Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?
Lesson 29: How to Condolence
14 Aug 7442
The end of summer is approaching. On a hot day, today and today, the five of us challenge the labyrinth. I've dived into the labyrinth many times, so I'm familiar with the other monster opponent's battles. But it's not like I can be caught off guard. If you make a mistake, you'll get hurt, and there's even death ahead of you. The three avant-gardes don't even know how many more injuries they've had. It's more or less an afternoon when the focus always starts to run out before the person who comes out is forced to suffer an injury and retreat. That's true today. Zulu's leg was hurt without attacking Knoll, who advanced with a crude spear.
As soon as I go in for cover and destroy the enemy, I will heal Zulu's wounds. Zulu apologizes for sounding sorry, but I'm not angry either. Sure, I was alarmed. I'm sorry about Zulu, but I couldn't cover for Zulu because I thought he would be okay. Me and Bell have a problem, and I'm running out of focus because I'm proceeding carefully. Even Zulu's legs will still be sore, so it's a little early, but will he turn around today?
That's when I was ripping out poor Knoll's chest trying to pick Knoll's demon stone with that in mind. The words that mean "help me" that people's voices have heard from somewhere would be nothing but people's voices. Two and a half months after I started diving into the labyrinth, this is the first time I've met someone alive adventurer inside. We stared into the back of the cave where our voices rang as we looked at each other. Of course I don't see anything, but I do. This would be like animal habit.
"What do we do?
Ralpha asked. She is undergoing a rigorous and magical training. I guess he also wants to use magic freely soon, he doesn't complain much, he's dawning in training like he does every day, but it will still take about a month for the level of unmagic to reach 1. It's a waste of time to create that the MP didn't grow in the last level up. The kind of labyrinth row that was meant to fight these days itself is actually like most of it is meant to level up Ralpha.
"Let's move on as we see how it goes"
When I answered, Bell pinched my mouth.
"But I heard you help me. I think we should hurry."
Her tone is also quite shattered and softened. But since you're trying to talk politely to me, you don't even have to bother fixing it, so I'm leaving you alone. She learned no magic the other day. Now I'm training as well as Ralpha, but in less than a week the level will rise. Boasting more than 30 times the amount of Ralpha, MP is also very effective in earning magical experience, which is enough to make Ralpha feel a little sad. Xenom says to such a bell.
"We don't need to hurry. It's all self-inflicted in the labyrinth. I'm not asking you not to help, and I'm not telling you not to help. But this is a place I've never been before. There may be a trap. If I rush to help, and I get trapped, I can't even see it."
Always calm and settled Zenome is the pillar of the party. There is a saying in his words, and everyone shall make the advice good. Naturally, so am I.
When I washed my hands with water magic, I wiped my hands, and when I widened the map, I double-checked my current location. Judging by the surrounding terrain that's been transferred, this is probably where we are right now. If the map is correct, about 100 meters ahead, the cave turns to the left, and then goes a little further, it leads to the large room. There's got to be two other caves connected to that big room besides the one we're going to move on to. Yes, I bought a map, but this map was the food. It seems pretty wrong, and the location of the trap is described but very inadequate. Pretty much more than none, so I treasure it, but it's not something I can put my credibility on very completely.
Zulu is looking at me checking the map. He'll have something to say, too, but he doesn't have to slap his mouth until I say so. Good man.
"Well, Xenom, I'll take the lead with you. Put Zulu in the middle, Belle, Ralpha behind you, please."
I briefly instructed him to leave Knoll's body and take the sword. Walk out carefully alongside the Xenom. Xenom advances while tapping the floor with a rod about 3 m long. A bend that breaks almost to the left, the sound of a Xenom rod slamming the floor around saying changed. A trap. We walked along the edge of the cave avoiding the trap, and as we passed the trap, we proceeded again towards the hall that was supposed to be ahead.
The call for help is still ongoing. Because I turned the corner, or it's getting bigger. I am.
"We're going now! Come on!"
He proceeded carefully with Xenom without committing anything that would only speak but still raise the pace foolishness. Did you hear my voice, Lord of Voices?
"It's slime! Watch out!
and gave us advice. Slime...... I've only seen one out of Barkud in the past. My magic will be the only thing that can make an attack on him.
"It only works magic for slime. I've only seen it once in the past. I just have to burn it down with fire.... he may not be able to help..."
When I said that, I picked up a pole from Xenom and took the lead. It seems Slime will melt the victim by enveloping him when I hear it from Zachary Doksh, the Barkud hunter. It would be too much of a different way of dying to be melted alive. It would be better for him to at least kill him with ease. I thought so.
