"This Palace Banquet is really unexpected. I didn't expect anyone to take the best dishes from master Bilman."

"What's more unexpected is that the chef who got the best dish turned down his Majesty's invitation and gave up the assistant director of the dining hall?"

"Is there a hole in that guy's brain? This kind of opportunity has been given up. As long as Bilman leaves a few years later, isn't he the director of the dining hall? "

In the dining hall, the chefs, who have not yet left, are talking in a low voice as they pack up their things. Although the Palace Banquet itself has not been able to choose the best dishes as usual, compared with the past, this Palace Banquet has a lot more to talk about for a year.

The cook named "McGonagall" is like a black horse, completely mixing a pool of water.

It is estimated that the legend about him will not disappear in many years.

"That guy must know that he can't compare with Shifu, so he doesn't dare to enter the dining hall." The fat cook beside Bilman said with a firm face.

As soon as the words came out, the disciples around Bilman didn't respond, and their faces were a little complicated and depressed.

A young man looked at Bilman, who was cleaning the knives. He asked timidly, "master, what do you think of this?"

Bilman slowly closed the box, looked over the crowd and looked at the sky outside the door, with a smile on his face. "He's a pure cook. He runs a restaurant. What a wonderful thing. There are so many guests coming and going every day. Maybe that's the real reason why he can create so many kinds of delicious food."


"Father, what else can we do today?"

MEG and Amy return to the second prince's mansion. Amy gets out of the carriage and looks at MEG expectantly.

MEG thought about it and said with a smile, "there's nothing to do today, so Amy can make ice cream cake with me."

"Ice cream cake?" Amy looked at MEG puzzled. Isn't ice cream ice cream? What is a cake?

"Come on, you'll know in a moment." MEG laughs and picks up Amy. Then he asks the steward to take all the things back and help him set up a clean kitchen.

Naturally, the steward didn't know very well what happened in the main hall, but he knew that McGonagall got the best dish for the Palace Banquet, and he also got the chef from his Majesty's face-to-face reward. This was the second prince, and even the red man in front of his majesty. Naturally, he wanted to curry favor with McGonagall, and immediately arranged according to McGonagall's request.

The news that McGonagall got the best dish for the Palace Banquet soon spread to the kitchen of the second prince's house, which naturally caused quite a stir.

This chef from the city of chaos, even ascended the throne that all chefs in the Los Empire want to ascend, and before that, they were still questioning his cooking skills.

On this day, the name "McGonagall" resounded throughout the culinary world. Although it was not the first, it began to emerge. Everyone knew that there was a great cook in the city of chaos, and even the king of Los empire was full of praise.

McGonagall is still a little concerned about these false names. After all, the main purpose of the system is to mold him into a kitchen god, and then let all kinds of chefs come to him for trouble to achieve the purpose of punishment.

McGonagall has seen through this little trick for a long time, but he just doesn't get it through.

What he has to do is very simple. While constantly improving his cooking skills, he has to constantly improve the chips to fight with him, so that most chefs do not dare to fight with him because of his strength. At the same time, those chefs who think they have some strength need to think more about the duel price.

Before long, McGonagall believed that there should be few people willing to fight him in Nolan. At that time, he should have almost completed all the main tasks of the system and reached the peak of his life.

"The system provides me with the ingredients for an ice cream cake." Meg said directly in his heart.

"Host, this system has stated that this trip to Luodu will not provide any food for the host. If necessary, please use local materials." A serious voice from the system sounded.

"System, I have completed the task of my trip to lodu. The limitation you mentioned before is within the scope of the task, but now I want materials for myself. Is there any connection between the two?" McGonagall asked in reply.

"Er... This..." the system pondered.

"I don't know how to spend 1000 dragon coins today. It seems that Luodu has a lot of good things to buy, otherwise..." McGonagall was a little embarrassed.

"Ding! The ingredients needed by the host have been prepared and delivered to the first floor of the cabinet! "

"If the host needs anything else, please feel free to order. This system will provide you with the best service."

The soft voice of the system rings out, and a picture of a smiling stewardess floats through the mind of the buyer.

"Is your voice worthy of this picture?" McGonagall rolled his eyes, opened the cupboard and saw that there were all kinds of ingredients. As he filled the ice cream cake machine with ingredients, he asked in his heart, "system, can you make it as high as possible?"

"If the host is talking about assembly toys, this is certainly no problem."

"What I'm talking about is that it's really high and not demanding, just like the one just made by the big prince. Is it possible?"

"This system knows nothing about magic. This kind of non scientific thing can't be learned by this system, so the wooden man made by the big prince can't be done by this system."

"The system you created by the way of heaven is not as good as a big prince?" Meg said with a little disdain.

"Well! Who says that this system is inferior to him? It's just a disposable product made of wood. You can only make two punches to replace the crystal once, but it's expensive, but it doesn't have much practical effect. This kind of thing, this system disdains to do. " There is a little disdain in the sound of the system.

"Speak as if you could do better." McGonagall also scorned it.

"Isn't that a matter of course? With the phase transfer armor and the magnetic rail gun, it only needs one shot to solve the problem of meeting that kind of wooden man. "

The system is extremely unconvinced.

"Damn it! System, can you really make it? " McGonagall's eyes suddenly lit up, which he meow is not up to the standard!

"It's not for sale. Don't think about it. Make your cake. You want to be a man of Kitchen God. Come on!" The system says leisurely, the sound disappears immediately.

"Father, is the ice cream cake good?" Amy interrupts Meg's thinking.

"Of course, ice cream and cake are very delicious food, and when they are combined, they are another delicious food." MEG nodded with a smile, took out all the ingredients and began to make the cake seriously.

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