9 Feb 7445

I'll be in the labyrinth again tomorrow. It's time to finish your run and we're all having breakfast. A face I found out about appeared in the store. The man belonged to Sunlight (Sun Ray) and was Hulkaine Hoomiz, thirty men avant-garde using round shields (Round Shield) and battle sticks (Mace).

Hoomiz slowly looked around the store and came and talked to me as I was shelling while protecting the boiled eggs from Ralpha, who had just finished eating his share. Look, you don't know. You imbecile. I'm busy right now.

"Um, Mr. Greed. May I have a moment, please?"

"Oh, oh, what is it?

That's enough, I'll do it.... I wanted to eat it because it looks like an unusual egg that gave it special bait and turned yellow, a specialty of what is a village or city north of the Wang capital, but I was also ashamed to be seen obsessed with one egg in front of others, so I gave it up and gave it to Ralpha.

"Well, let me get right to it. In Killers (Slaters) I heard you were looking for a battle slave who could use a shield. I'm not a slave, but can I help you?

This guy's level is seventeen, so "Charm People" magic has the potential to fail. It won't be possible to hear out the sincerity.

"In time, Mahu."

Ralpha answered sooner than I did. How dare you answer that, farting bug? He gave me a span in the back of Ralpha's head with his right hand, and the boiled egg that was in his mouth popped out. Take it with your left hand and put it on the dish in front of you and say a response. Isn't it half ripe? Me, you like half mature.

"Er, you're a member of Sunlight (Sun Ray), aren't you? I hope you'll excuse me for rubbing it."

Mean Ralpha has half the boiled eggs that popped up in her mouth again.

"Oh, I'm late for my offer. My name is Hulkaine Hoomiz from Sunshine (Sun Ray). If you can use me, I will tell you that Sunshine will quit today."

These guys Sunshine (Sun Ray) think of us as kids and they don't lick us and they don't come in a lot of mouth. This point would be a beauty that is honestly praiseworthy, which is hard to see by the coarse oath people. Well, I found two of my deviant buddies and protected them, and I let them use the five-storey shower room, so I wouldn't be able to slap a licked mouth.

"Quitting... is that right... But you know it's a problem to be slandered for pulling out, so you can't accept that."

Naturally, there are no rules among Balduk adventurers that punish pull-outs or anything. But of course, I'm interested. Especially when it comes to getting out of the top team or when its members switch saddles to another party, the Adventurers talk in an instant. Forceful pull-outs are possible, but there is no good reason to listen.

"Of course I know. More and more people are yearning for killers (Slaters), mainly young, even members of Sunshine (Sun Ray). I can't say I'm young anymore, but I still want to go into the labyrinth with a better earned party. I don't know what to say, but we can't beat those guys yet."

That would be so. Even though he is much younger than Xenom, his level is already seventeen. Besides, there's no avant-garde guy on the top team with poor prowess. By and large, how much daylight (Sun Ray) wrinkles in gold do you get paid for that?

"But it is. Our numbers are already capped, too. Well, before we do that, we need Mr. Lindbell to officially acknowledge your departure. If not, I'm not willing to tell you anything."

Everyone's stopped eating and watching me and Hoomiz. Everyone's expression clearly has the expression, "This guy, he's suspicious." Yeah, I know. Even I think it's suspicious.

"There has been a disagreement between us about how to distribute rewards for about two years now. It's been almost three years since I joined Sunshine (Sun Ray), too. I got the skill, etc. I needed to make money in the labyrinth, and I could have been on my own...... I'm not sure, and it's up to me to look at the rumored killer (Slaters) who's making the most money there right now."

If I'm being honest, I can like it in a way. But if you've come to explore our feelings or if you're going to cut us off from the inside, I just want to cut the story off and forget about this guy. But if you're going to dive in, I think I'm going to tell you a little more about why it looks like that... is it camouflage?

