With a complicated mood, the guests entered the restaurant one by one, but this time they didn't rush to sit down. Instead, they hesitated and didn't know how to sit down.

"If you want some stinky tofu this morning, please sit at the table on the far left. Other guests can sit at will. Stinky tofu is only available in the evening every day, and only a hundred servings a day until it is sold out. Today's trial sale is an exception. " Meg said with a smile.

Customers who are determined not to eat stinky tofu will soon take their seats, while some customers who are still very interested in the new products begin to hesitate. Although McGonagall said something serious before, the products produced by boss McGonagall have never let people down. If they are really stinky and unsavory, how can he serve the table for the guests.

"It's Miss Elizabeth." Abelmia looked at Elizabeth with some surprise and surprise. Seeing that she was about to sit down in the right seat, she couldn't help coming forward and whispered: "stinky tofu is really delicious. It's highly recommended."

"Is it delicious?" Elizabeth looked at abelmia with some surprise. Her eyes were full of sincerity. She hesitated a little and chose to sit down in the leftmost position.

"Does anyone really want to try?"

Elizabeth sat down, immediately attracted the attention of the public, this is the first choice to sit in the leftmost position of the guests, but also a frost beauty.

McGonagall is also a little surprised to see Elizabeth, the girl can tolerate such a bad smell? And just now it seems that abelmia and she said something that made her change her mind. Are they so familiar with each other?

Some of the guests, who had been wavering, saw that someone had become a leader, and they also took their seats one after another, sitting in the leftmost tables.

Harrison also sat opposite Elizabeth and gave a restrained smile. Although he was just an ordinary man, as a businessman, he still had eyes. Although the girl in front of him was beautiful, he was not the one he could provoke. He was the one who could kill him with a finger.

He doesn't want to sit here if he hasn't done anything.

Sitting next to Elizabeth is Xixi, while Lulu sits opposite Xixi.

"Hello." As soon as Xixi sat down, he said hello to Elizabeth and Harrison with a smile, and then gently relaxed his breath: "fortunately, the last seat has caught up. This is a new product of boss Mai. It's incredible that there are still hesitating people."

"Hello." Harrison replied with a smile that as a frequent guest of the restaurant, he was familiar with the couple who liked to sprinkle dog food everyday. After they were seated, he felt a lot more relaxed.

"Hello." Elizabeth nodded slightly and looked at Xixi for a while. They didn't look like human beings, but they didn't look like elves. She couldn't see through them.

As a proud dragon, it has never appeared before in Elizabeth's life to compete with human beings.

But since she came to the Maimi restaurant, not only human beings, elves and even demons have competed with her.

This restaurant seems to have a wonderful atmosphere. When all the guests are immersed in their own delicious food, they will forget their own race and prejudice. They only see the food in front of them, so they can ignore who is sharing the table with you.

"A sweet bean curd, a Yangzhou fried rice, and..." Elizabeth looked up at abelmia and said, "a stinky bean curd."

The guests began to order, and MEG turned into the kitchen and began to get really busy.

"Boss, shall we try the new product of boss Mai?" Already in line to the door of Kiel some eager to look at Sargeras asked.

"Isn't it smelly? I hate smelly things. I don't want them anyway. " Said mond, shaking his head.

"Let's look at the price first. The third group of warriors are already on their way. We have to prepare enough holy rougamo for them. This unimportant new product may consume our limited holy rougamo." Sargeras said cautiously, shaking his head.

"This stinky tofu is 300 copper coins, and the price is the same as rougamo." At this time, one of the guests opens the menu.

"We buy sacred rougamo." Sargeras said seriously.

"I agree!" Kiel raised his hand seriously.

The Legion nodded in agreement.

The guests who decide to eat stinky tofu are not in a hurry. Three hundred copper coins is a small matter. If the stinky tofu is really stinky, the mood of the whole day may be affected. I'm sorry for other delicacies.

Elizabeth's Yangzhou fried rice and bean curd came up one after another, but stinky bean curd was not in a hurry. Until she finished eating the bean curd in the bowl, abemia came to her with a tray covered with a metal cover.

The guests' eyes fell on the tray one after another and craned their necks to know what the stinky tofu looked like and whether it was as heavy as McGonagall had said before.

But the metal cover was so tight that nothing could be seen inside.

"Your stinky tofu." Abelmia put the tray in front of Elizabeth, said with a smile, and reached for the handle of the lid.

Harrison subconsciously leaned back, and his mood became uneasy again. Other delicious food had just been eaten, and his happiness had reached the peak. If he was disgusted by the last dish, he would lose his life.

Xixi, on the other hand, looks forward with expectation, and looks at the tray with bright eyes. As a general escape, she also eats food from all over the mainland. As long as it's delicious food, she never cares about the smell.

"There are people in the world who really want to eat smelly food? It's really strange. "

"Yes, although I have great confidence in boss Mai, I can't have any good feelings for the smell anyway."

"I'm more worried about whether the odor will spread after the lid is removed, which will affect our meals?"

The guests murmured, and some of the guests who were eating the delicious food showed some worry on their faces.

Elizabeth's expression was calm, and she didn't seem to be worried, but her slight twinkling eyes showed her inner uneasiness. She took a look at abelmia and thought to herself, "since she says it's delicious, it's not wrong. I don't think the smell is too bad, and she's sitting."

Abemia held the lid and lifted it with a smile.

The heat is rising and the fragrance is overflowing.


Harrison almost jumped out of his chair, leaped two meters, and almost hit the table behind him.

Lu Lu, who had been sitting with a simple and honest smile, lost his smile, leaned back subconsciously, and the chair creaked, as if it would fall apart at any time.

Even Xi Xi, who has been looking forward to it all the time, suddenly covers his nose.

"Here it is

Elizabeth's expression no longer taut, instant color, suddenly rose in front of an ice wall, she and the table separated.

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