When the lid was lifted, the reaction of those sitting at the table was unexpected.

How can a fat man jump two meters away from his chair and let the Dragon raise the ice wall to try to isolate the air.

Even the guests at the table subconsciously leaned back, trying to stay further away from the table, so as not to be smoked by the smell.

Every time a new product comes out of Maimi restaurant, it makes people salivate. Unexpectedly, this time it makes people want to escape.

"Is that exaggeration?" MEG looked at the chaotic restaurant and had Amy and abemia try it this morning, but it seemed that the impact of the smell was still huge.

He began to regret that he didn't open the curtain before, and then let Amy sit at the table in front of the French window to eat. Without any recommendation, the guests would like to fly moths to the stinky tofu, which could not be pulled.

"I bet no one can eat this so-called stinky tofu! This smell is really too smelly! It's like... "Harrison looked at the stinky tofu on the table with lingering fear. For a moment, he didn't know what to use to describe the strong stink, but he said firmly:" no one can eat it anyway, or I'll run naked around Aden square! "

People are more firm in their own judgment, which is the description of the witness, with high credibility.

The guests who decide not to eat stinky tofu early smile for their wise choice, while many of the guests who choose to sit in the leftmost seat have decided to remove stinky tofu from today's order list, or to cancel the stinky tofu they have ordered.

"But why can't we smell that? And... It seems that except for the smell of the food on my table, I can't smell it as long as it's out of the range of this table? " At this time, a guest said in surprise.

The guests also heard and looked around one after another. Before that, many people felt that today's restaurant seemed to be different, but they couldn't tell why. Now when stinky tofu comes out, except that the table is affected by the stink, the other seats in the restaurant are not affected at all, which clearly reflects this difference.

The smell seems to be separated by an invisible wall. Even a powerful magician can't feel the existence of this wall. The wonderful isolation is amazing.

Of course, it's also a relief for the guests. If the taste is isolated, there's no need to worry about the loss of appetite. Boss Mai is really a considerate boss and considerate for the guests.

"After ordering, what should we do if we can't eat? Is boss Mai's new product a failure A guest asked in a low voice.

The eyes of the guests were drawn back to the stinky tofu in front of Elizabeth. The black stinky tofu was dotted with a handful of green coriander, which was neatly stacked on the blue and white porcelain plate, with thick but not thick brown black sauce on it. It looked very attractive.

If it's not for the stink, it's a delicious food that looks like you want to swallow.

But after personally smelling the smell, Harrison took streaking as a guarantee, determined that no one could bear the smell, so this dish has been excluded from the menu by most of the guests.

Mr. Mai is a genius. He has made a series of amazing food. His unique cooking methods and wonderful food materials bring wonderful taste and innovative food.

However, when genius is unavoidable, most of the guests will understand it.

"I'm already looking forward to the next new product." One of the guests said with a smile, scooping up a spoonful of fried rice and feeding it to his mouth. The stronger the smile on his face.

The guests' eyes fell on Elizabeth, wondering how she would deal with the situation.

Since the opening of Maimi restaurant, it seems that there has never been any dissatisfaction with the taste of food. However, Elizabeth, who is separated by an ice wall in front of her, doesn't look like the person who will finish the stinky tofu in front of her.

"It's really fragrant, super delicious..." Yabei Miya thought anxiously in her heart that the stinky tofu was so delicious, but she was completely misunderstood at this time.

Just like she did not taste before, but after tasting, she fell in love with the taste. But if the guests give up because of the smell, the delicious food developed by the boss will be wasted.

Elizabeth's good-looking eyebrows wrinkled. At that moment, she almost couldn't resist changing back into dragon body. The smell was so strong that she had never smelled such a strange smell in her whole life. She didn't have a little defense.

The ice dragon is the most clean dragon among the dragon people. The ice island is frozen all the year round. There are no sundries, and there is no peculiar smell. The food is more particular. Cleanliness is only the minimum standard. If there is any peculiar smell, it will be ruled out.

Now the stinky tofu in front of us has gone beyond the scope of the smell. If it wasn't for yabeimia, she would have left here.

"This stinky tofu..." Elizabeth's voice was low.

"It's not a bad smell, but a strong fragrance. Because the fragrance is too strong, it turns into a bad smell. But if you feel it carefully, there is no impurity in the fragrance. It's pure and attractive." Abelmia, a little anxious, snatched the words and looked at Elizabeth sincerely with a trace of expectation.

There are many familiar guests, but at this moment, she is the one she wants to ask most. Elizabeth, who comes to the restaurant alone, sometimes asks her some strange questions.

Elizabeth, who had been ready to refuse, looked into abelmia's sincere pleading eyes, hesitated for a moment, and reexamined the stinky tofu in front of her.

The smell behind the ice wall is much thinner than before. It's not as strong as it was when I first uncovered it. Despite the first impression, I can feel it carefully, and the smell gradually disappears. There is indeed a trace of fragrance in the smell.

With the concentration of her attention, the fragrance gradually became stronger, no longer pungent, but a little attractive, Elizabeth's eyebrows gradually spread.


The ice wall breaks, and it turns into nothingness before landing, and the blocked smell comes again.

But this time Elizabeth did not raise the ice wall, but closed her eyes to feel the smell of the shop.

It's really not a bad smell, but a pure rich to extreme fragrance.

The restaurant has been quiet, guests look at Elizabeth in surprise, obviously did not expect that she would remove the ice wall, facing the seemingly unbearable smell.

"What does she want to do?" Harrison muttered, puzzled.

Elizabeth opened her eyes, then picked up chopsticks, picked up a piece of stinky tofu and fed it to her mouth.

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