The door opened slowly.

In some dark rooms, a beautiful elf, holding a chair in one hand, was about to fall on the fat man's head in the corner.

Amy's hand was still holding the door. Seeing this scene, she stood at the door with her mouth slightly open and did not dare to move, as if she was stunned.

Elena stops her chair and looks at Amy standing at the door. She is also slightly stunned.

The half elf girl in the purple skirt is only about three or four years old. Her long silver hair is braided into two small plaits and hangs on both sides. Her big blue eyes look at her watery, as if she was scared. Her sharp ears move. Her delicate face looks very cute and ready to slip away.

"Amy is almost so old..." Irene was absent-minded for a moment, but she soon recovered and looked at the little girl at the door in a bit of surprise. She just added forbidden magic to the door. Even a level 9 wizard could not open the door from outside. The little girl looked like a little wizard, but she could never open the door.

Brent's eyes in the corner brighten when the door is opened. Hope suddenly appears in his gloomy life. However, when he sees Amy standing at the door, he is also stunned. It's not chairman Richard that he mews! Who is this half elf girl? Why are you here!

Brent was rushing downstairs when he heard that Krasu had come to smash the scene. Unexpectedly, Elena, who suddenly appeared in the mage's tower, knocked down a chair, and then pulled it into the dark room to beat the people involved in the siege three years ago.

He is not stupid, of course, this matter can not be said, so we can only wait for Richard to find the abnormal magic fluctuations in the mage tower and come to save him.

Unexpectedly, it was not Richard who was waiting, but a half elf girl.

The wizard tower only accepts human magicians. This half elf girl doesn't know how to get in, but this is his only hope. She opens her mouth and cries out: "go and call people! Help... "


Brent's words have not finished, a chair has been patted on his face, the chair surface turned into debris, and his words behind are also patted back, eyes ring, completely stunned.

"Who are you, little girl? Why are you here? " Irina threw the remaining half of the chair leg aside, looked at Amy with a smile and asked.

Amy looks at Elena. Her eyes are bright and beautiful. She has met sister Elsa. But compared with sister Elsa, her violent sister is more beautiful, just like a goddess from heaven.

Moreover, she also has a silver hair, white skin like snow, a pair of small sharp ears, white and thin, seems to be able to pass through the light, the mark of the golden little moon in the middle of the eyebrow looks like it will shine, water blue eyes look at her, let her have a kind of friendly feeling.

However, the scene that Elena just shot a chair on the fat man's head in the corner surprised Amy a little.

I didn't expect that this sister is not only beautiful, but also so cool! Is she also a melee magician?

It's the first point of master Krasu's melee magic to hit people in the face. So this scene just now seems too intimate. If she didn't know that master Krasu had no other apprentices, she would like to call her elder martial sister.

"I'm just a passing elf..." Amy said weakly. Although she was very kind, she was very obedient. She kept in mind the cheat prevention rules that McGonagall told her, and didn't disclose her information to strangers.

"A passing elf?" Irina was stunned for a moment. Looking at Amy standing at the door, she couldn't help laughing. It's really a long time since she met such an interesting little guy. She was amused by her inexplicably. A small chair appeared in her hand and invited Amy to say, "this is a villain. Do you want to fight with me?"

"Yes, yes!" Amy nodded without thinking, ran into the door with great interest, took the small chair with both hands, and compared Brent's head like Elena, as if looking for a suitable angle.

"Is it so easy to believe me? Aren't you afraid I'm a villain? " Elena looked at Amy holding the chair and said with a smile.

"Not afraid, my father said. If two people fight, the ugly one must be a villain. If my sister is so beautiful, she must not be a villain." Amy shook his head, pointed to Brent with a firm face and said, "then he must be a bad guy."

"Your father has a good eye." Irina nodded. Her gloomy mood had become relaxed unconsciously. It was not only the little girl who was interesting, but her father who seemed to be an interesting person to make such a reasonable statement.


Brent was taken dizzy, just improved, eyes focused, see is hands holding a small chair of Amy, can't help exclaiming.


Amy gave a little hiss, and the little chair in her hand was already patting Brent's face.


The strong little wooden chair almost instantly turned into sawdust, leaving only two legs in Amy's hands.


Brent was in a state of dizziness again.

"It's very fast." Irene, who was about to drop the chair, looked at Amy unexpectedly. This standard posture was quite her momentum.

"Hee hee." Amy smiles so much that her eyebrows are bent. When she is praised by the fairy sister, she feels very happy. It's totally different from being praised by her father.

"However, there are still some things that can be improved, such as the angle of the chair, a little bit more inclined, and then raised above his head, oblique pat on his face."


"You see, the sound is more crisp. Does it sound more refreshing?"

"Really! I'll try, too! "


"You see, if you change the direction, from top to bottom, there will be another sound."


"Wow! Awesome! I want to learn, too! "

"Bang! Bang! Bang bang!! Duang!!!”

Dull voice in some dark room constantly sounded, the original singles has become doubles, but also accompanied by a large and a small discussion about angle and strength.

"Seems to have fainted?"

Amy looks at Brent, who has been in a coma and his head is swollen like a pig. He sticks out his little tongue and throws his chair leg to the ground.

"Well done, little one."

Elena threw her chair leg to the ground, looked at the direction of the door, looked at Amy with a smile and said, "I should go too. By the way, little guy, what's your name?"

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