I didn't look back, but I felt signs of everyone following me. You lovers. Oh, are you going to pick a demon stone? Even I've never picked a demon stone for a Pu or a sub... you guys seriously willing to cut people's breasts open? Whatever Zenom would have done for years running adventurers, even Ralpha, Belle and Zulu are willing to do that? Let's put it down now.
I approached the hall so close that I could peek into it, peeking into the dreaded hall. The hall is about 30 m square in size, with walls and ceilings emitting bright lights just like any other labyrinth. Inside the room, a hell of a painting was unfolding, even like a snort cry. Ralpha and Bell "hissed" behind me.
Dark green mucus was scattered throughout the room, swallowing the adventurer's party. Four people have stopped moving already. He falls all over the place and is wrapped around his body in slime. There is one shadow that is swallowed up to the chest in the corner of the room, with a sword held in the right arm that leaves only a little freedom, and is tending to scrape (it is) off the slime that wants to envelop the left arm and head.
He admits we are.
"Ha, help me! These guys, there's nothing you can do! Whatever you do, you're not gonna die!
I've been screaming. Anyway, we just have to do something. When I put the sword back on my shoulder, I spread my hands and pointed them inside the room. The only thing I can do is burn it down just the one I can cook on "Flames Lower". I burned and killed the interrupting slime to the man screaming, stopping by the man. The man is still trying to scrape off the slime with his sword, but it's obvious how wasted an effort it is. I guess it's only a matter of time before this guy gets swallowed up in the slime too and slowly dissolves, digests and absorbs after he chokes. I just have to do what I can.
I adjusted "Flame Slower" to a thin gas-burner shape, and when I adjusted not to burn a man's body, I brought the magic closer to a man nearly wrapped in slime. Slime showed a rapid movement where magic arrived on the slime almost. The mucus-shaped slime, which was only moving slowly to cover the man's entire body, circled the moment it sensed the flame. Well, I didn't expect it, so I don't deserve to be surprised, but the problem is that the round place was the furthest from the flames, while there was a body of slime. I mean, it circled around the man's chest like a contraction. Because I guess the volume itself doesn't change. It would have just created a sphere of mucus around a man's chest.
Yeah, stay. Don't die. With that in mind, I now spread the flame of 'Flames Lower'. The man, wrapped in slime around his belly at the bottom around his chest and his head at the top, rolled around feeling the fear of suffocation death and the heat of the flames burning his lower body. But it looks like he succeeded in killing Slime. It didn't take that long to fly 'Flame Slower' all over the room to kill all the visible slimes, keeping the pimply and spasmodic man intact.
Anyway, the monster, the immediate danger, eliminated it. Next would be the treatment of this man. I cured a man with healing magic when I leaned beside him. appraise at the same time. The man is 24. Level 8. As an adventurer, I would have just said, rush out to the middle. It must be a fellow man, the Zenoms dragging the bodies together to collect them. At the same time I can see Ralpha and Bell picking up the demon stone with an unpleasant face out of the dead slime (although it originally only looks like a dirty water hoard because it's a mucus-shaped body).
When I appraised the body, Slime was a guy named Green Slime. It was dark green, dirty mucus like algae floating around, so I thought it wasn't like the brown slime I used to see, but it still seemed different.
Anyway, the guy's recovered, so he'll be able to talk.
"It was a dangerous place. But I burned all the slime to death, so you'll be fine now."
When I say that, the man...
"Oh, oh... thanks. I'm Turner. It's Turner Dollar Leon. And you?
That's what I said, so I named this one. Then the man says as impressed.
"But that's an amazing magic arm. I wish I could use all this magic..."
Saying so, Turner bit his lips with regret when he saw the corpse of his companion lined up beside him.
Still, the burn pain would remain, but the man stuck a knife to the chest of his dead companion as he rose to his temper. He took out the demon stone when he opened his eyes while I was caught open. I guess I was watching that, Bell shook my hand tight with his trembling hand. You look pale. Maybe my complexion is pretty bad, too. At the same time, my anger creeps up. What the hell is this guy doing, chopping up his buddy's body!
I couldn't look at it, so I tried to call him, and Turner cried, holding the bloody hand holding the first demon stone to his chest.
"~ ~ ~! Alice... Alice..."
What? What? What is it? This?
"This is the first time I've seen you take demon stones from people? There's quite a few of them."
Ralpha approached us softly and told us. Right, something like an artifact... I did know it as knowledge. When I was in Barkud, I saw the funeral about five times in total. One of them was when Horndbear killed six people at a time. At all the funerals, the bodies were burned in the river plains, the demon stones were removed from the remaining bones and buried. Bones and ashes were flowing straight into the river. It did make demon stones into remains. Survivors dig deep holes so no one can see them in the middle of the night and bury demonic stones there.
