
The book in Joe's hand fell to the ground, his face was flustered. He took two steps to pull up the collar of the man in black, and said nervously, "what's the matter?"

"Palace... Your highness, according to your request, the spies tracked the whereabouts of Princess Elena and found her near Wudao street. Then three groups of spies lost contact. One of them lost contact after sending back the news that the princess was besieged. Now more spies are gathering there. The specific situation is unknown." The man in black replied in a trembling voice.

"Wudaojie..." Qiao Xiu pushed the man in black away and walked towards the door quickly. He said in a cold voice: "prepare the Griffin, and ask the escort to follow me to wudaojie!"

"Yes The man in black trotted out.

Soon, a black Griffin rose from the second prince's house, flapping its wings and flying. Two horses, all composed of men in black, appeared through the back door and ran toward the north of the city in the rainy night.


"The rain tonight is as pleasant as it was three years ago."

In a loft somewhere in Luodu City, a tall figure stood in front of the window, watching the pouring rain outside, drank a mouthful of wine and said with a smile.


Wudaojie under the rainstorm seems to have been forgotten by the whole world.

The black cat shrank in the corner of the dilapidated archway, with black hair blowing up all over, bowing her body. Her dark blue eyes were full of fear and looked at the beautiful fairy in the distance. The rain fell on the green leaf above her head, but there was not a drop of it.

The sharp arrow has arrived in front of Elena. The orc, holding the iron bar in both hands, has a grim smile on his face. It seems that he saw the scene when the iron bar broke Elena's head. The vines that pierced the ground wound around her legs like poisonous snakes. In the dark, a heavy Knight began to charge. The unicorn's iron hooves crushed the water, and the sound was as neat as thunder, The sharp point of the gun glowed with cold light under the lightning.

Everything was cold and cruel, blocking all the way back for Elena.

There was a cruel smile under his black mask. He had been waiting for this day for many years.

When Alex and Elena crossed the mainland, they brought him great humiliation.

Alex is dead, and now Elena is dying. It's a wonderful night.

When Elena and Alex traveled to the mainland, she didn't make many moves. Although she was one of the top ten magicians, few people knew her real strength.

"Did you give up the fight? Without Alex, it's just a vase. " Gergill some disdain to curl his mouth, the three groups sent out six top ten experts, it seems that some overestimated Irina.

According to the news from the elves, Elena should have been seriously injured three years ago. Although the killing of Hubert some time ago caused quite a stir in the mainland, now it seems that most of Hubert is too old to hold the magic wand.

Countless eyes are watching this scene in the dark, and the history of Nolan is likely to be rewritten in this night.

The people who lost Alex and the elves who lost Elena may become slaves and food of all ethnic groups in the future.

Just then, Elena raised her left hand.

The torrential rain stopped all over the sky, and the raindrops of the size of soybeans floated in the air. The arrows in a line suddenly stopped. The orc still kept a ferocious smile, and the black vines had wrapped around her legs.

Everything is like a picture of sudden stillness. In the light of golden light, the slender jade hand is as white and transparent as the carved jade.

More than a person's high golden wand appeared in Irina's right hand. Irina's expression was still holy and calm. She was not half flustered and said calmly, "holy light, listen to my call and clean up all the filth!"

The top of the master's staff is shining like the sun.

Bundles of golden light, through the suspended raindrops, each drop seems to have become golden, blooming a bright light, like a golden sword stabbing outward, the dark also retreat.

"No!" Gergill's face suddenly changed, a black shield appeared in front of him, and at the same time he retreated violently.

The rest of the people in black also sacrificed their means of defense, and their faces changed slightly.

The freeze frame picture moved again in this instant.

The arrow, which was blasted in a line, was hit by a beam of holy light and turned into fly ash. The holy light was castrated and hit the eyebrow of the demon shooter standing in the distance.

The vines penetrating from the ground are illuminated by the holy light, like the melting of ice and snow.

"Ah In the distance, a Forest Troll suddenly jumped up and gave out a fierce cry. His legs had disappeared.

The interweaved holy light fell on the orc holding the mixed iron stick. The soft armor made of nine level Warcraft skin was cut into countless pieces in a twinkling of an eye. Blood came out from the small cross wounds. The big iron stick with thick arms became rusty, and layers of rust began to peel off from the iron stick and fell to the ground.

Then the holy light fell on the heavy cavalry who rushed to Elena with a long gun. The heavy armor that could resist the level 7 attack was like paper paste. Countless cracks appeared in an instant. Before they rushed to Elena's body, they broke into pieces.

Irina took back her left hand and hit the orc in the face.


The blood covered orcs flew out and smashed into the ruins. They were buried by the dark stones and had no breath.

The rest of the light raged by, leaving some wounds on the people in black.

The rainstorm of wudaojie was still there, but it was much quieter all of a sudden, only the wailing of the broken leg Forest Troll and the aggravating gasps.

The smell of blood in the air, even the rainstorm can not be covered.

In a moment, a group of heavy cavalry and a level 10 Orc were killed.

The eyes of the people in black have changed when they look at Elena. This beautiful looking spirit is so cruel to kill people.

Moreover, such strength is much stronger than their previous estimate.

Irina said with a slightly sarcastic smile: "what's your misunderstanding? Alex didn't want me to do it at that time, not because I was too weak, but because I was heavy and easy to kill people. Moreover, if I want to go, who can stop me?"“ Elena, you're a little bit out of my expectation, but even if Alex ends up in our hands, do you think we'll give you a chance to leave alive? "

Gergill put down his smoky shield and raised a gray magic light to cover the five streets with everyone.

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