All of a sudden, the hall became silent. Everyone opened their eyes to the wooden man. For a moment, the invincible God of war seemed to come back.

But now, Yuri, not Alex, is among the wooden people. How dare he challenge solag? Isn't this a failure?

Solag was also stunned. When the wooden man put out his finger, he almost knelt down.

But he soon came to his senses that Alex was dead, and now the only one in the wooden man is Yuri, who has no power to bind a chicken.

A wave of anger burned from the bottom of solag's heart. As a partisan General of the northwest military region of the Empire, although his strength was not strong, if he didn't dare to answer Yuri's duel, he would be ridiculed by everyone, let alone promoted.

Solag turned to the king and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, since the third prince is determined to fight against Wei Chen, Wei Chen dares to apply to your majesty for a duel with the third prince in this hall. The two sides don't need weapons. I don't know if it's ok?"

People's eyes turned to the king. Solag fought against his royal highness. Only the king could decide whether they could fight.

Yuri is also the third prince even if he is no longer a pet. Not all dogs and cats can bully him. Previously, he took out a wooden box to make fun of the representatives of all ethnic groups. Later, the wooden box was repackaged and turned into Alex, so he beat his face back.

Now solag is going to fight Yuri. If Yuri loses, it will lose the face of the royal family.

Amy looked at the wooden man with a curious face and said, "can mushroom head fight? But his Birdman just now can't even fly. He can't beat others even if he becomes a wooden man, can he? "

"Is it really Gao Da?" McGonagall was also curious. Although Yuri was just in his second year, he didn't look like a fool, so he shouldn't be insulted.

"Little mushroom head can even walk against the wall, and dare to challenge others? What a strange thing. " Irina was also a spectator, but she was not worried at all.

How to say, Yuri is also the third prince. Even if he borrows solag's ten courage, he doesn't dare to hurt Yuri. He can't afford the charge.

"Father, please let your children's ministers fight with him." Yuri took back the hand pointing to solag, and looked at the king's voice firmly.

Looking at the wooden man, the king was surprised. Today, the little son, who had never been a professional, frail and cowardly man, showed his bloody side. He was silent for a while, nodded and said, "yes."

The waiters emptied the space in the center of the hall, while the ministers talked in a low voice.

"General solag is a knight of level five. Does his highness really want to fight him?"

"The third highness is neither a knight nor a magician. It's not bad for a wooden man to wear this King Kong. Do you want to make general solag tired?"

"If you say that, it's really possible."

"Well, if his Highness the third prince can make half of the efforts of the eldest prince and the second prince, and not indulge in those strange tricks, it will be more than that."

The evaluation is just like the comparison of strength. No one believes that Yuri can beat solag by relying on his own wooden man. There are still many people who are lamenting Yuri's failure.

The open space was quickly cleared and the two sides stood in the middle of the open space.

Tall solag was still only up to his neck in front of the wooden man. The posture of slightly raising his head made him feel uncomfortable. His anger became more intense. He wanted to knock down the wooden man and break his awed face.

"Please prepare your Highness the third prince and Lord solag for the duel. Don't hurt anyone." The waiter stood aside and yelled.

The voice in the hall gradually stopped, and everyone was staring at them. Although there was no expectation of the result of the duel, Yuri's ability to last for a few seconds became everyone's curiosity.

Solag twisted his neck, made a click sound, and looked at Yuri like a bull's eye. One move is enough to deal with this boy.

"Your Highness, I have offended you." Solag roared and strode to Yuri like a bison.

After all, Yuri was the third prince. Even if he was angry, he didn't dare to hurt him in the hall. He still had this brain.

He is to show in front of Sean, but also a general, naturally can not be weak.

As for Yuri, he is a waste, so why care about his face and ideas.

Solag, who strides like a rainbow, is in sharp contrast to Yuri, who is standing as still as a stake. It should be possible to tell the outcome with only one move.

His face was full of banter. Whether the Third Prince of the Ross empire was defeated by a little general, or Alex's wooden statue was trampled, these are all the scenes he likes to see, and it doesn't need half of his strength.

"Mushroom head, come on! Come on Amy whispered cheers to Yuri. The expression on her face was still a little nervous. She was so absorbed and cute.

Solag grabs the wooden man's neck with his right hand and leans slightly to give Yuri a back fall. Then he locks him up and ends the duel.

The brawny arm was blue, and the strength of the fifth level knight was able to compete with the iron bull. It's no problem to deal with a slow wooden man.

There was a ferocious smile on solag's face. Although the man he could only look up to was just a wooden man, he was still excited to knock him down.

He seems to have seen Alex fall down by his own back. It must be the brightest moment in his life.

Some of the women's family members have covered their eyes. Alex was the dream lover of many women. Even if it was just a wood carving, he didn't want to see him knocked down.

Sean has a sneer on his lips. Now he's a little curious. After Alex is found, will he be like a wooden man who can only be trampled by others? Provoked by those ants who once could only look up to him?

This kind of scene must be very interesting.

Everyone was waiting for the wooden man in Yuri to be knocked down by a blow, and then solar won the duel.

At this moment, the motionless wooden man suddenly raised his right hand. His slow movement stopped. He snapped his wrist firmly like a flash of lightning. Then he turned around with a neat back. His arm and waist were perfectly combined, and he swung forward.

The huge solag drew a beautiful arc and was smashed to the ground by a back fall.

The woodman leaned over and hit solag in the face with another blow.

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