The place is anywhere. Wherever I liked the dead person, in the corner of the field, in the garden. Anyway, just one person needs to know so someone doesn't dig it up. When I heard that, I was convinced that religious views would be different, and that the very idea of building a tomb was different. I don't feel primitive in the sense of going back to nature, but all over the world, I felt natural from the shrine teaching that God dwells in all things. There's nothing I can't say cremation for once, and I didn't question anything back then.
But sometimes you die in the labyrinth like this. Naturally cremation is not a long thing to do. Conversely, I was so solidified in my head that if a person died, I would cremate the bodies of four of his associates that I thought it was bone to carry them to where he had transferred them.
elsewhere grieving him. Xenom and Zulu silently fished the pockets of dirty bodies with mucus, divided their wallets and other valuables, and sought and collected scattered swords and spears. Apparently, this room was a nest of slimes, and swords, shields, spears, etc. were stored in considerable quantities. Patterns, wooden parts, etc. rot and are no longer useful, but there are quite a few parts that are likely to be sold. Anything new yet would surely have been used by fellow Turners.
With a glimmer of demon stone in his grief, Turner broke his curse and the chest of his other companions, and took out the demon stone. In the meantime, we inspected the artifacts and divided them between what was likely to be sold and what could only be trashed. All of his people's weapons will still be sufficiently useful, but even though I said I helped him, I wonder how it would be to sell off the belongings of someone who was one of them and turn them into gold, anyway. His buddy's weapon has two swords, two spears, and one shield. The rest won't belong to his people, rust floating, three swords with a rotten pattern and one rotten spear with a pattern. There are four spears that have become just the tip of the ear. This is the only thing that's going to sell. There were metal parts that were part of the shield and so on, but this is rubbish. And then there's the cash from outside of his buddy's pocket for a total of about 1.2 million Z.
I guess I finished taking all the demon stones from my buddies when I got organized so far, Turner called out.
"I'm sorry. Give me a break for the money. All my money."
That being said, Turner took out his wallet and flipped it. There is one golden ju mixed among silver and copper coins. Well, if you want me to, I'll take it. I put his buddy's gear on a shield and said that when the spear was roped and wrapped, I would give it to him along with the wallet that came out of the body.
"Okay. Thank you very much. And this is the relic of your people. Please take it home."
"Are you sure?
Turner says as surprised. I wouldn't have gone like this if I hadn't given you all the money first.
Yes, of course.
When I said that, Turner took it with a thankful look on his face.
"Thank you. Thank you. You just got help, even your buddy's artifacts..."
"Never mind. You already thanked me, didn't you? More than that, are you okay on your own?
When I say that, Turner...
"You'll be fine. We've walked quite a bit so far, but since there was no division on the main road, there shouldn't be any demons to the crystal of metastasis."
I replied.
"Really, well, be careful"
Turner again thanked us for the heavy gear and walked to a different cave than we had come. His figure disappeared and Xenom said after a while.
"I've been watching what I do, but I didn't know I'd give you all the artifacts, including my wallet..."
The tone sounded ironic, but the expression was laughing.
"Thank you very much..."
When I say that, Ralpha will.
"I don't miss one of Goblin's demon stones. There's Al the moneymaker..."
And I've been teasing you. You bastard...... who's the moneyguard.
"You find out if the demon stone is rolling yet. I forgot to look for the victim's demon stone when I was in the moose."
That's what I said and got rid of it. Look for it in the appraisal? Idiot, even if you use your appraisal vision, every stone on the ground increases its luminosity whenever you move your gaze. Only demon stones can increase their luminosity. It's such a convenience. Everything you see at the end of your gaze is subject to appraisal. I hate to be mistaken, so I'll give you another look here, but only those subject to the appraisal at the end of my gaze increase in brightness. Select it to click in your consciousness to appraise it. Perhaps all but gaseous objects are subject to appraisal. Even if there were a lot of little stones, choosing only demonic stones from among them would usually take a lot of work. And, yeah, suppose someone armored their whole body with sheet metal armor, for example. I may not be able to appraise that person. Because it is difficult to fix your gaze behind the slit of the helmet. You can do it if you don't move in front of me for a while or something. Besides, I wouldn't have a problem with my hair if it was creeping me out.
"But I think Mr. Al is right. I'm sure he doesn't feel good about taking his people's artifacts."
That's what Bell told me. Yeah, yeah, here's what a buddy has to do.
"I am glad to serve your husband"
That's what Zulu told me. Right or right. It's good to have a good slave, too.
He gave Ralpha the honor of taking the demon stone of Knoll, which he threw out on his way home to take the demon stone. Oh, I burned and killed nearly 30 slimes. I got a level up and got to 11.
Once the loot was disposed of along with the Demon Stone, it totaled over 2 million Z. Naturally, it's a separate account for what I received from Turner as a gratuity. Someday some of me will rule to give out a bonus of 10,000 Z. for every 500,000 Z. I will pay each of Zenom, Ralpha and Bell four silver coins as bonuses, and they will be disbanded until dinner. I was told I was going back to "Boyle Pavilion".
