Carrey barbecue shop is well known in Renhe food street, known as the first barbecue shop in food street.

It is said that the real owner of the barbecue shop is a certain Duke, who has a very high status. Moreover, the shop has a rule that it does not receive ordinary guests, but only nobles with noble titles.

But even so, there are still an endless stream of guests every day, just to taste the famous barbecue.

Luodu is full of nobles. If you throw any brick, you can turn over five or six viscount. You can imagine the popularity of Carrey barbecue.

Eckley stood at the door with a kitchen knife and looked around. As the chef of Carrey's barbecue shop, he had seen a whole table of dukes, and someone dared to tear the notice of the barbecue shop, which was tearing his face.

His eyes fell on Elena, slightly stunned. This elf holding a half elf girl is really beautiful. Moreover, according to his years of experience in receiving people and things, this ELF's dressing temperament is absolutely not ordinary.

After the racial war, the relationship between the elves and the Terrans was more harmonious among all ethnic groups. There was no war on the border. Even the two ethnic groups only set up some symbolic sentries on the border, and there were no Chen soldiers at all.

The marriage between human beings and elves, though still not optimistic, is not without, including some high-ranking nobles.

Of course, the most famous of these, of course, are general Alex and Princess Elena, who went out in pairs a few years ago.

"The man who can marry such a beautiful spirit must have a great identity!" Eckley had a judgment in his mind and turned his eyes to MEG.

McGonagall, with a moustache, was just wearing an ordinary black gown. He couldn't see any luxury. He could not help frowning, "is this guy a coachman? It doesn't look like a man who can give birth to such a lovely child at all. "

"It's embarrassing. Tear up the notice. It's a smash." MEG took a look at the notice on the ground and at eckley with the kitchen knife.

There are so many people staring at her. If Irina shows her identity, it is estimated that tomorrow Irina will hold a half elf girl and meet a man in private. The gossip about the suspected unmarried child will spread all over Luodu.

The eight trigrams of the princess are the most talked about by people. It's OK for others to talk about them, but if they are heard by someone who wants to, they will suspect him every minute.

"Ding! The system releases random task: ask the host to set up a stall and make it the most popular one in half a day! Task success Award: a stinky tofu recipe! Task failure penalty: physical fitness point - 1. "

At this moment, McGonagall's mind suddenly sounded the sound of the system.

"System? What are you doing here! Do you think it's so easy to be the king of roadside stalls? " McGonagall raised eyebrows. The system jumped out first before the countermeasures were worked out, and it also released such a weird task.

He had a good view of the roadside stalls. He had not make complaints about the street in the past. As long as the ingredients were clean and the taste was not bad, they could be tasted, though they were still more.

However, the roadside stall without two brushes is hard to survive, not to mention the booming business.

The roadside stalls on the most prosperous food street in Luodu are doing well. If they don't have the ability to rent, they will close down in a few days.

McGonagall has no stall and no kitchen utensils. The system suddenly releases such a task. It's totally playing with him!

"Host, you are a man who wants to be a kitchen god. If you can't solve this problem, how can you bear such a heavy burden! Go ahead, start by becoming the king of roadside stalls first! "

The system said in a roundabout way.

"I'll ask you again, who tore up my notice?" Eckley said aloud, his eyes on McGonagall.

"This man doesn't want the beautiful elf to bear the consequences, does he?"

The passers-by looked at McGonagall standing in a daze and thought, what a beautiful flower.

Irina looked at eckley with an open face and said, "it's me, Yi..."

"Yi... Because I think your notice is very insulting to US civilians. As a civilian chef, I think food can be measured by money, but we should not forcibly distinguish whether people can eat it or not." McGonagall interrupted Elena, stepped forward two steps, sniffed in the direction of the barbecue shop, looked at eckley with some doubts and said, "besides, is a barbecue with ordinary taste only suitable for aristocrats? Who gave you confidence? "

Irina took a look at MEG unexpectedly. He didn't know how to speak so well in those years, but on second thought, she could guess why MEG stopped her from saying her name, so she didn't say anything more.

"It turns out that he and the beautiful elf are not a couple. It's really nice to see him again."

"I'm very relieved of that! Every time I pass by this barbecue shop, I want to tear off the notice hanging on the door! I don't want to eat that barbecue! "

"I didn't expect that he was also a chef, but Carrey's barbecue shop is famous in lodu. It can be ranked in the top three of the barbecue shops. This guy even said that the taste is ordinary. Can he make more powerful barbecue?"

The passers-by looked at McGonagall one after another. They thought he was a little white face hiding behind his beautiful daughter-in-law. They didn't expect him to come out on his own. He didn't give advice at all. What he said made the common people in the street feel angry.

"That's a damn relief! I feel so angry these days that all of a sudden it's out! " There's a cold barbecue stall in front of Kerry's barbecue shop. Cindy, the owner of the beard, looks at MEG with a happy face.

He has been selling this stall for half a month. Originally, he wanted to do a big job, but he didn't expect that his well-known barbecue at home was almost ignored in the food street, and he was often ridiculed by the chef and staff of Carrey's barbecue shop.

The chef and the shop assistant, relying on their shop contacts are aristocrats, a toe high gas, even nostrils almost to the sky.

Ekri laughed angrily, pointed at MEG with a knife and said, "good boy! After eating bear heart and leopard gall, you dare to comment on Carrey barbecue shop like this. Aren't you afraid of causing trouble?! You know my barbecue, even the Duke of aberham said yes! What are you

Has the final say, "what is it?" McGonagall's expression was calm. He turned his eyes to the barbecue stall in front of Carrey's barbecue shop, looked at Cindy standing next to the stall, and said with a smile, "this boss, I want to rent your stall for half a day to redefine the definition of delicacy in this street, noncommittal?"

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