"It's your father!"

Amy's eyes suddenly brightened, looking at Elena, her brain had turned quickly: "if my mother can't come back on the moon, my father will be lonely alone. Do you want to find a new wife for him? I thought Miss Luna was very good, but my father may prefer the beautiful fairy sister. If the fairy sister is so beautiful, my father will like it, too? "

"Not like his voice." Irina glanced at the direction of the door, frowned slightly, touched Amy's face, and said seriously, "Xiaomi, I'm leaving. Don't tell anyone you've seen me here, and you haven't hit this fat man."

"Yes, yes." Amy nodded her head cleverly. She didn't know why. She always had a clear feeling about this fairy sister. Looking at Elena who got up and was ready to leave, she whispered: "by the way, beautiful fairy sister, I don't know your name yet?"

"I'm Elena. I'll come to you again." Irina said with a smile, turned and stepped on Brent's face, leaving a delicate footprint on his face. The golden light flashed under her feet, a small transmission array appeared and disappeared in the room.

"Millet?" MEG pushed open the door and saw Amy standing in the dark room and the fat man curled up in the corner. He quickly came in, picked up Amy and asked, "are you ok? You're not hurt, are you? "

"Lord Brent!"

Roy, the magician who came up with McGonagall, exclaimed at the door. He quickly ran into the door and rushed to the fat man in the corner. He wanted to help him up. But he didn't know where to start. For a moment, he didn't know what to do. He turned his eyes to Amy and said, "did you hurt Lord Brent?"

"Brent!" McGonagall's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't recognize that the guy who was beaten as a pig's head was brent.

He is a top ten magician, and he is in the wizard tower. Who dares to beat him like this here? Who has such a powerful power? What happened here before?

One by one, problems arose in McGonagall's heart, constantly searching for those strong people in his memory, but he had not found the second one with the strength and courage to do it except Krasu.

MEG also looks at Amy. Maybe Amy just saw something.

"I saw the door open and thought it was the exit. Then I saw him lying here. I was just passing by." Amy shrugged and said innocently.

Roy looks at Amy and Brent in front of him. Yes, Lord Brent is a top ten magician. No matter how evil the little girl is, she can never beat Lord Brent so miserably. But looking at the whole continent, who dares to beat Lord Brent like this in the wizard tower except Lord Krasu?

Krasu is still on the first floor of the mage tower. It has nothing to do with him. Who broke into the mage tower?

Roy feels the danger. If someone sneaks into the mage tower and stealthily beats Lord Brent into a pig in front of everyone's eyes, who has any sense of security in the mage tower? This matter must be reported to President Richard immediately!

"Since it has nothing to do with you, go downstairs the same way at once." Roy stands up, signals MEG and Amy to go out, and then goes out with him, ready to call two more magicians to carry Brent downstairs. He must ask the healing magician to treat his injury immediately.

"Oh, this sandstorm Python is more difficult to deal with than expected, but it only took two minutes, about ten seconds faster than the last time, and a new record was born again. I, Kola, was born to rush the tower!" Cora looked at the crazy Python turned into a pile of sand, and stepped into the exit with a smile. "That little one is probably still in the labyrinth of the second layer now. It's really a weak opponent."

With a flash of white light, Cora's feet had stepped on the ground, smiling and proud. This time, the record would be praised by the elder martial brothers and sisters for some time. When she opened her eyes, she was stunned.

That should be on the second floor of the small point, actually holding her father's hand, just came out of the opposite room.

"False?" Cora closed her eyes and reopened them. Amy still held Meg's hand. Besides them, brother Roy came out of the room.

"This... This... This is not possible!" Cora's eyes suddenly widened, and Amy also appeared on the sixth floor. Does she succeed in rushing to the tower? And faster than him?

"No way! There can't be anyone faster than me! " Cora shook his head, looked at Roy, and then said with a smile, "brother Roy, you must have rescued this little one from the fifth tower, right?"

"Cora, you're out. It took her only 80 seconds to get to the five towers Roy took a look at Cora and said quickly, "go downstairs." Then pass him directly and leave quickly, which is nothing compared with Brent's attack.

"8... 80 seconds!" Roy's words were like a heavy hammer, which knocked Cora dizzy. All self-confidence was completely shattered in this moment.

He broke the record of chongta that he had created many times, and was called a genius by all people. He was even expected to catch up with the fairy princess.

What a proud man he is, but now he is defeated by a little man who is only three or four years old in what he is good at. It's like a bolt from the blue for him.

"Chinese cabbage, have you just come out? I've been playing for a long time. I'll continue to work hard in the future, so that I can wait a little less. " Amy looked at Cora and said with a smile.

"I... I..." Cora covered her heart and stepped back two steps, feeling that her heart was pierced. Gu

"Let's go." MEG took Amy's hand and went downstairs.

"Amy, what did you see just now?" Walking around the corner of the corridor, MEG picked up Amy and whispered.

Roy didn't connect this with Amy, but he saw something unusual in Amy's look. Amy must have hidden something.

Amy looked around, then leaned over Meg's ear and whispered, "my father, I saw a super beautiful fairy sister beating bad guys. Then she invited me to fight bad guys together. It's really a super beautiful fairy sister."

"Pretty fairy sister?" McGonagall was stunned for a moment, and a flash of thunder and lightning flashed in his mind. In addition to Krasu, there was someone in the world who had the courage and ability to beat Brent in the wizard tower and was not found.

McGonagall felt that his throat had suddenly become a little dry, and the sound of his heart beating could be heard clearly. He swallowed and whispered, "did she tell you her name?"

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