It's from Madame Ronslyle. Apparently one slave has arrived that seems suitable for my glasses. Do you want to go?
Hurry up and take a shower and get dressed, I started walking to 'Slave Shop, Ron Slyle'. I hope a good slave has arrived. There's no doubt that increasing the number of parties will improve your combat power, but I think it's a lot easier to explore the labyrinth using nerves than that. Don't you have one that specializes in trap discovery? If so, I would hire even if the guide fee was somewhat high.
When I arrived at "Slave Shop, Ron Slyle," I spoke up to Madam.
"Welcome, Master Gried. Have you heard the message?
This is how you put it, Madam.
"Yeah, I was contacted that a good slave had arrived at the corner. I thought I'd take a look."
When I said that, Madame smiled nicely but immediately said clouding her expression.
"I think I'm a good combat slave... not from a wartime prisoner..."
Well, a slave from a wartime prisoner is desirable, you just have to have good arms, so you just have to let me try it, and I won't complain.
"Really, no, it's okay. Let me take a look."
Did Madame feel relieved when I said that, she pulled back in again.
After waiting for a while as usual, Madame, who showed up again, came to get me. When he followed him and walked through the door, four figures lined up. From the edge he began to look first to check his face and physique. All stature would not be bad in that race.
"The woman on the far right is the recommended slave this time."
Identify slaves recommended by Madame.
[Marceau Engella/12/8/7442 Marceau Engella/20/8/7421]
[Female/14/9/7422 · Dog Race · Ron Slyle Family Owned Slave]
[Condition: Good]
[Age: 20]
[Level: 6]
[HP: 90 (90) MP: 4 (4)]
[Muscle Strength: 13]
[Jun Min: 17]
[Dexterity: 10]
[Endurance: 14]
[Special Skill: Little Magic]
[Special Skill: Super Olfactory]
[Experience: 36128 (43000)]
Hmm. Not bad, but why would I recommend this guy? I don't care if the facial makeup is like ten people. But what about it? If you're not a wartime prisoner, what the hell are you selling?
"She was released from a group of adventurers who suffered devastating damage the other day. So we've been in the labyrinth many times, so there won't be a problem."
Oh, you know what?
"Really? But let me check your arm."
When I said that, Madame had a working man bring two wooden swords. In the meantime, I tried to appraise the rest of them just in case, but there was no slave to touch my harp line. Upon receiving the wooden sword, he gave one to Engela and told her as she headed into the backyard.
"I can use healing magic. I can heal you if you get hurt, so you can hit me in for real without worrying. If you want to be bought by me, you better not lose your hand."
Engela's skin, seen nearby, had small scratches everywhere. I guess there wasn't anybody in the past who could use the magic of healing.
Actually, if you try it, you're on your arm. Well, I just said there. If it's my party, my arms are going to fall in the order of me, Xenom, Ralpha, Zulu and Belle in the White Soldiers Battle, but they're going to have enough arms to fall a little bit more than Belle somehow. I had obviously added or subtracted or inched it so that I could not scratch Engela as much as I could, and both were intact because my arms weren't bad enough to take Engela's sword. That's good.
"You, how long have you been in the Labyrinth of Balduk?
That's what I asked.
"It's just about a year ago. But of those days, I haven't been to the labyrinth at all for about three months."
"Right. How many have you served before?
"It's all three of us. My first husband immediately sold me back to my hometown. Later, after a while, I served another husband, who, when he sold me too, returned to his hometown. That next husband is the last one. It was a party of 10, but the other day, there was a fight that only allowed six of us to survive by letting me in. Your husband then sold me to this store. He said he was going home."
I see.
"My first husband bought you?
"No. I'm from a serf. By saying your first husband could be an adventurer, he took three slaves, including me, out of his hometown."
Are you from a serf? But you're from a serf and you have talent for being able to use this much sword.
I said I'd turn back to Madame Ronslyle.
"What is the price of this woman?
"I have labyrinth experience, so it's 6.5 million Z."
Um, it's cheap compared to Zulu, but it's a woman. The market for regular combat slaves is between 6Z and 7Z for women and between 6.5Z and 7.5Z for men. It gets even higher when you are a soldier or a squire from. Something about knights is so expensive that your eyes pop out. I guess this dog slave named Engela is somewhat higher because he is from a serf but has a proven track record of surviving months in the labyrinth.
"You've seen the arm of the sword, haven't you? Is that still that price?
I wondered if I could treat Engela like a child.
"... what about 6.3 million Z?
Hmm, well, fine.
"Okay, I'll buy her for 6.3 million Z."
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