"... I'm not interested in how Daylight (Sun Ray) distributes its rewards. Even if your prowess was better than any of us, we have our decision, and we don't intend to treat you as special as you.... After talking to Mr. Lindbell, we won't be able to join unless we discuss it again, and to be honest, if he suddenly asks me to join now, I won't get back to you right away."

Hoomiz didn't even look sorry when he heard from me. I guess I had some anticipation.

"I understand. I will be dispersed for today. Excuse me during dinner."

So he turned back his heel and left the store.

"You cut right in from the front..."

Stewed cabbage (very bad because the flavoring hasn't been kept busy. but Xenom likes to eat) while eating Xenom said.

"Cut in and say... there won't be anyone to let you in like that..."

I answered as Bell put a shelled boiled egg on a small plate of mayonnaise. Eat with salt. Is the oil of mayonnaise absorbed by this guy's chest?

"I guess I'd be happy to admit it or try it first."

Mizuchi was added while loosening the dried mayonnaise and soothing it in bread. I should have made that menu this morning. Sounds delicious.

"Does that mean there will be another aspirant for accession from the second and third sunlight (Sun Ray)?

Tris said as he thinly sliced the boiled egg with a small knife and put it on a bread coated with mayonnaise. It's a certain thickness, no matter how you look at it. This guy can eat at the diner, right? Use magic (MP) in a way that's a little more effective. Well, fine.

"Well, it must be a trap, and can I turn it all down and leave it alone?

Looks like Guine's not really interested. Looks like you're so busy getting boiled beans from a large plate to your own small plate.

"I don't know, I'll take care of it."

Bastral had renounced the thought itself. More than that, I'd say it's a good idea to tear every time you eat rice. You've been eating like this for over a month now, haven't you?

"Hey, that bacon, if you don't want it, you can have it."

Don't reach for the thick-cut bacon on my previous plate before I hear back. I won't do it. Eh, apprentice Zulu or Engela for a little while. They're eating properly without complaining about a single salary less than you. It's also true that if you just eat, you're giving them too much money. If you want to eat, order in front of me, seriously...

"Why are you so mean? I see the face of my parents..."

Xenom seemed sorry at the end of the table. I didn't mean to say that. It's the Aya of words.

From beyond Ralpha next to me, Mizuchi put a Mayneigh sandwich in front of Ralpha. He looked a little surprised, but had a quick bite to eat and had a nagging.

Eat well. Come on.

Can't you thank me enough, you.

Then Durrow there.

Don't spoil this guy, too.

Yeah, well, hey, I haven't even tried it lately, but now you can [force formation (partisan)]? I don't care if you can't.

In the afternoon, after finishing his magic training with Mizci, as he was walking through the city of Balduk towards the inn, he saw Giberti buying out groceries for the labyrinth after tomorrow. I occasionally run into this place because I give Giberti money for groceries, condiments, etc. apart from salaries.

Looks like he's buying pork and chicken at the butcher's. When I saw the butcher, I also sold Matt Turtle meat. Mat turtles are not as big as elephant turtles, but they are big turtles. A little further north, they're rolling through the meadows. Tastes good boiled or baked. I have eaten spoons many times in my previous life, but since then I have felt less gelatinous, would it be easy to tell?

Anyway, the food is good there so it has a pretty good price. He said that he was a big caravan or something, and he would load a couple of them in the carriage and dismantle them when he ate them. I can also say that it is a good portable food because I can always eat fresh meat because I live for quite a long time without eating anything.

It seems to have been challenged for a long time about livestock husbandry, but what it's all about is reptiles. They bite the breeder's fingers off a thousand times, and they're not sure about the feed, treating it like a bonus character that gets caught when they occasionally see him urinating the meadow.

Whatever it takes, it's rare to line up at Barduk's butcher shop.... and we reincarnators should celebrate our birthdays as we dive in this labyrinth. This would be an exciting place.

"Ah, your husband. I was going to add a little more meat this time..."

