"Ladies and gentlemen, we don't have much time left. Kill her for the sake of the alliance!"

Gergill took off his black robe, his eyes turned blood red, and his tall body inflated like air. Black thorns like boar hair appeared on his back, and his hair on his head turned into sharp thorns. His mouth showed two sharp tusks.

It's like a boar in the shape of a human, carrying a knife nearly two meters long, running towards Elena.

"For the League!"

A Forest Troll, more than five meters tall, suddenly tears his black robe into countless pieces, and countless tiny Hessian whirlpools appear on his mossy body. The withered plants turn into ashes in an instant, and almost all the plants around him die, turning into dark green breath and pouring into those whirlpools, holding a huge stone stick, She strode towards Elena.

"The smell of blood is really addictive." A huge bat's virtual shadow appeared behind a vampire. The man in black stretched out a pale hand and pointed fingers across his wrist. Blood gushed out and fell into a huge magic array in front of him. Some of them cried madly: "sacrifice my blood to the blood donor, please come to the blood donor!"

The array that was dyed red by blood burst out a dazzling red light. The blood and broken meat on the ground seemed to be attracted to the array. The blood began to bubble, as if it was heated and boiling.

The cold air spread in all directions. A blood hand stretched out from the center of the array. Then a headless blood corpse crawled out from the pool of blood. After a pause, he squatted down in the blood array and touched it. He took out a bloody head and put it on his neck. A pair of eyes almost turned out looked at Elena and licked his tongue, Like a ghost disappeared in the same place.

The rest of the orc let out a roar, carrying a big stick to rush toward Elena, in the run crazy into a half ape man, one step high jump is five or six meters, crash to the ground, leaving a big hole on the ground.

The rest of the Forest Troll will hold his hands and feet on the ground at the same time, and recite a mantra in his mouth. The color of the soil changes from brown to gray, and the accumulated power turns into a green ribbon, and falls to another Troll who rushes towards Elena.

Almost at the same time, five level 10 masters attacked Elena at the same time.

"It's a pity that I didn't tell Amy that I was her mother." Irina took a look at the gray black magic barrier. Her expression was a little lonely. She didn't need to try. She also knew that it was not the barrier she could break in a short time. At least she couldn't do it before the attacks fell on her.

"But he should be able to take care of her. After all, the food he cooked is so delicious." There is a smile on Elena's face again. Maybe nothing makes her happier than meeting him again and seeing Amy grow up. Although it's a little pity, these guys have to be buried with her.

Elena raised the wand in her hand and chanted: "holy light, obey my call and purify the world!"

The holy light lights up again, and an arm thick holy light shines straight ahead. A bloody shadow is forced out from the darkness and exposed to the holy light.


The shrill scream accompanied by the hissing corrosive sound, the summoned blood ancestor changed all kinds of ferocious faces, but still unable to escape under the holy light, just like a light shackle general trapped him, even if he struggled madly, the flesh and blood were corroded at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ah... No!"

At the same time, the body of the vampire who called the blood ancestor also began to fester, kneeling on the ground, shouting and struggling madly.


Irina released the light at the same time, gejil also came to her body, close to two meters of the knife toward Irina swept away, trying to cut her waist.

Irina uses her wand to block her body, but she is still slapped with a knife close to her body. She bumps into the broken memorial archway five or six meters later. There are many fine cracks on the boulder behind her. Irina turns pale, and a little blood spills from the corner of her mouth.

At the same time, the orc incarnated as a half ape man came down from the sky with a big stick in his hand and fell down on Elena below.

Irina's feet lit up an array, and a golden flash appeared ten meters away.


The ruins of the memorial archway turned into sand and stone. Where the stick landed, there was a big pit several meters deep.

Irina's steps slightly faltered. A stone column as thick as a bucket fell from the sky and fell down on her again. The five meter tall Troll was like a giant Buddha, with a pair of gray eyes staring at her face.

Elena's teleportation magic lights up again and disappears before the stone pillar falls to the ground.

The stone pillars fell to the ground and collapsed the remaining buildings, just like a thunder in the rainy night.

The golden light lights up again, and Irina appears on the top of the troll's head. Holding the wand in both hands, she knocks the troll's head with red fire.


The huge Troll's head fell into a big hole from the middle, cracks began to spread down from the troll's head, and the giant without meter high shook and fell to the ground.

At this time, an iron bar from behind Irina hit her back, the dull sound seems to be accompanied by the sound of bone fracture.

Still in the middle of the sky, Elena is like a bird with broken wings. Before hitting the gray black barrier, she reluctantly props up a spherical magic cover, turns on the barrier, brings up a series of magic ripples, and then falls to the ground weakly.

"Brush, brush!"

At the same time of landing, countless vines twined the magic cover almost instantly, just like a python entangled with its prey. The light on the magic cover suddenly changed, and the shape became distorted.

"Three levels of ten are not too bad." Elena is lying in the magic mask, holding a small black ball in her palm. She looks at the grgill and the orcs who are rushing towards here with their weapons, and smiles a little sarcastically.

In the heart-shaped necklace on her chest, the green light is rushing towards her body. However, no matter how efficient the self-healing ability is, it is impossible for her to recover her combat power immediately, and the magic mask can't support her.

"Now, I've changed my mind." Gergill raised his knife and looked at Elena with a grim smile. "Kill you, I will strip you naked and hang you on the wall of lodu City, and then let the Empire of Los bear the anger from the elves!"

"My woman, who dares to move?"

At this time, a sound like thunder in all ears!

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