McGonagall's flying sword protects the beauty. He breaks the sword with one sword, cuts the tree with his backhand, and then reaches the peak of Kade with one sword.

The time of the skirmish between the experts seems to be prolonged, but in fact, these things only happen in a moment.

Cade crashed down more than ten meters away. His chest collapsed as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer. He lay on his back. His broken liver gushed out from the corner of his mouth with blood, and his breath weakened.

The Forest Troll took back his branches, covered with green blood, even his arm was cut off, some screamed bitterly.

Gergill let go of the handle of the broken knife in his hand, and with a split heart, he stepped back, trying to stay away from MEG.

He's Alex!

The sword is Tiandu sword, and Alex is the only one in the world who can use such a delicate and treacherous epee.

He had dreamt about that sword skill many times in his nightmares.

Five years ago, on the top of the big octopus, there was an old man who was as short and fat as a dwarf. His feet seemed to fall into the body of the octopus. His body like a ball was almost connected with the octopus. His black and white eyes protruded from his eyes, which made the bald head look a little scary.

As soon as the words fell, the two tentacles grew crazily and rushed to Meg, trying to entangle him.


Joe's Griffin flew forward rapidly with his wings waving. The fighting in the direction of wudaojie could be heard vaguely, which made him a little excited.

As long as there is a fight, the battle is not over, then Elena is not dead.

Although he was very angry that all ethnic groups killed Elena behind his back, it might be a good opportunity for Elena to throw herself in his arms if he could take advantage of this opportunity to save the beauty.

Thinking of this, Joe's expression became a little excited, even the magic wand in his hand was shaking slightly.

As the second prince of the Empire, it is amazing that she can become a level 7 magician at this age, which is why she is favored and supported by the wizard tower.

After all, there are few such talents as Elena.

"Your Highness, be careful! There's a violent fluctuation of void magic ahead. It's more than level 10 ordinary magicians. I'm afraid it's the ancestor of void demons

Just in the scene of Joe's fantasy that he will save Elena, and then walk out from the pool of blood with her like a hero, a big white eagle quickly catches up with him. On the back of the eagle, a gray haired magician says solemnly.


When Qiao Xiu heard the words, he was surprised, and the speed of the Griffin also dropped a lot. Looking at the direction of Wudao street, he was a little suspicious.

If it's an ordinary level 10 opponent, the great magician who protects him closely should be able to deal with him. In Luodu, I don't think they dare to take him as the second prince.

However, if the opponent is the ancestor of the nether demons, his strength is far from that of the ordinary level 10 demons. The great magician from the mage tower around him can't beat him.

"Every race has a contract. Those old people of the ancestral level can't appear in the territory of other races. They even violate the contract openly. Aren't they afraid that we'll settle the accounts in the fall of Los Empire?" Joe clenched his fist.

The magician said with a worried face: "Your Highness, I'm afraid that this time the demons will not stop until they achieve their goals. The ancestor of the void demons appears in lodu, and they also fight against the fairy princess, so they will directly split their faces with the elves and the Terrans. If you go now, maybe he will take the risk to attack you. Your highness, please think twice

"I..." Joe looked at the direction of Wudao street. He hesitated a little. His eyebrows were full of anxiety, but the Griffin slowed down.


"Why is there another one?" MEG looked up at the giant octopus, frowned, stabbed his sword into the heart of the Forest Troll, and the green flame went out.

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