"Because he's your father, too."

MEG looked at Amy and touched Amy's hair in a mixed mood.

He's Shen McGonagall, also McGonagall Alex, and it's a foregone conclusion from the moment of memory fusion.

He is willing to take all the responsibilities that McGonagall Alex needs to take, but he also wants to live his life in his own way.

Looking at the wooden man, McGonagall seems to have found his heart at this moment.

"The trough! Isn't this transformers! No, it should be low configuration version of the deformation as high as

However, MEG still can't help but make complaints about it.

"I didn't expect that this guy was a gifted young man. He was even as young as Gao Da. He just didn't know if he could move." McGonagall reassessed Yuri in his mind. The scene of the wood block changing into a wooden man really made him a little amazing. It was no less than the special effects of Hollywood blockbusters. The key was that it happened in front of his eyes, and no special effects were added.

This is obviously not a simple mechanism technique, but a magic burst is added to it. But how boring is it to be able to split a large block of wood into countless small pieces and then splice them together to form a giant of wood?

Just like in those days, McGonagall couldn't understand the roommate of the glue guy. He could spend a few days and nights, even forgetting to eat his meal, in order to fight for a high performance.

Is the girl outside not beautiful enough?

McGonagall is very appreciative of Yuri's creativity, but it's not a wise move to associate himself with Alex at such a time.

No matter which of his two brothers will be in the top position in the future, they will probably not be soft on a brother who still thinks about Alex.


Gergill got up and looked at the wooden giant. The anger in his eyes was like substance. Even a dark light appeared from his hand.

Irina took a look at gergill and said, "old pig, are you afraid of a wooden man? It seems that you still remember things very clearly

Gergill's face was a little heavy, but he soon gave a sneer and sat down. "Well, it's just a piece of dead wood. That guy has long been dead."

"It seems that some people are still itchy." Irina's face is suddenly cold down, and her eyes are cold looking at gergill. The volley three years ago has something to do with the demons, but I don't know which guys are involved in it.

"Don't worry. I'll see you to him sooner or later." Gergill gave Irina a hard look and put away her smile, but she said nothing.

Irina's face was cold, and she didn't say anything again. Yu Guang glanced at MEG and Amy, but her eyes were soft.

"Does sister Elena seem to know this wooden man?" Amy is a little curious, looking at Elena who is inexplicably angry and whispering.

MEG gently hugged Amy and didn't explain anything to her.

The representatives of all ethnic groups looked at the wooden man with different expressions.

Everyone knows that Elena's relationship with Alex in those years is a lesson from Georgel's experience, so they didn't go too far. No one wants to bear the anger of the fairy princess who has been in the wind forest for three years.

After all, some time ago, it just came out that she had killed a level 10 Wizard of the elves.

She never pays attention to any rules when she acts. If she is not happy, she may do it in this hall.

"I'm not a dead wood, I can move!" Yuri's unconvinced voice came out of the wooden man again. The heavy looking wooden man raised his right foot and then raised his left foot. Although it looked clumsy, it could be manipulated.

"The magic core control, if the actual combat effect is good, it can be as high as!" Meg's eyes were a little straight as he looked at the wooden man with his hands and feet moving.

Even if he can only complete simple movements, the wooden man made by Yuri is close to the robot made by the earth civilization that has developed for thousands of years, and he is just 15 years old, which is a genius.

Yuri's clumsy behavior amused many people.

General Alex is the hero of the Empire, and the whole nation mourned when the news of his death came out three years ago.

Yuri's exquisite carving skills almost reproduced the appearance of general Alex, and from a wooden box to such an appearance, far beyond everyone's expectation, made the ministers look at Yuri with new eyes.


The king looked at the wooden man with mixed eyes.

"Your Majesty, I don't think it's proper for his Highness the third prince to make the wood carving look like general Alex! How can such a joke be worthy of general Alex

Just then, a general got up and said in a loud voice.

The voice in the hall gradually subsided, and people's eyes gradually changed when they looked at the wooden man.

Although he was amazed by Yuri's creativity, it was general Alex after all. How could it be made into a toy casually?

No matter how well done, it's just a plaything.

It's a common understanding that the third prince will lose his will when playing with things, but now even general Alex dares to insult him. He just doesn't know how to behave.

"These guys are really caretakers." McGonagall takes a look at the general, solag, who is not Alex's old subordinate, but Sean's running dog. It seems that he doesn't want to let Yuri overshadow his master.

The king frowned, as if thinking, and as if displeased.

"Who said it was a plaything! This is war armor! It's not a plaything! Alex is the God of war. I just want to use this armor to make myself the same God of war as him. Why can't I use him? " The wooden man raised his right hand. Yuri said angrily.

Solag's face still maintained an angry expression. Looking at yurizhi, he asked: "general Alex is the strongest Dragon Slayer in Nolan. How can the third prince compare with him as a wooden man? Can you kill the enemy like a general with this wooden man? "

In the main hall, the ministers' eyes at the wooden man were also sarcastic. Yuri had no power to bind a chicken. He even dared to say that he wanted to become the God of war with the wooden man, just like Alex.

It seems that the wooden man is difficult to walk. What kind of armor is it? Is it just as he said before, only a strong defense capability?

In this case, what's the difference with tortoise shell?

Sean's mouth showed a smile of irony, such a brother, even to become his opponent's qualifications are not.

"Is it interesting to bully a child?" McGonagall frowned. These guys are so ugly.

Just when everyone thought Yuri was going to compromise.

The wooden man pointed a finger at solag and said coldly, "do you dare to fight me?"

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