"It's just a dream to compare a barbecue stand with little business to Kerry's barbecue shop with a booming business, isn't it?"

"Will the owner of this stall buy it? Want to use this event to hype your own barbecue stand? "

"Don't say it. It's really possible. Otherwise, how could a fool do such a thing?"

"Although I think what this guy said is very to my taste, his behavior is like hitting a stone with an egg?"

"Roast beef, a silver coin? When will the beef be sold by grain? "

"Maimi restaurant? How come I've never heard of this restaurant? Do you really want to hype this restaurant? "

The passers-by and the stall owners of the nearby snack stalls all whispered when they looked at the new signs posted by McGonagall. Obviously, not many people are optimistic about McGonagall's successful counter attack.

"Alex's going to set up a stand for roast beef? Can you eat it? "

Elena looks suspiciously at MEG who is busy in front of the stall. At that time, Alex ate all the food she cooked, and the only way to make food is not to eat raw meat.

And now, he even wants to rent this stall and gamble with others to make a better business than the other party in one afternoon?

"Sister Elena, my father wants to set up a stall! Let's be the first guest. The roast beef kebab made by my father is delicious As soon as Amy's eyes brightened, she came down from Elena's arms, took her hand and walked to the open-air table and chair beside the stall. Her father was really smart. As long as she ate the delicious food he made, her sister would fall in love with him.

"Won't you die after eating?" Elena still looks suspicious. After all, Alex was the one who could eat and spit himself when he was a roast chicken.

"Of course not!" Amy shook her head and said, "it's really delicious!"

"Well, I believe in Xiaomi." Irina smiles, touches Amy's hair and sits on the stool with her.

Cindy looked at McGonagall's new sign and doubted: "boss McGonagall, you have written the notice wrong. Is this piece of beef? How can it be described as a grain? "

"That's right. It's one, about that size." MEG rounded his index finger and thumb and continued to check the ingredients Cindy had prepared.

Two pieces of common beef tenderloin, fresh enough, should have been slaughtered in the morning, with ice under it.

The booth uses a charcoal oven, a long grill, and a slice of steak cut to the size of a palm. It should be Cindy's barbecue.

As for seasoning

MEG looked around and found only salt.

"It's really Buddhist barbecue... No oil, dry roast beef? Business is good. " MEG could not help but make complaints about it. This is a thin, thin beef tenderloin. If you replace it with a cow, you can at least produce oil.

"System, I don't want anything else. Give me a bottle of cumin and a bottle of black pepper." MEG closed the seasoning box in silence.

"Host, this task..."

"If I don't sell it, I'll double the price and let others run errands to buy it." MEG calmly interrupts the system.

"The system runs errands for you. A bottle of cumin powder and a bottle of black pepper powder have been put in place. Double gold coins have been deducted successfully. Please specify the receiving place." The sound of the system is cheerful.

"The trough! Do I agree to double the price? " McGonagall raised his eyebrows.

"I'll double the price for someone else to run errands. I'll double the price for someone else... "A recording circulates in Meg's mind.

"The system provides you with the highest quality running service!" Behind the sound of the system, there seems to be a face with a professional smirk.

"You (m) cow (m) force (P)" McGonagall was in a mixed mood. Sure enough, the system was shameless. Even he had to give in by three points.

"Is it that big? Are you sure? " Cindy put her eyes close to the small circle, looked at MEG through the circle, and asked again, how could anyone buy such a size of Beef Grain alone, and one of them even cost a silver coin. He only sold 20 copper coins for a whole steak!

McGonagall shook his toothpick holder, looked at Cindy and said, "yes, boss Cindy, if you are free, can you help me buy a bucket of superior rapeseed oil and ten toothpicks from other stall owners?"

"Toothpick? Is boss Mai worried that the guests need to pick their teeth after eating beef? Don't worry. According to my experience, very few customers ask for toothpicks. These toothpicks are enough. " Cindy shook her head with a smile.

"No, toothpicks are for meat." McGonagall shook his head, looked at Cindy and said seriously, "it's getting late. If boss Cindy is willing to be a part-time employee of the barbecue stand, he hopes to ask less questions, otherwise I will choose to change the employee."

McGonagall really likes to do things quickly, and she doesn't talk much. This bearded uncle is too active to be a competent employee.

Cindy looked at McGonagall's serious expression and hesitated for a moment. Although she was full of questions, she swallowed them all and nodded, "OK, boss McGonagall." Then he immediately turned around and walked to the booth next door.

Although he has planned to sell the stall and declare the failure of setting up the stall, he is still reluctant to give up. If he can hit Kerry's barbecue shop in the face before leaving, he will be very happy. Now it depends on whether the boss has real ability.

MEG took two bottles of seasoning powder out of the cupboard of the stall. After the last experience, MEG didn't trust the system to deliver things to his pocket. Now Elena is watching.

"Maybe I can only have my barbecue at noon today." Meg said with a smile, looking at Elena and Amy.

"It's OK. I can't get tired of eating roast beef made by my father ten thousand times!" Cried Amy, raising her little hand.

Irina looked at Meg's expression and said seriously, "I hope I can go to the next restaurant alive after eating."

"I think you'll like it." McGonagall said with a smile and turned to deal with the beef. It seems that Alex's cooking is worse than he imagined.

All the beef was cut into two centimeter square cubes by McGonagall, and there were more than 1000 pieces of two large pieces of beef. Then McGonagall went to several stalls, bought some seasonings for curing from those stallholders, and then put all the beef into a big pot to research.

Due to the limitation of food materials and time, McGonagall can't make the same level of roast beef kebab as he did in the restaurant. However, the level of a silver coin is worth the money. Selling all the beef is his goal this afternoon.

"I almost forgot!" McGonagall slapped his head, and fortunately took out his pen and wrote a few words on the notice.

"One for each person!"

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