"Yeah, right. Giberti, I don't care about pork, so buy a matte turtle for that.... Look, you can buy a little more."

That's what I said and made Giberti change the order while I gave him some money.

"Oh, I wanted to use this guy once! Expect this meal."

"Oh yeah...... yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I'll have something delicious."

"Yeah, of course. You're all told in the labyrinth that you're only about as excited about eating. It's worth the swing of your arm."

Well, yeah. Right. Other than rice, it's like when you get a demon stone account or a demon tool, and that's more fun than fun. Well, don't worry if you leave the food to Giberti.

We broke up with Giberti and went to the inn again.

A face I've known for a long time walks in. There are two Slave Lions (Lios) in Falergers and Heroskol. They seem to be buying out too. Speaking of which, the other day when we talked, he said he went into the labyrinth again on his head this month.

And even so, the money earned at that time was 240,000 Z, which was a huge deficit if we paid for the guide fee or whatever (100,000 for the guide, 70,000 for the admission tax, 10,000 for the head to the guide, and just 15,000 for the rest divided into four people. I would have to pay my slaves, and it would be a huge deficit), so the guide said no more hiring.

The other side noticed us, so we've been having a meeting, so I gave it back.

Well, struggle to the point of not dying. Think about what Balduk adventurers are making money from, how they're trying to avoid danger, and why it's so hard to make money from demon stones with that skin. At last, you should know that adventurers are just gourds who only like words. I don't know why, but it seems like you two are both admiring the word adventurer.

There was no room, financially or mentally, for me to fail in the labyrinth. I think you guys are off to a pretty good start on the Balduk adventurer. First of all, you probably have the biggest advisor like me. Good luck with that.

I went back to the Boyle Pavilion, showered and dressed, then slowed down a little and went out for dinner with everyone.

10 Feb 7445

It was an unpleasant sky with light rain on the morning of the night. The foggy light rain wrapped around it and was very uncomfortable. We killers (Slaters) aim for the entrance square as soon as possible only to escape into the labyrinth at a time like this. It was when I was walking down the entrance square toward the building that covered the entrance to the labyrinth.

"Hmm? 'Gun'?

I heard a surprise when I was walking in what I would call the passage of a killer (Slaughters), a flower path that is common on the top team. Turning to you reflexively, Falergers and Heroskol were following their slaves and arming themselves. I guess it's meeting Kumir and Lutz. I didn't see them.

"Hey, is that a 'gun'? Oh, no, you're not. Excuse me."

I keep an eye out for a gunsword with a stunningly eye-opening hero scoll hanging on my shoulder with a strap.

'It's just the shape. I just remember when I was a self-defense officer and I use it.'

'Ugh, well. Were you in the militia......'

'A long time ago, it was just a few years ago. So...'

That said, he turned forward again and stepped into the labyrinth.

That night, when I slept in a crystal chamber with three layers of metastasis, I was surprised to see the gunsword and at the same time wondering about Falergers and Heroskol, who looked nostalgic and looked at this one, whether they felt the scent of pre-reincarnation Japan in a shape that mimicked a 64-style small gun.

Why do they have this admirable feeling about adventurers? Is it because the spirit is young? Of course, I can't deny that, but there may be some other reason. They were the elite of the Orthodox, so to speak, who received the reign of the Orthodox knight in Count Falergers' territory. When I think about it in common sense, it's a little unusual to choose an adventurer to work, especially one who goes into the labyrinth.

Balduk adventurers do make a lot of money, but they're basically always short of money. Drink cheap liquor in an inexpensive tavern and hold a woman who is too young or too old, one or two big copper coins overnight in a whorehouse. More than half the adventurers will one day be killed by demons in the back of the labyrinth. It's a tough world where only a handful can be called successful.

If you're going to live normally, even the same adventurer won't get into the labyrinth, and the average convenience store adventurer can be described as better.

