McGonagall was slightly stunned. The old man spoke directly. He came up and directly proposed the invitation of the debate contest. He looked at his Luna with Amy in his arms. He looked at her nervously and nodded with a smile. "Lord Byron is over praised, but I know something about it. If you don't dislike it, you should go."

Byron said with a smile, "well, tomorrow's debate will be held at Carlo church, starting at 10 a.m."

"Be there on time." MEG nodded.

"Lord Krasu, long time no see." Byron released Meg's hand and turned to Clarke.

"Byron, it's time for you to retire, isn't it? Don't you think you're tired of a bunch of old men quarreling all day long? The priests in the church are tired of you.

Byron was not annoyed, but still said with a smile: "the more academic things are debated, the clearer they are."

"Forget it, I don't want to talk to you. It's boring to talk to you. Let's go." Krasu waved his hand in a dull way, then looked at McGonagall and said, "boss McGonagall, little Amy, I'm going to find an old friend. You go back first, and I'll find you again." Then he turned and left.

"Luna, go back first." Byron and Luna said, then nodded slightly to MEG and Amy, turned and walked to an old man.

MEG reluctantly takes Amy back from Luna's arms.

"Thank you, Mr. McGonagall." Luna looked at MEG and said sincerely.

MEG shook his head with a smile. "Miss Luna, don't be polite, but it's a little help."

Luna did a lot of things for Amy. Naturally, he would not refuse such things. Moreover, he originally made the multiplication table. Now that she's in Chang'an, she can't escape like this.

Amy looked at Luna and said, "teacher Luna, will you go back to the city of chaos after you go home this time?"

"Of course, Miss Luna asked for five days' leave and went back with Amy early the day after tomorrow." Luna said in fright.

"Really!" Amy's eyes suddenly brightened up, but she shook her head again. "But teacher Luna's home is here, and your father and mother are here. If you go to the city of chaos, you won't see them..."

Luna felt warm in her heart. She pinched Amy's face with a smile, shook her head and said, "it doesn't matter. The teacher is an adult. The city of chaos is up to you. The teacher is reluctant to leave."

"Well." Amy nodded and said seriously, "and if Miss Luna is homesick, I can lend you my father's arms. He's super warm, so you won't feel lonely."

Luna looked up at MEG, blushing slightly, and nodded with a smile

"No, I have to stand firm." McGonagall's face is not red, his heart is not beating, and he is not affected by foreign things. Now he is being watched by Elena. If anything happens, he is more worried about his own safety.

After saying goodbye to Luna, MEG took Amy out of the main hall. The carriage of the second prince's house was waiting there. The steward who had sent them to the palace came forward with a smile and said respectfully, "congratulations on master Meg's winning the best dish of the Palace Banquet."

"Thank you." MEG nodded politely.

The steward continued respectfully: "your things have been packed up and let them go back to your house first. Are you going to go out first or go back to your house directly?"

"I'm a little tired. Go straight back." MEG looked up at the sky. It was still clear in the morning. It would have been cloudy, a little overcast. It seemed uncomfortable. It seemed that there would be a heavy rain today.

"All right." The steward nodded, and when MEG and Amy got on the bus, they drove out of the palace.

McGonagall raised a corner of the car curtain and looked out at the magnificent palace, which was constantly retrogressing. He raised his mouth slightly. "It's a good play for the two dragons to win. I just don't know who will win in the end. Do I want to join in? Yuri... Yuri... It's kind of interesting... "

"Father, what are you laughing at?" Amy looks at MEG curiously.

"I'm laughing. I have a good baby." MEG looked back at Amy and said with a smile.


In the main hall of the Royal Palace, a long table is placed in the center of the main hall.

King Andre was at the top of the table, Sean and Joshua were still at his right and left hand, the representatives of all ethnic groups were on both sides of the table, and Novak was at the end.

In the quiet hall, the atmosphere is a little depressing.

All the people just sat opposite each other, and no one wanted to speak first.

After a long silence, Andre looked at the people in a low voice: "although I invite you here in the name of my birthday, the main purpose is to discuss the re signing of the peace agreement three months later. Is the agreement a hundred years ago still suitable for the current mainland? I hope that all ethnic groups can speak out their demands and then discuss and vote on the clauses to be deleted or added. "

"A hundred years ago, our ethnic groups signed a peace agreement to end the ethnic war, which also ushered in a relatively peaceful one hundred years in Nolan. The elves are willing to renew the peace agreement." Irina raised her hand and looked coldly at the representatives of orcs and Demons sitting opposite. She said coldly, "but I warn you that if they dare to catch and sell elves, they will be regarded as fighting against elves. I will save them at all costs and then kill those bastards."

The hearts of gergill and Sanha trembled at the same time. The woman was still the most terrible woman in the world, but she had to keep calm on her face.

"Since she is the hope of the elves, let the hope of the elves be dashed today." Gergill thought hard in his heart and drew back his eyes.

The stout dwarf representative looked at gejil and said, "we dwarves are willing to renew the peace agreement, but before that, we strongly ask the demons to return all the territory they have occupied these years to us, and then in the additional provisions, we should severely punish the occupation of other peoples' territory."

"Goblins don't have any opinions. If everyone is willing to sign, we will. If everyone is not willing to sign, we won't either." The dark green goblin represents a grin, showing a sharp Tusk and a sinister smile.

Bruno said with indifference: "I'm just as casual as the dragon people, but now the territory of the dragon people can't be less."

"Return? Oh, you dwarfs are so naive Gergill looked at the dwarf with a sarcastic face and continued: "we demons feel that the territorial division was too unfair. Shouldn't powerful races be divided into more territories? What territory do the Goblins who live underground want? Isn't it enough to give them a piece of land to dig a hole? "

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