"You mean Krasu came to lodu, and took his apprentice to the wizard tower to defeat Kola?"

"And, at the same time, Elena was in the wizard tower, beating Brent up?"

In a unicorn that had just driven out of the palace, Joe frowned at the magician sitting opposite him.

The magician nodded respectfully and said: "yes, your highness, there may be no connection between these two things. Chairman, he is more concerned about whether Princess Irina will continue to attack the wizard tower, and the wizard tower will respond and fight back at that time."

Joe said calmly: "I will go to see Elena in person. You can assure the president that she will not attack the wizard tower again. As for Kelasu, if the president can repair the relationship with him and let him stand on our side, it will naturally be a good thing. Now his apprentice lives in my house, and I will start to promote it. Please apologize to the president for me. "

"OK, I'll report back to the president." The black robed magician nodded, and the carriage stopped at the entrance of a small lane. He disappeared in sight.

As the carriage went on, Joe frowned and whispered to himself, "is it just a coincidence that they were there at the same time? You can easily defeat Cora when you are less than four years old. Such talent and strength may not be able to produce one in a thousand years. If McGonagall is not Alex, will the little girl be their daughter? "


"Your Highness, the two cheetah members who are tracking them have lost contact. Do you need to send more people over?" In the box on the second floor of a restaurant, Quine quietly appeared and whispered.

Sean shook his head. "No, as long as Clarissa doesn't want to, no one can watch him. It's not a joke."

Quinn went on to say, "I just went down to read the news about crassus. Two months ago, he accepted a half elf apprentice who was more than three years old in the city of chaos. The apprentice's father was the owner of a restaurant called Maimi.

The latest news came from the mage tower. This morning, Krasu took his apprentice to smash the court and beat Richard's disciples. Brent was attacked by unidentified people in the mage tower and was seriously injured. "

Sean went to the window and said with a smile: "Joe found Krasu's Apprentice's father to offer food to the king, but Krasu took his apprentice to smash the mage tower. If you're not wrong, the mysterious person who hit Brent should be Elena, and then they will ride in the same carriage of the second prince's mansion with Krasu. To put it simply, is it just Joe who hit the wizard tower in the face? "

"Does it mean that there is a gap between Qiao Xiu and the wizard tower? So I'm looking for someone to knock the wizard tower on purpose? " Quinn was stunned, and was surprised.

Sean shook his head: "if it's someone else's hand, it's possible. But Krasu and Irina are not the people who can be used as guns and bribes. So this kind of thing happened, which probably didn't even happen to Joe himself."

"However, this is undoubtedly a good thing for us. It's a good thing for us to let the dark son in the mage tower push this thing, as long as there is a crack between the mage tower and Joe Xiu."

"Yes." Quinn replied respectfully, turning away.

"Whether you're Alex or not, this time, maybe we're on the same line again." Sean picked up a glass of wine on the table and drank it down.


Facing McGonagall's problem, Cindy was stunned for a second and nodded her head almost without any thinking: "deal, no rent, all the ingredients and kitchen utensils are for you to use, just pay the cost price of the ingredients. If necessary, I can give you a hand."

McGonagall looked at Cindy, who took only three seconds to put her apron on him. By the way, she put a bone pick knife into his hand. The bearded boss was more enthusiastic than expected. He nodded with a smile and said, "thank you very much. If you can, I may need your help to collect the money later, I'll pay you double as a cashier. "

"With pleasure, sir." Cindy said with a smile. She pulled out an apron with the words "cashier" and put it on her.

Feeling McGonagall's strange look, Cindy laughed awkwardly and politely: "I thought the barbecue stand would be a hot business, so I prepared it, but it didn't work."

"Good." McGonagall nodded with a smile. This temporary employee is very interesting.

Eckley looked at McGonagall with a sneer and said, "do you think a simple roadside stand can prove anything? People with real status will never condescend to eat at roadside stalls like you! A chef like you is only worthy of standing on the roadside all his life and making inferior barbecue for these civilians! "

"Barbecue is not noble because of who eats it." McGonagall calmly looked at eckley. "Why don't we make a bet that I spend half a day cooking barbecue here, to see if my humble roadside stall has more customers, or do you think your high-end barbecue shop has better business? If you lose, you are not allowed to post this notice from now on. If I lose, I'm at your disposal. "

"You said that!" Eckley looked at McGonagall and thought of countless ways to punish him.

His restaurant is the best barbecue shop in the food street. It receives more than 1000 customers every day. He rents a small barbecue stall on the roadside and wants to challenge Carrey. It's a fool's dream. In order to maintain Carrey's reputation, he has to take the bet.

Of course, what he wants to do more is to rub his hateful face against the ground.

McGonagall nodded: "good. Let's start from now on. You can find a clerk to stare at my stall and record the number of guests. I'll remember all the different guests coming in and out of your restaurant."

"Just wait and cry." With a cold snort, eckley turned and went into the barbecue shop. Soon a barbecue clerk came out and stood by the stall, looking at MEG and Cindy with his nostrils.

Cindy approached McGonagall and whispered, "don't you, sir, be too hard on yourself? If you want to go now, I can cover for you. "

"I think you will be very busy later. I hope your arithmetic is good." McGonagall patted Cindy on the shoulder with a smile. "By the way, you can call me boss McGonagall. I wonder if you can help me find some pen and paper."

"Pen and paper? I just bought a new one for my daughter today. " Cindy bent down and rummaged under the car for a while, taking out a pile of white paper and a quill.

"Thank you." McGonagall took the pen and paper, dipped it in ink, brushed it on the paper, and soon pasted a piece of paper on the original sign of the car.

"Macy's restaurant, Luodu temporary barbecue stand, roast beef, a silver coin."

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