Each adventurer who challenges the Labyrinth of Balduk wants a lot of money because of unstoppable circumstances to stop, or the other unsightly cannon that comes from his youth, and only the guy who is confident in his arms aside from whether this one is the majority, but really matches. Even me, no matter how many reincarnators I say, I'd have lost my temper to try if I knew the reality without this much magic. Must have taken the time to get up the bloodpath to business in the tunnel.

But the reincarnated have the knowledge they were born with, the ability to think about basing it, and the ability to grow excellent flesh. Knowledge is a tremendous weapon. First, the imagination becomes the difference between heaven and earth compared to the ordinary Aus people thanks to their knowledge backed thinking skills. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the same as winning a new life.

There must have been a time when all the guys around me looked stupid and dumb. Naturally. We reincarnators know all kinds of useful tools, and we learn their working principles and have them as knowledge. Because I lived touching them in the culture, civilization that I went on. Oh, regardless of civilization, can't we say at all whether culture is progressing?

He also has a high level of education that is not even comparable to an oath and makes it his own naturally. I must have learned a lot from the history of the Earth in the past. Knowledge makes it possible to imagine and challenge new things with some certainty. In the tenth century or at the level of our culture and civilization, our thinking skills and thinking methods will be truly foreign.

It's weirder not to be able to succeed if you don't get flushed, keep yourself, and be patient without giving up. 'Cause there's not a single guy around who's even had an elementary education. Occasionally a guy who is unusually good at thinking from the average comes out and is called a hero and founds a nation.

However, it would be possible to surpass even Nobunaga Oda, who was said to be Kirinko, if a high school student or college student from modern Japan was reincarnated into the Warring States and was born "into the mind” of his eldest son, Takeda, who is Uesugi. Instead, they should have been destroyed the most before they showed up at the head corner. Oh, this is different. I'm talking about whether you know history.

Well, even if you didn't know, if you were so careful collecting information, you could learn the fact that someone named Nobunaga Oda, who would sooner or later launch a progressing measure, is in the same generation. At that time, if you have a strong sense of purpose, it will be a choice between being flexible to add to your subordination as soon as possible, or using any means to target assassinations if that is not possible, or waging war and destroying them. Otherwise I'll either honestly obey you.

There may not be a great deal of difference between centuries or there, but if it is open for centuries or a thousand years, the differences in knowledge and thinking methods it possesses can be enormous. Fortunately, many parts of this oath are very similar to the Earth of the past. Also, there are too many parts that are very similar to the other unfortunate things, so the power of the individual is respected just like the old earth. For better or worse, it's still a barbaric world. I was not lucky enough to be a slave class, and I was born with some leeway, so I was able to move on to personal empowerment first.

I didn't get the power I have now easily, but I feel like I'm cheating. But there's no mistake that even this cheat is my power. Making the most of it or not is my chest three inches and I just thought I'd make the most of it. It's obviously a cheat against the Orth people, but I don't feel any draw against the reincarnators.

Differences in birth are just luck, and if you start saying that, you must be the luckier guy than me. Falergers or something would be typical of that. Better use of your card than having to compete with the cards you have is an essential ability to live your life.

Heroskol said he was an old man when he died in his previous life, so he knew about it, but somehow he looked at me like he was cheating. I don't quite show that part of the conversation, but maybe it's my complex that I can't help but think so. Even so, I don't think I need to change one thing in the future.

How many people will follow me when the culture and ethics of the Japanese background of the reincarnators, starting with them, and the goals supported by my desires, deviate decisively?

I wouldn't have the human charm to attract people like a great man who existed in the past. I wouldn't say zero at all, but you'd better assume zero. So it always takes some consideration to attract people. You can't say anything because it depends on them, but just remember that you can't expect to work. It needs to be remembered in the liver.

Huh? Except for the fact that the pro-clan score bill is as good as Ralpha's but Belle. Those five and Mizuchi are out of bounds. Because... the... don't make me say it, it's embarrassing.

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