On his first night in LoDo, McGonagall thought he would be very sensitive to insomnia. As soon as he touched the bed, he fell asleep. The next morning, he was awakened by a knock on the door.

The one who knocked on the door after getting dressed was the steward who showed them the way yesterday. His name was Kato. He had no real power in the second prince's house, so he was responsible for the reception.

McGonagall in this mansion, of course, can only be regarded as a small person and a trifle. Even if he is going to the palace to offer food to the king tomorrow, he is still a better cook in the eyes of Joe.

"How was your sleep last night, Mr. McGonagall?" Kato looked at McGonagall with a smile and said that he had heard all about yesterday. This man, who looked far less lovely than his daughter, satisfied his royal highness. He was going to the Palace tomorrow to offer food for the king's birthday. He became the most popular man around the second prince.

"Well, good." McGonagall nodded with a smile and raised his hand to look at the time. It was only six o'clock in the morning. I don't know why he called him up so early.

Kato seemed to see McGonagall's doubts and said, "yes, Mr. McGonagall, your highness told you yesterday that he would like to eat your steak and stewed chicken rice this morning, so he would come and harass me the next morning."

"I see. Please wait a moment. I'll go to the kitchen with my daughter." McGonagall nodded slightly. Joe is really a big name. He ordered a meal early in the morning. When he entered the room, Amy opened his eyes vaguely and walked forward with a smile. "Xiaomi, father will cook first. If you wake up, wait for me in the room. I'll come and take you to dinner."

"Well, good." Amy nodded, turned over and fell asleep again with the ugly duckling MEG had picked up from under the bed.

"Does your highness say only steak and braised chicken with rice?" McGonagall asked as Kato walked toward the kitchen.

"Yes, your highness told you in person yesterday that it was only steak and stewed chicken with rice." Kato nodded and said with a smile, "Mr. McGonagall is really good at cooking. For so many years, I haven't seen his Highness the second prince specially order the dishes made by him."

"It's a pity not to roast fish with spicy sauce." McGonagall said sadly.

"Ah?" Kato was puzzled.

McGonagall didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he turned the topic around and set up some information about his family.

Kato has determined that McGonagall will definitely be left in the house by the second prince, and is sure to become a popular man, so he basically knows everything and says everything, and has no doubt at all.

Resist the impulse to prescribe medicine, give Joe a steak and stewed chicken rice, and then make breakfast for himself, Amy and ugly duckling. He takes a food box from the kitchen and loads all the food. He carries a food box back to the courtyard. When he opens the door, he is stunned.

In the room, Crassus and Amy, dressed in a white wizard's robe, are sitting on the table in the room, staring at each other. The ugly duckling dozes in Amy's arms, but still does not open his eyes.

"Lord Krasu, what are you doing here?" McGonagall came in carrying his food box with an unexpected look on his face.

"I set out in the middle of the night in time for your breakfast." Crassus took Meg's box impolitely and said as he opened it.

"But the second prince's house..."

"Even if I want to enter the palace, I can enter it. What's the prince's palace like?" Krasu put a plate of steak in front of him, nodded with satisfaction, put another one in front of Amy, and looked at the two stewed chicken rice. He was disappointed and said, "why don't you have Yangzhou fried rice in the morning? Shouldn't you have a light one?"

McGonagall handed the knife and fork to Kelasu with a smile and said: "Yangzhou fried rice needs too many ingredients. After all, it's not a Maimi restaurant. The ingredients are incomplete and can't be made. Kelasu will make do with it."

Then put a portion of stewed chicken in front of Amy, and put one in front of her. The portion for the ugly duckling is ready to be put on the ground for her to eat.

"How can we do that? Today we are going to do something big. We have to have enough to eat." Crassu impolitely brought the ugly duckling's small portion of stewed chicken rice to his face, picked up a spoon and fed it to his mouth, nodded and said: "it's really delicious."

"Meow ~"

Smelling the fragrance, the duckling wakes up and looks at Crassus wrongly. She blinks and looks up at Amy. Her tears are already in her eyes.

"Well, I'll leave some for you later." Amy rubbed the ugly duckling's head, picked up the knife and fork and began to eat breakfast.

"Meow, meow."

Ugly duckling immediately happy again, looking up at Amy to eat.

McGonagall shakes Crassus to grab the duckling's food. He also sits down and begins to eat. However, he doubts that Amy gives the duckling leftovers.

"Ah... Ugly duckling, I'm sorry. My father's food is so delicious that I finished it without noticing." Fifteen minutes later, Amy looked at the plate without a grain of rice left and said with some apologies.

"Meow ~"

The ugly duckling gave a weak cry and lay on Amy's leg. It was already a dead cat. What could it do? It didn't even have the courage to cry a little louder. Such a cat life was a failure.

"Eat it." MEG took the duckling's plate out of the package, poured the chicken and rice from the untouched corner of the bowl into the plate, and laughed.

"Meow, meow!"

Ugly duckling immediately full of blood resurrected, slipped from Amy's leg, rubbed Meg's calf with his head, and ate happily.

After eating the last piece of beef on the plate, Krasu put down his knife and fork. "I'm going to take Amy to the wizard tower. Do you want to go with me?"

"The wizard tower?" McGonagall was a bit surprised.

Krasu changed a mirror, took out a knife and began to repair his beard. "Yes, I forgot something there. I'm going to take it back. By the way, I'll take my precious apprentice to beat those guys in the face. I don't beat them in three days. It's a little itchy."

"I'll go with you when I'm idle. It's interesting to slap my face." McGonagall said with a smile, there are few people in the world who dare to go to the mage tower to fight in the face, except Kelasu.

"In the face? I like it best! With a fist or a slap? " Amy was also eager to try.

"Let's go. When we get there, little Amy can play whatever she wants." Crassus put the knife away, got up and pushed the door out.

"Good!" Amy picked up the ugly duckling lying in front of the plate, put it under her arm, and quickly followed.

The ugly duckling's eyes widened and looked at the big piece of chicken left on the plate in despair. The only piece of chicken is reserved for the last time!

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