On the first floor of the wizard tower, people are still immersed in the shock of Amy's unprecedented record. At this moment, people seem to see a legendary wizard rising.

No one can predict or imagine how far a three-year-old level five magician, a level five magician who dashes through the five storey tower in 20 seconds, will grow in the future.

At this moment, all the people present seem to understand why Krasu and Julian put down their 100 year old grudge and accepted a half elf girl as their apprentice. For this reason, Krasu did not hesitate to break off the relationship with the mage tower, left lodu and settled in the chaotic city.

If you miss such a genius, you may not get another one in a thousand years.

Richard's face was still restrained, but his slightly trembling beard and clenched fists showed that his mood was not as calm as it seemed.

Although the fire spirit lotus is of no use to him, as a treasure of the same level as shuilingzhu, it was originally intended to be exchanged, but now it is so easily lost to Kelasu, and shuilingzhu does not belong to him.

The magicians of the Richard department also closed their mouths one by one. The stout magician who had vowed that Cora would win had already gone to the last side of the crowd, shrinking his head and not daring to look up.

Krasu left the mage tower, then came back with his apprentice and gave the mage tower a loud slap.

Your uncle is your uncle after all.

The magicians on the scene are still convinced.

Ordinary magicians don't have any bad feelings. After all, it's like an elder watching you grow up. If he teaches you a lesson, can you fight back?

Krasu has not accepted an apprentice for a hundred years. He suddenly accepted an apprentice. No matter how talented he is, he is not so hard to accept.

What's more, compared with Richard's taking pictures of his grandchildren stepping on the face of the world when he was just accepted, Krasu's practice is not out of line.

"Cora is coming out, too. Go and get them next." Richard's voice was slightly dry.

"Yes." Next to him, a tall and thin magician nodded and left quickly.

"I'll pick up Amy." MEG and Crassus said, quickly follow the tall and thin wizard, he is not used to Amy is not in his sight, besides, this is the wizard tower.

Krasu nodded slightly, then looked at Richard with a smile, stretched out a hand and said, "now, the fire lotus is mine."

"Hum!" Richard snorted coldly, looked at Crassus and said: "although I don't know what trick she used to rush the tower, since she has succeeded in magic form empowerment, dare she have a face-to-face fight with Cora? In addition to the fire spirit lotus, I'll take another Yanhu Ling crystal as a bet. "

Kelasu's eyes brightened slightly when he heard the words, "are you serious?"

Richard took his hand out of his wide sleeve. A box with red light appeared in his palm. When the box opened, a crystal stone like Red Amber appeared in his hand. In the crystal stone, a red dragon swam slowly as if it had spirit.

"OK, I'll bet." Kelasudang nodded and looked at the crystal stone in Richard's hand. Yanhu Lingjing is the best material for fire magicians to cultivate. It is more precious than fire lotus.

But this kind of thing only exists in the lava of the ten thousand year old active volcano, and few people have seen it. It can only exist in the legend. I didn't expect that Richard, as a water wizard, had a piece in his hand.

Richard turned over his hand and put away Yanhu Lingjing. He took a look at Kelasu and thought in his heart, "although I don't know what means you use to make her succeed in breaking through the barrier, it's not as good as the down-to-earth advanced level after all. In two months, he even went up five levels. His foundation is not stable, and what combat effectiveness can he have?"


"I..." Amy looked at Elena, and suddenly remembered what her father had told her the night before. Although the fairy sister didn't look like a bad person, if she said it as it is, her father would say it. After thinking about it, she said with a smile, "my name is Xiaomi."

"Millet!" Irina's eyes suddenly burst out. She suddenly remembered that she came back to the elves before giving birth. When she nestled in his arms and asked him what his name was, he said with a smile, "Amy." then she took a nickname - "Xiaomi.".

Her silver hair, blue eyes, sharp ears and round face look like Alex. Her facial features look like her, especially when she smiles. In a trance, she seems to see the shadow of that person.

The cold faced knight, who never smiles in front of others, often smiles like a child in front of him.

"No, it can't be her! This is Luodu, this is the mage tower... How could she be here... "Irene's heart seemed to be suddenly pulled up, and she kept telling herself in her mind, but looking at Amy, she still couldn't help overlapping him with the way she had imagined Amy.

But her hand still couldn't help reaching out to Amy's face. Her slender fingers crossed her baby's fat face. She was stunned for a moment. "Unexpectedly, it's still a little tender."

"My father said that if I wash my face with milk, my face will become tender." Amy rubbed her face against Elena's hand, squinting and smiling like a cute kitten.

"How could it be so lovely!" Irene looks at Amy who is rubbing her hand. She feels that her heart is about to melt. Suddenly, there is an impulse to steal the child.

No matter whose child he is, steal home first!

In the future, if you are in a bad mood every day, you can take it out and play with it. It must be much more fun than raising goldfish.

"No, that's not the point now!" Irina shakes her head, wants to throw out the strange idea in her heart, reorganizes her mood, touches Amy's face, and asks affectionately: "Xiaomi, who's your father? And your mother? "

Amy, who was rubbing her hands comfortably, opened her eyes, took a look, and then closed them. Is this elder sister the strange uncle that her father said? After asking my name, I started asking for information about my father and mother, and then stole me?

"My father is a super good cook. He is usually called boss Mai. Boss, he is super good and his food is super delicious." Amy opened her eyes and said with a smile, "my mother is on the moon. Now she is looking at me in the sky."

"Boss McGonagall? Xiaomi... Amy? " Elena's eyes gradually widened, feeling that something was connecting into a clear ground in her mind.


Just then, there was a sound and approaching footsteps outside.

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