Before he came here, McGonagall wanted to make the first show of the ice cream cake at the Palace Banquet, but after he came to lodu, he chose to give up this idea. The production of the ice cream cake is time-consuming, and the preservation conditions are more stringent.

Of course, more importantly, MEG felt that Andre and his son didn't deserve to eat the ice cream cake he spent several hours making. At this time, he preferred to make the cake with Amy and then eat it happily.

As for Elena, if she comes to the city of chaos later, she can also eat it.


In the main hall, the representatives of all ethnic groups expressed their opinions, sometimes clapped the table and stood up, tit for tat, not giving way to each other, and the atmosphere was quite tense.

Novartis, who had not spoken for a long time, slowly stood up, and the voice in the hall became smaller and smaller. The status of the city of chaos in Nolan was a little special, because there were no race members who joined the city of chaos, and many of them were meritorious deeds of the race war in those years.

Over the years, the strength of the chaotic city has gradually increased, and all ethnic groups have never suppressed them, even let him act as a mediator.

As the first space magician in mainland China, novan's strength is also recognized.

Looking at the representatives of all ethnic groups, he looked worried and said:

"If all ethnic groups can't reach an agreement and the peace agreement can't be renewed in three months, Nolan may fall into war again. Ethnic war is the origin of all ethnic groups. Every ethnic group has paid a tragic price for it. The peace that was paid with blood in those years, do you want to tear it up so easily? "

"The city of chaos is the symbol of peace in those years. All ethnic groups built the city of chaos and lived there on an equal footing, proving that all ethnic groups are not completely incompatible."

"Therefore, on behalf of the city of chaos, I hope that all ethnic groups can accept other ethnic groups with an open mind and vision, gradually eliminate borders, pass through each other, and finally achieve real integration and peace of the whole continent.

War brings only death and hatred, and when the boundaries of territory disappear, there will be no war in the world because of territory.

This is what the rulers of all ethnic groups should do. "

Nowan looked at the representatives of all ethnic groups here with a burning eye, full of sincerity.

Representatives of all ethnic groups were silent, and no one spoke for a moment.

"If there is a goblin living next door to me, I'm afraid I'll trample him flat. Dragon Island belongs to the dragon race. If other races want to get involved, they are ready to accept the anger of the dragon." Bruno spoke first, with some dignity.

Gergill also sneered: "if human beings sway in front of me every day, I will worry about whether I can't help eating him."

Sean looked at Georgel coldly and said, "you can't eat every human. Maybe a sword will stick into your throat."

"Yes? His Highness the prince should not have such ability, right? Isn't the man who had this ability already dead? What a pity. " Gergill grinned a little sarcastically and looked up at Josh. His smile grew more sarcastic.

Elena's hand slowly clenched into a fist, her face cold.

Joe's eyes flashed a little flustered, but his face was still calm, and he said coldly: "there are still a lot of level 10 magicians in Los empire."

"Is it?" Gergill gave a noncommittal smile.

The negotiation lasted for one afternoon, but it still failed to reach an agreement and broke up unhappily.

"A bunch of hypocrites." Elena was the first to come out of the main hall. She turned her lips and went straight away.

"Princess Irina, I didn't expect that you arrived at Luodu yesterday. I don't know if you are free tonight..." Joe quickly followed up from behind and said with a warm smile.

"No time." Before Joe finished, Irina interrupted him, stopped to look at him, and then went straight away.

Joe Xiu's face was not very good-looking, but he didn't catch up with him. He just stood in the same place and said with a strong smile, "I'll get together when I have time."

Irina disappeared in an instant and did not reply to him.

"Does she know all about it? No, as long as he's dead, everything will pass... "Joe stood in the same place, frowning.

Sean stood in the distance and looked at Joe. With a cold smile, he looked up at the dark clouds all over the sky and said softly, "it's going to change."

In a flash of pale gold, Elena appeared outside the palace.

Just then, a colorful bird flew over, flew around her twice, and finally stopped at her fingertips.

"Any news about bean sprouts?" Irina flicked her finger on the bird's leg, and a little note fell into her hand. It unfolded slowly, and it was a letter with slightly scrawled handwriting.

Irina just a cursory sweep, delicate brow is already frown up, ponder a way: "five road street?"? Does anyone want to destroy that year's evidence? But now that I've found him, it doesn't matter if the evidence is destroyed. "

"And... Snell is in the city of chaos now, how can bean sprouts know about Loto?" The note turns to ashes in Elena's hands. "It seems that someone wants to lead me there. I'm worried about where to find you. Today, let you pay for what happened in those years."

There was a thunder on the ground, and the raindrops as big as beans poured down from the sky, and Elena also disappeared at the gate of the palace.

This autumn rain has been brewing for most of the day. As soon as it falls, it will be like pouring. Pedestrians on the road have to take shelter on both sides of the street, and all families rush to close their windows.

North of Luodu city is the gathering place of slums. Most of the people who come to Luodu to beg because of hunger and cold live here.

There is no central street. There are only potholes in the mud lane. As soon as the heavy rain falls, a layer of mud powder is stirred up, and it is soon pressed down by more rain.

The rain poured into the holes, forming small puddles, and the mud Lane became more and more muddy.

The naked beggars huddled in the corner of the wall and sheltered themselves from the wind and rain by a little roof that had not yet collapsed overhead.

Wudao street in the north of the city was also a prosperous place.

At that time, general Alex chose to build his mansion here. At the same time, he built hundreds of thatched cottages for the poor people, which made this generation prosperous gradually and gave the beggars a place to settle down.

However, three years ago, general Alex was killed in wudaojie, and his mansion and more than 100 thatched houses were burned. From then on, this place has become a place where even beggars do not want to stay.

It is said that the cries of the burnt beggars can be heard at night.

The rainstorm clattered down. It was dark. The charred pillars were creaking by the wind. It sounded like crying.

At this time, a pale golden light in the street, a beautiful spirit also appeared in this street.

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