Amy looked at MEG anxiously. How could her father say such a thing? What if Elena's sister was not happy.

Irina's eyes are a bit of fun, after the smile reveals a dangerous atmosphere.

MEG felt an icy smell coming to her. He wished to give himself a big mouth and jumped into such an obvious pit. He laughed and said, "no, I am not dissatisfied with the princess. The royal highness of the princess is very honourable, but she is so nice to Amy. I am very happy. I am dissatisfied with myself, let the princess's highness work hard to embrace Amy, while my big man is holding an ugly duckling.

"Really?" Elena looks into Meg's eyes.

"Of course." McGonagall nodded firmly, his eyes firm, not half wavering.

"Alex would never lie to me. Although he feels a little changed, he should not lie to me." Irina took her eyes back and walked toward the alley with Amy in her arms. "I'm hungry for dinner."

"Hoo..." McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he had taken his feet back from the gate of hell.

"Come on, father!" Amy said to MEG in silence, and gave him encouragement with her little fist.

McGonagall nodded, cleared up his mood, and quickly followed up with the ugly duckling in his arms. Even if it was to create the image of his father in front of Amy, he must not give advice!

Out of the alley, a prosperous Broad Street appeared in front of the three people.

On both sides of the street are two or three storey European style buildings, mainly in grayish yellow color, with dome stone columns and simple line style, while restaurants are located on both sides of the street.

There are also small stalls along the street, chefs from all over the world show their skills, and the crowds walk through the stalls and restaurants, which is very lively.

All kinds of delicious smell spread in the air, just like a river of delicious food.

"No less than the modern commercial food street." McGonagall looked at the hustle and bustle of the crowd and couldn't help exclaiming.

However, there are obvious differences between the guests who linger in the street stalls and those who go in and out of the restaurants with high decoration.

The street stall guests are obviously much more shabby in their clothes. It seems that they are mostly ordinary people, but few of them are well-dressed.

Most of the guests in and out of the restaurant are well-dressed and transported by carriage.

The orientation of the restaurant determines the crowd of guests. McGonagall doesn't have much disgust and cynicism about this. After all, the threshold for entering the McMillan restaurant is definitely higher than that of the restaurant on the street.

However, almost the whole street is like this, and even there is a blatant ban on civilians in front of the restaurant, which still makes him frown.

The political system of the Empire of Los is similar to that of England in the middle ages, but the king of the Empire of Los carried out the policy of centralization after the establishment of the Empire of Los. The nobles enjoyed the right to use the territory, but had no ownership, which is similar to the national system of China in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

In this way, the king's power was highly concentrated, he had the right to coordinate the whole empire, and he was able to ensure that his policies and orders could be carried out perfectly.

However, the faults of feudal system were almost the same. Although the aristocrats had no ownership of the fiefdoms, they were still the upper class of the Los Empire, with many privileges and no equality with the common people.

The blatant prohibition of civilians at the entrance of the restaurant is just a corner of the feudal empire. In the eyes of those nobles, civilians are just inferior beings who can be killed or killed.

"Such a signboard should be torn off and pasted on the boss's face to relieve people's anger." McGonagall clenched his fist as he looked at a conspicuous sign at the door of a grill called Carrey.

Compared with this city, he really preferred the chaotic city, at least it made people feel the hope of equality.

"What to eat?" Irina looked at MEG and asked casually.

"I think..." McGonagall took his eyes back and looked around seriously.

"Just this barbecue shop." Elena takes Amy in her arms and goes to the barbecue shop nearby.

"..." McGonagall looked at Elena's back. The woman didn't need his answer at all. She walked two steps to keep up, pointed to the sign on the door, shrugged and said, "I'm a civilian, not a noble."

"Although I hate the title of nobility, as long as you stand beside me, you will be very expensive." Elena stops and looks at MEG.

"The feeling of being taken care of is really cool!" MEG raised his eyebrows and his eyes widened.

Trying to restrain his impulse to eat soft food, McGonagall shook his head firmly. "I don't want to be an aristocrat, but my restaurant should be more expensive than theirs, but I never restrict who will eat."


Irina stared at MEG for a moment, then reached out and pulled the notice off the door and threw it aside. "Is it all right now?"

"I'm a little flustered..." McGonagall took a look at the notice on the ground, and then looked at the magnanimous Irina. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

Elena's act of tearing up the notice at the door of Kerry's barbecue shop has attracted many people's attention.

The beautiful and holy Elena is amazing, while the half elf girl she holds in her arms is cute and lovely, just like a pair of jade people. Standing there, people can't move their eyes.

Then they followed the eyes of Elena and the half elf girl and looked at MEG, who was standing with the ugly duckling in his arms. Their eyes suddenly became a little strange.

"It's just a little white face who stepped on the dog's luck. A big man is holding a kitten!"

"That's to say, look at how lovely the little girl is. If she had not found a beautiful wife, would she have been born?"

"Yes, what a beautiful flower! It's on the cow dung!"

McGonagall was a little happy when he listened to those sour words, just like watching those black fans brush on his microblog: "if you didn't have a good father, who would you be?"‘ If it wasn't for the good technique of reincarnation, which netizen would like you! "‘ But for... "

I really miss it when I think about it.

He likes this kind of feeling that everyone is not happy with him, but he has to watch beside him, sour and envious.

Reincarnation is a craft. How can we blame him.

Look at his skill. He made two pitches, both of them were signed.

There is no solution.

"Who is so bold as to tear up my notice at Carrey's barbecue?" At this time, a middle voice sounded, and a tall man in a white cook's suit rushed out of the door with a kitchen knife.

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