MEG looks at Amy, the answer seems to be ready, but he still wants to know Amy's answer.

Just now, their mother and daughter probably met for the first time and even beat Brent together.

It's a little too exciting.

He once thought about some scenes when their mother and daughter met. He even thought about whether to let the system make a simulated moon so that Amy would not think that he had cheated her.

"Sure enough, my father's eyes are bright when I say that she is super beautiful." Amy blinked, leaned up to Meg's ear and whispered, "she said... Her name is Elena, but she told me to keep it a secret, so I'll only talk to your father."

"Sure enough..." McGonagall's mood was a little complicated, the answer was not unexpected, but it still had a lot of impact on his mood.

Emotionally, Alex has erased all the memories and feelings about Elena, so Elena is no different to him from a stranger who has only heard of some things and names.

McGonagall came from the modern society. Naturally, he would not take things for granted, which is unfair to both sides.

However, she is Amy's mother after all, and this emotion can't be bypassed in any case.

For Irina, McGonagall did not have an accurate positioning in his heart, nor did he think about how to get along after meeting.

Because in his opinion, before he recovered to be a knight of level 10 and had enough information, there was no possibility for them to meet at all. I didn't expect that Elena was also in lodu and met Amy so coincidentally.

"Father? My father? Are you thinking about sister Elena? " Amy looked at McGonagall, who was a little distracted, and put his hand in front of him.

McGonagall came back and asked, "did you tell her your name? Did she say anything to you? "

"I said my name was Xiaomi. Sister Elena said she would come to me again. I'll introduce her to you then." Amy blinked her big eyes, waiting for you to praise me.

"She should have guessed something." McGonagall's mood is more complicated. If he can, he naturally wants to let Amy and Elena recognize each other, let her know who her mother is, and get her maternal love as soon as possible.

But now the king's birthday, all ethnic groups come to celebrate his birthday, Luodu is mixed, Sean and Joe wait for the opportunity like snakes, countless eyes are staring at Elena, once his identity is exposed, it is very likely that he will face the same thing as three years ago.

Even Alex couldn't protect Amy well in those days. How could Elena leave the capital city of Los Angeles if she wanted to protect two oil bottles, one big and the other small.

MEG didn't want to go through the same thing twice.

How can he bear to see Amy and Elena meet and miss each other.

Amy whispered in his sleep, and the image of his mother was still in his mind. He had experienced the feeling of being ignored and knew the feeling of longing.

"What should I do?"

McGonagall's heart seemed to be tied in a knot, and he couldn't think of any way to solve it.

"You should teach her aunt." McGonagall looked at Amy and said that the relationship between generations should not be too disordered.

"Father, you will not be liked by your little sister." Amy looked at MEG with an old look on her face, shook her head and said, "little sister is Miss sister, so people will like it. If it's called aunt, people won't like it."

MEG opened her mouth, really speechless. She didn't expect that the little guy was big, and she had a clever mind for women. But since she didn't know that Elena was her mother, how could she introduce her to him?

Amy seemed to see McGonagall's mind, then said: "father, the moon is so far away, isn't it difficult for us to save mother? In this case, I think it's too lonely for you to be at home when I go to school. Do you want to find a wife for you? So when I go to school, she can accompany you, and then when I finish school, let her off work, let me accompany you? I think sister Elena is very good. "

"Isn't that your mother?" McGonagall rolled his eyes silently. He was helpless for little Lori, who was going to tell her father a matchmaker, and the object was her mother. He knew why the little guy was so enthusiastic.

Although Amy wanted to laugh at his naive assumption that his wife would leave work after school, he was more moved. Because he was afraid that he would be lonely, the little guy put aside his mother.

"How's it going? My father, isn't this a great idea? " Amy looked at MEG expectantly, "and, in this case, someone will help his father cook and wash clothes, and his father won't be so hard."

"Little guy, I've arranged everything for the first time." MEG smiles and points Amy's forehead with his finger.

During his time, he gathered information about Irina. Amy's vision was too naive. The Royal Highness was obviously not a woman who would be quiet in the kitchen cooking and washing, and he could not afford it.

McGonagall looked around and said softly and seriously, "Xiaomi, you are not allowed to talk to anyone except me about what happened to Elena's little sister. Remember?"

Amy looked at MEG and nodded with the same serious face: "well, don't worry, father. I will never introduce her to others. Come on!"

"What's in this little head?" McGonagall was dumbfounded, but he didn't talk about it any more. He took Amy downstairs.

What he can do now is to take one step at a time. He can only hope that the royal highness of the princess is clever and opportunistic, so that he can make their mothers and daughters recognize each other as soon as possible.

McGonagall took Amy to the first floor, and the magicians separated one way on both sides. They looked at Amy with indignation and surprise.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way

Just then, Roy trotted out of the exit with two magicians who didn't know where to find them, carrying Brent on a stretcher. He was a little frightened and said, "president! Lord Brent was attacked and seriously injured! "

The magicians looked at Brent, who had been beaten into a pig's head, and there was an uproar.

"What's the matter?" Richard was also slightly surprised and stepped forward quickly. Brent was attacked in the mage tower and was beaten like this. Undoubtedly, he was beating the mage tower in the face. What made him more uneasy was that he was unconscious.

"Heilt, wake him up." Richard's face sank.

A magician of medium stature came forward to perform the therapy. The green light covered Brent. Brent's black face gradually became normal color.

Wow, he vomited a mouthful of congestion. Brent slowly opened his eyes and just saw Amy, who was standing nearby watching. His eyes glared and his subconscious hands held his head and shrunk up. He cried: "don't hit me in the face!"

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