There is a steep gray stone mountain ten miles to the west of Luodu city. This area is rich in stone. It is said that when Luodu was built, it was the stone dug from this place that built the high wall.

There is also a legend about this isolated stone mountain. It is said that when the craftsmen dug here, the stone suddenly became extremely hard. Rao is the hardest iron, and it can't dig this mountain.

This event shocked the king of Los Empire at that time and ordered the mountain to be preserved, so it was named "amnesty mountain".

Because the mountain is steep, full of bare stones, and there are no animals around, so even birds are not often seen on the mountain, let alone Warcraft.

There is a dark cave near the top of the mountain. The entrance is inclined, so you can hardly see the entrance from the bottom of the mountain.

Of course, this kind of place where even the grass doesn't grow one, the herb gatherer will not risk his life to climb.

The heavy rain washed the gray rocks, but these stones, which even the craftsmen could not help, would not be washed away by the rain. Only the raindrops fell on the stone wall and made a sound of crackling, and even the sounds of birds and animals could not be heard.

At this time, the dark cave suddenly lit up two Lavender light, like two lightning general shine to the outside of the cave.

A flash of lightning lit up half of the sky and gave a glimmer of light to the dark cave.

A giant slowly got up, his shrinking wings trembled slightly, mud powder and gravel fell to the ground, heavy footsteps walked slowly towards the entrance of the mountain, and the two purple lights became brighter, just like two lights.

The shadow stood still at the entrance of the mountain. The purple light looked in the direction of the capital, and a low roar came from its throat.

Another flash of lightning.

This time, the behemoth standing at the entrance of the mountain finally showed his real body, which was a huge Griffin!

It's hard to imagine how such a huge creature with a wingspan of at least 10 meters can get itself into this narrow cave.

But even if it was like this, standing at the entrance of the mountain with curled wings, the arrogant momentum was still moving.


The Griffin suddenly raised his head and gave out a loud roar. The purple light in his eyes was like two bright stars, especially dazzling!

The Griffin's curled wings unfolded, accompanied by a sound of crisp bones. The fierce rainstorm retreated and stabbed into the rain curtain like a sword.

The gray dust was washed away by the rainstorm, revealing the dazzling purple scales and wings. Even in the dark, there is still a flow of light. The huge purple lion's head looks quite dignified, but there is a prominent black scar in its eyebrow.

Every time its wings flutter, it will appear hundreds of meters away, just like a ghost in the dark night, flying rapidly towards the capital.

Where, there is a very familiar atmosphere for him.

And in order to wait for him, it has been dormant here for three years, finally waiting for him to appear again.


Pulling the sword out of the Forest Troll's brow, McGonagall waited on his high shoulder and chopped off the two legs of the octopus.

The sharp blade cuts off the legs of two Octopus like tofu. It easily cuts off the legs of two Octopus full of eyeballs. It flops to the ground and jumps. One eye blinks wildly. It seems that it is unwilling to die like this.

And the big octopus didn't seem to be affected. The blood and flesh on the flat fracture moved wildly. In the twinkling of an eye, two identical Octopus legs grew out again, and pink flesh pimples like eyeballs appeared. For the time being, they didn't turn into eyeballs.

McGonagall's expression is dignified. This big octopus, which makes him a non densophobia patient feel uncomfortable, is not a real octopus, but a kind of void giant named eye beast.

This kind of giant beast only exists in the void. It is huge and has extremely abnormal recovery ability. If it can't be killed with one strike, it almost has an immortal body.

The most terrifying thing about beholders is not their ability to recover, but their thousands of eyeballs.

There is no way for any creature to keep calm when it is watched by so many eyeballs at the same time. The moment when the mind is lost, it will be controlled by the beholder and become the slave of the beholder.

Even among the demons of the void, few people can find the beholder from the void and tame it into their own mounts and helpers.

The strength of this kind of void eye beast is no less than that of the ordinary level 10 strong, and it's even more troublesome because of its abnormal recovery ability and the talent of taking advantage of the moment.

As for why McGonagall knows so much, it's because Alex happened to kill a beholder in those years, and conveniently abandoned the void devil.

If McGonagall's inference is correct, the level 9 void devil should be the son of the void devil who is called the ancestor of void.

McGonagall has experience in killing beholders, and McGonagall has the highest strength, but

"There is not much time left for the host, host, come on!"


Some anxious voices of the system rang out in McGonagall's mind. McGonagall even saw the little red light of World War I on his chest.

"System, you're Altman fighting monsters! You're going to give me an Ott ray McGonagall rolled his eyes, but he knew that there was not much time left for him.

But this beholder and the empty ancestor above him are much more troublesome than those guys just now.

There are not many top ten in Nolan, but there are about a hundred.

Among them, the strength of nature can not be the same.

Gergill and those who besieged Elena in the past can only be regarded as ordinary level 10, but there is another kind of existence, such as Krasu, Julian, and the void ancestor on the head of the beholder, who can easily defeat ordinary level 10.

Alex's strength in these people is naturally the best, alone, fearless of anyone.

But it's almost impossible for McGonagall to defeat void and the beholder in three minutes and retire.

Because, in these three minutes, he may not touch the empty eye beast.

No matter how strong he is, he still stands on the ground.

And the void beholder is in the air, and can even tear the void for displacement.

Time in the past seconds, although McGonagall's expression is still calm, but the heart beat faster and faster.

His sharp eyes are fixed on the beast. If he leaves the ground, he has only one chance to kill him. If he can't kill him, he can't go back today.

"Alex, where's your purple bird?" "Without it, you are just a bug that can only hop on the ground. When you abandoned my son, today I'm going to let you have a taste of watching Elena humiliated face to face," he said with a ferocious smile

A dozen meters long Octopus legs clattered toward MEG and Elena. The dead fish eyes blinked wildly, like the devil smelling the smell of food.

Just then, a loud cry came from a distance.

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