"Where are you going, Mr. McGonagall?" McGonagall and they had just left the house. As soon as Kato got to the gate of the yard, he asked curiously.

"It's rare to come to Luodu. I'm ready to go out and have a look." McGonagall said with a smile. Of course, we can't say that we are going to the mage tower to watch the excitement.

"Well, your highness is very satisfied with breakfast, so he specially asked me to ask if Mr. McGonagall would like to go out. There will be a car for you." "But your highness is very fond of the food you cook, so I tell you that Mr. McGonagall will prepare the lunch today, so we have to come back before noon when we go out," he said with a smile

"At noon, we are very busy and can't come back. You go and tell Joe that I'm going to take my baby apprentice out to play. Boss Mai is responsible for cooking for us. He'll find someone else to do what he wants to eat." McGonagall did not speak, standing on the side of Crassus is already curling his lips, looking at Kato said: "by the way, you tell him, I'm crassus."

"Krasu!" Kato noticed that Krasu, who was wearing a white mage's uniform and holding a high mage's staff in his hand, had his eyes wide open. After a while, he nodded in a hurry and said, "little... Little, I know."

There are several people in the Los Empire who don't know that Krasu, the legendary magician, has established the status of the mage tower in the Los empire. He once served as the president of the mage tower for decades. Even if his royal highness meets him, he must be respectful.

Unexpectedly, he appeared in the second prince's mansion, and his apprentice was Meg's daughter.

Krasu was quite satisfied with Kato's panic performance. He waved his hand and said, "prepare a carriage for us."

"All right, I'll get it ready for you." Kaiduo was pardoned. He turned around and walked out quickly. His second prince had already gone out. Even if he was in the house, he would not refuse the legendary magician's request for a carriage.

"Why? Mr. Krasu, did you put a tiger on your face Amy walked around Crassus and asked curiously.


"Then why is that uncle so scared when he sees you?" Amy was still puzzled.

Krasu said with a frank smile: "powerful strength can make other people awe. Amy will have the same strength as master in the future. Even if you don't put a tiger on your face, you will also be awed."

"Then I think it's easier to post tiger." Amy's mouth.

"Meow," cried the ugly duckling.

"Not you." Amy pushed the ugly duckling's head down.

Kato came back soon, took MEG with them and went straight to the front door. A black carriage with the badge of the second prince's palace stopped at the door.

"Lord krassu, please get in." Kato opened the car curtain with a smile and said politely.

Krasu didn't look at him much and went straight into the carriage.

MEG took Amy into the carriage, looked at Cato and said with a smile, "thank you."

"Why, it's my honor to smile for Lord Krasu." Kaiduo said with a smile. He thought the young man was here to hold the second prince's thigh, but he didn't expect that there was a thick thigh behind him.

CADO and the coachman gave orders, and the carriage began to speed away.

McGonagall lifted the curtain of his car and looked out. The wide street was enough to hold sixteen carriages side by side. If it was modern, it would be sixteen lanes. The streets were paved with flat black and blue stone slabs. The courtyard walls of the second prince's mansion stretched away. On both sides of the street were large houses. This was the gathering place of the civil servants' residence of the Los empire. No matter how rich the merchants were, That's not qualified to live here.

Not far away, you can see the high walls of the palace, and the magnificent buildings in the high walls. In the morning sun, they are glittering, making people unable to look directly at them.

And in the north of the palace, a gray black nine tower stands, huge tower body, towering into the clouds, each layer is 20 or 30 meters high, like a silent bodyguard guarding the palace.

Many things in Meg's deep memory suddenly came out. About the big city of lodu, about the towering mage tower, and about the scuffle on a rainy night three years ago, he remembered every face, everyone's identity and name.

In the ambush three years ago, the mage tower made a lot of efforts, but they were not stupid. They knew what the consequences might be if the plan failed or if it was exposed one day in the future. So among the members of the chairman of the mage tower, only elder Eliot took part in the ambush, and wore a mask throughout the whole process.

I met Joe yesterday. On the surface, he was really a kind and amiable second prince. If MEG didn't know the dirty things he had done, he might have a good impression on him. It was a powerful mask.

Today, he will go to the wizard tower to have a look. As long as he passes this level again, he won't have to worry about being exposed in a short time. He can continue to be a good cook and grow his strength steadily.

"What a tall pillar! Master, can we go there for a while? " Amy also saw the wizard tower, full of expectation said.

Krasu's face turned black and he was embarrassed. "We're going there today, but it's not a pillar. It's a tower. It's a master's tower. It was designed and built by your master. Isn't it very spectacular?"

"Oh, it was originally designed by master. I said, how can a normal person stand such a tall bamboo there?" Amy nodded clearly.

"It's not the pillar, it's the tower..." Krasu's mood is a bit complicated. In the past many years, this is his most proud work. He once thought that he was a designer delayed by magic, which is quite a pity.

"I see. A pillar like a tower." Amy nodded.

"Well, that's a pillar." It's impossible to persuade Amy on such a matter that Krasu is defeated.

After driving for about half an hour, the carriage stopped in the square outside the main gate of the mage tower, and MEG and his party got out of the carriage.

The magnificence of the master's tower can be clearly felt in front of us. On the wide square, the magnificence of the tower built by black boulders plunges into the sky. People standing in front of the tower are like an ant, and they can't help but feel small.

The magicians who are embroidered with the mark of the wizard tower go in and out of the gate more than ten meters high. There are not so many magicians in any place.

"Master Krasu!"

Just then, a young magician passed by MEG and they suddenly stopped and looked at crassus. He was surprised.

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