stewed in the casserole, the steak is fried in the casserole, and MEG cooks three courses at the same time.

The smell of beef and red wine is rampant in the kitchen. The smell of stewed chicken begins to drift along the lid of the pot. Only the fish in the oven don't know what it is.

However, everyone has closed their mouths.

There's nothing louder, clearer and quieter than a face slap. Except for the chef, who wants to be a chef, he's been in the kitchen for a long time. There's never a chef who can make everyone want to smell and swallow.

But McGonagall did.

"It's delicious. I've never smelled so delicious meat. No matter it's chicken or beef, it's incredible." A primary school student said with heartfelt emotion, which attracted people nearby to nod their heads one after another, tiptoed and poked their heads, trying to see what MEG put in the pot and how it could emit such an attractive fragrance.

"Well, even if the beef and chicken are delicious, the fish may not be good." Matthew snorted coldly, and his fist was already clenched unconsciously.


There was a crisp sound from the oven, and MEG put the steak on the plate and opened the door.

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